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Reduced Stealth timer for Sin


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every class vs a sin has somethin to counter sin's stealth mode >.>

just use aoe or shields (as fm/kfm....)


their stealth is not the problem on beating a sin lol

it's what they do WHILE they're stealth ^_^

if they're good player you need think like them to see what moves they gonna use on you xD


only sins I despise are the ones that uses their stealth to stall duel or even just get a "score" as they go to the edges of the arena and AVOIDS engage combat with their opponent... at "best" they use some of their poison skills on you or shurikan to re-enter more stealth lol those are the sins I hate...


I have no problem vs a good sin cept the frustration of how I did not anticipate their next move if I lose :c

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Nah man, Sin is fine, he got buffed for a reason. Even their new blue buff is balanced in higher ranks. I got Plat on my KFM fighting my way through tons of Sins outplaying all of them. Start to play Sin yourself and try to win in Plat and above, it is really hard. People know your moves and counter them. I have a Sin too and I am stuck around 1800. And if you ever played against a KFM Bot as Sin, you dont know what it is like to be unable to do anything.


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6 hours ago, Ra9eQuit said:

Nah man, Sin is fine, he got buffed for a reason. Even their new blue buff is balanced in higher ranks. I got Plat on my KFM fighting my way through tons of Sins outplaying all of them. Start to play Sin yourself and try to win in Plat and above, it is really hard. People know your moves and counter them. I have a Sin too and I am stuck around 1800. And if you ever played against a KFM Bot as Sin, you dont know what it is like to be unable to do anything.


3 sec iframe is basically carrying you vs sins ... imagine with 0.5sec like we have ... we backstep 0.1 sec earlier than a sin uses the grip stun

and we are *cricket*ed 1 tab gone ... bam bluebuff on second stealth and dead (2100~)

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