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Why is there no level filter for dungeon queuing?


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Why is there no level filter for dungeon queuing? I just started playing this game today, got to the first 2 dungeons "lakeside cache" and "plague hollow", and used cross-server queuing. Half my party were level 45/50's who cleared out entire dungeon before I even walked out of the first room. Wtf? NC, Is this how you want your new player experience to be? People not even getting to see what the damn dungeon looks like before it gets cleared out by trolls? Why in the world is it possible for overleveled people to even queue for low level dungeons in the first place?? That is just so retarded. If high level people want to farm low level dungeons for whatever reason then they shouldn't be doing it at the expense of new players. They should form their own damn parties manually, like every other MMO I've played that uses a queue system.

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Right, I'm a lvl 50 player who sees this on the opposite end. Que for lvl 50 (Expert) dungeon and there are ppl anywhere from 46-49 in the group. Other players see this and just insta quit because there is little chance we'll get the job done carrying those people. 

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Totally agree with you, this is killing my gaming experience, low level players should be able to choose if they want players of the same level, or get "carried" by high levels, and at lvl 50 too, prevent low levels to join your game with a simple filter.

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High level run low level dungeons because the crafting mats for the high level items still requires low level dungeons drops which is stupid IMO. So they are force to run them.


What I have issues is low level doing high level dungeons very common in path of exilies. I see a lot of lvl 20s in there but the  dungeons is rated 39 I think. Why is the low levels allow to que for them? There should be a restriction on min level for each  dungeons if you aren't at that level you can't que for them even if you are being carry by 5 other lvl 50s.  

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