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Random FPS drop from one day to another.


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It seems that from time to time I suffer from a random FPS drop that seems to be capped at 20 when I usually play at around 40-60 FPS during fights, etc. There are no software changes that are made between the two points in time. I tried re-installing my graphics driver, unpacked my packed CPU cores, changed my power plan to full performance. It seems that it just happens once a week and not sure where it's coming from. Is it only me? I seem to be able to play other games just fine. 


If anyone has any suggestions or are experiencing the same thing, I would appreciate a response! :)

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I think it is more a server issue. After Silverfrost came out and open world lagfests started the whole server park started to heavily laging in normal questing zones too. Soulstone farm has a very heavy fps drop, and this the same with Grand Harvest Square raid. My other problem is that the game does not put you into a group automaticly in this zones, like in Rift does in an open world event which is pretty cool and comfortable. Another thing that I did not ever see more than 6 players in a group, why? Why it can not expand to 24? Is it a huge advantage against the game or why? I can not understand this.

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12 hours ago, Fiberstaden said:

I have the same problem one day i keep stable 62 fps the next it can be as low as 20 and i never changed any settings. Belive this is due to the 12 year old unreal 3 engine since its not my side.

Probably because the server is not full with online players. Other things that the farming bots also slows down the server with their presence and actions. It is very very said... and frustrating. The Unreal engine works pretty well anyway. Other question is the optimization for different vga drivers. I think it is more the net code and server scripting and the server side hardware which can be critical to serve millions of requests at the same time. Your PC and your connection is just the tip of the iceberg.

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