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Is this button broken?

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35 minutes ago, DragonAlex said:

You mean direct into waste paper bin?^^

Hooo not far from truth actually !


If I refer to NC staff statements, they're banning around 100 bots each days, though, I don't know if they select the ones that have been reported through this "broken button". In fact, I think NO because of all the cheaters in SSP which have been cheating there for weeks, reported many many times, and still there happilly cheating !


If I refer to NC staff statements again, they are working on a long term solution to get rid of this bot plague more efficiently (because we know each bot banned will create new account ofc). In fact, I really wonder how much time do they need to create this magical tool because I found that, actually, bots are still rampant on Korean Servers which have been live since 4 years now !


For proof, you can see this video from Korean Servers on January 2016 : 


When I saw this, I completely lost any hope of seeing one day bot-free arenas, and above all, lost faith in NCSoft Statements regarding the bots affair...


Edit : Haha, did they really moved this topic from "General Discussion" to "Player-to-Player support" ??? :o

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