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Which items are worth unlocking/unsealing?


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My inventory's filled with lockboxes and sealed stuff, I was wondering which ones are worth using keys/unseals on?


  • Locked viridian/plague/etc weapon box, blue name. Is this just fodder?
  • Sealed soul shields from Blackram Narrow, purple name. Is this better than the blue set I got from exchanging viridian valor stones from that NPC?
  • Locked boss chests (from the giant toad boss in Pond Vale). Seems to drop a random gem or gem fragment
  • Any sealed jewelry, blue name. Are these just fodder as well?


So far I only used keys/unseals on breakthrough material and nothing else, and my inventory's getting really cluttered due to all these locked/sealed stuff.



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 Depends  if you have tons of charms or gold, most will not,  while leveling only unseal items you need,  most items even when unsealed are still only worth 2/3 coppers at a vendor, while unsealing charms are like 10+ silver each. 

 Yes the locked weapon box's are just fodder, ,but cost keys to open, and while leveling plenty fodder drops from mobs, although Keys are easier to come by than unsealing charms, same with the jewellry unless it is a item you require for evolving your hongmoon gear. most of these 'box' items are only worth vendoring for one copper, what you could get from them is not worth the keys and charms while leveling.


 As for Soul Shields you can quite easily get to 45 only using the Shields from the roulette wheels, the 'chance' to get all 8 pieces of a dungeon set is very low and will take many runs, and more than likely by the time you have the full set you will have leveled up quite a few levels. The only good thing about the dungeon sets is you get achievement points for full sets which will be useful at level cap, but you can always go back at level 50 and farm the sets solo if you need to.


 You can get to 45 quite easily just using items that drop along the way and also from doing the Surveys too. it will save you alot of time and money, although you dont really make much money until you hit 45+.

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some chests will have a blue colour and may contain breakthrough weapons. Once you have a decent supply of keys you might want to open one to be sure it does not contain a breakthrough weapon. It's good to remember if the content of a chest was useful or not so that you do not open it again and waste keys.


Mostly, it pays off to preview your weapon evolution / breakthrough key items. Plague for example is one, so you will want to keep that box.


As for soulshields, there's several ways to do it:


- only use wheel soulshields - worst stats but fastest

- jump from hero token set to hero token set (the token stones you get from quests) - better stats and almost as fast, if you do any blue quests at all

- jump from purple end-of-region set to purple set Blight > Sacrifice (from Tomb) > Blackram > Naryu/Mushin - this can be slow, do it only if you like running the dungeons


Of course, starting at lvl 45 it becomes quite difficult to decide if you go for small increments of upgrades or prefer bigger jumps. Usually experienced players will just rush to lvl 50 being undergeared and then sort of leech the dungeons for strong shields while beginners need lots of upgrades along the way and thus spend much time farming shields.

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