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Some opinions ..


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Well, game was perfectly fine till yesterday ... well not perfectly, but it was more than just "playable", I login today, instant 20FPS gone, SSPlains once more unplayable, Harvest once more unplayable, cause let's face it you can't kill anything with 5 FPS. My computer is fine, I will not submit any support ticket anymore, that automated message, and sending logs all the time is getting tiring and nothing ever happens, they don't change or do anything to the game.


Then you also make the game only be playable with a static IP, which at least half of Europe's home don't have. You haven't seen anyone complain about this cause idk, but I am kinda getting tired of the verification code you keep sending me. Did that stop some bots or hackers or anything? Cause I really don't think so.


Due to SSplains being unplayable, only way to get soulstones is either pay for it, or do the Moonwater quests till you get old. Basically a handful of people can enjoy the full pack of soulstones delivered from the new area, 90% of us just drool at it and have to be happy with the 17 earned from moonwater and IF and only IF we're good enough in Arena maybe we can earn 47 a day. However that doesn't happen instantly either, so me as who have only 5 hours a day to play, I have to chose either soulstones, either daily quests for gold, can't be both.


Some people advance with the speed of light. Already see people with 590 AP, as a result all requirements for Dungeons have also increased, and cross-server dungeon is like lottery, either you get some players you can actually complete your daily dungeons, either you get a bunch of people who have no idea what they are doing and therefore you hop in and out of parties wasting precious time ...


Low level equipment skyrocketed in price, thus anyone starting now, will probably quit after lvl 30 cause the incredibly low amount of gold earned, and incredibly expensive items, not to mention on my server all bellow 45 level areas are a complete wasteland, you can see 1-2 players here and there which are probably someone's alts ... but ... nobody else. Have to beg for hours in faction chat for someone to come help me kill a world boss cause there is absolutely nobody there or around.


Many of these world bosses either have too low HP, or the damage requirement is too high, never the less, it been a long while since I got a loot or credit for anything in both SSplains and Harvest. I mean in SSplains the bosses die before I even reach to the other half. And even if they spawn right in front of me, no matter how much I hit them, I get absolutely no loot or credit, I do get the achievements ... thanks for that ... I guess.


Players been crying about FPS and low perfromance since ages. They release 2 patches with somewhere at the bottom labeled "increased performance and optimizations", that's a vague way to describe what they did to the game, but I can almost confirm that absolutely nothing. On top of that they enable this thing called GameGuard that instantly wipes 20-30fps off your table of an already badly optimized game ... so thank you for that too..


At this point I am struggling to play, and the only reason I still do because I love this game, but if it cant be fixed, than it's pointless to struggle. I wont be burning my PC off with 99% cpu usage cause of gameguard, and neither will I try to do quests with 5fps.

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well,  the game is alt unfriendly, that's one of the reasons low level play areas are a desert ( not just the cinderlands.... )

the fast delivery of content created a bigger distinction on hardcore vs casual players

bad game engines/ bad optimization of the game makes it mostly impossible to play in certain areas like grand harvest or soulstone plains while ( at least in my part) beastbog with loads of players is still playable ( strange isn't it?)


like today i restarted doing mushin's tower, f 1-6 had no problem, enter f7 and my skills wouldn't even fire ( for a moment i was wondering my toon teleported to grand harvest as my skill where taking .5 to a full sec to fire and as a FM that is not pretty) i dont know if its because of the rendering of the rain outside of the tower or what it may be, but one thing is certain, i already played the game using cpu and gpu resource meters and neither of them are at 100% ( hell, the gpu never even got over 70% even with all the graphic options at 5....)



i dont think the problem with the game is gameguard.

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