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On April 1, 2016 at 6:45 AM, MerlinBG said:

Well, what shall I say... learn your class. All classes have certain amount of escapes to deal with such situations. I am playing FM and at the start I also thought that asassins are wtf impossible to beat and who was so mad to even think introducing such OP class, not to mention to actually add it in game. But well, with time I have learned a bit and now I can beat assassins, not always, but hey, it works!

There are multiple videos of class vs class, some of them with explanations WHY... basically if you WANT you can learn a lot. If not... well, stop ruining other's experience... i mean loosing in 1:1 is up to you, but just waiting to be killed in a tag match - I hope you realize, that you spoil the win chances of the other persons in your group. Even if you suck, just TRY, possibly you will take 20% HP and this will help the others... or some abilities of the enemy will be on cooldown...

I appreciate your attitude but you really don't understand the matchup very well. FM is literally the hard counter to Assassin. If you lose to a Sin you're just a bad FM. On the other hand BM has a very hard time fighting Assassins and Summoners. It's not even close to a comparable. Try playing a BM against a Summoner before you speak about "learn your class".

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2 hours ago, 896871_1452550625 said:

I appreciate your attitude but you really don't understand the matchup very well. FM is literally the hard counter to Assassin. If you lose to a Sin you're just a bad FM. On the other hand BM has a very hard time fighting Assassins and Summoners. It's not even close to a comparable. Try playing a BM against a Summoner before you speak about "learn your class".

You are quick to call someone a bad FM when you don't even know if they have high ping or are not ale to react quickly to the skills of other classes, FM can beat assassins easily YES but not all the time, especially when assassins spam flash bang and follow up with stuns. Instead of pointing fingers, try to understand a persons position first.

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15 hours ago, Shuchin said:

To use a depressed person's feelings as a means of elevating yourself at their expense is in itself a despicable means of self-adulation. It is alright to help people to get better at a game, it is not alright to impose the need on them and judge them as persons for their eventual performance.


it would be totally awesome if you back up your empty accusations with some actual facts, you know.

where exactly didyou saw elevating myself or judgement for performance? obviously I am expressing MY personal feelings when someone goes afk for no reason.


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He was not going afk for no reason, he had very good reasons. That you do not even see them as reasons is the first half of the problem. That you demeaned him is a fact, that you did it to elevate yourself is an implication that might be wrong. Maybe you just like demeaning people, it's not really fathomable for me then.

Obviously I am expressing my personal feelings when I see someone demeaning other people in public. Simple.



If you have no empathy, play against a computer. If you want a game where emotions are irritation, go play chess. MMOs are for those who care. Wearing a mask does not justify abuse.


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On 1.4.2016 at 9:07 AM, luckygirl88 said:

Literally in pvp tag and two games no one did anything but stood there. I'm not kidding...wtf? This has never happened before and there not bots either.

they call it deranking.


they don't win a lot at plat rank so they derank until they are low gold and after that they start tryharding again. some kind of efficency zen bean farming idk?

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