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Is summoner still strong in pve in current KR patch?


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I play this game casually and after trying to main a few classes, I feel like they are not worth the effort, i.e. I don't feel I spend enough time in this game to put in the required effort to get good enough with FM/KFM to actually do well in arena, whereas summoner seems like it has a low skill floor to do decently well and not that high of a skill ceiling (here comes the salt) to reach higher rating. Also seems pretty easy to use in pve and is supposed to have decent dps. Another factor is playing casually means I won't be able to upgrade my gear that fast, and there is probably a limit I will hit before I simply get bored and quit for good, and it sounds like summoner is much less gear dependent to achieve similar results as other classes with better gear. 


How is summoner's dps in pve in KR? I know summoner is weaker in KR than it is in NA right now, but is it still semi-strong? mid-tier? would like answer for both pve and pvp.



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Yes there are strong here and in Korea they have good DPS but also extrem good Party stuff. And no Summoner isnt weaker at all for PvE there were and they are extremly Strong. Only in PvP we get a bit weak cause we have more Skillpoints now that means other Classes can Deal better with Summoner.

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