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getting owned


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Hi. I just started playing this game as force master and i'm currently lv 32. Thing is i'm getting owned by range magic and some non magic foes so hard. I can handle one at the time, but they have attack that kinda follows you. You can do that back dash and then you're out, you can move but they don't miss, so 3-4 hits and i'm out. Any suggestions how to evade ? Shield is HP + cri build

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I'm not sure if you have Divine Veil already, forgot what level you get that, this one really helps on range attacks/magic as you can pretty much resist for a whole 15 seconds.


But aside from that, a simple way yet it took me longer than I am proud of to figure it out while I was levelling is to freeze them, then go behind them and continue dpsing. You can also combine Impact (Stage 2) with freeze just before it runs out to further stun them.


You can also spec into back dash freeze to do the same exact thing, freeze and go behind. But to be honest, you shouldn't be having trouble at all levelling, especially outside dungeons. Some dungeons you can even solo. May I ask how you dps your enemies?

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Freeze, they can't hit if they can't move ?

Do you fuse your soul shields?

I fuse mine for high evasion, block and extra crit. Block and evasion are auto and it helps, they'll start missing you now and then. I also spec for heal on ice spells if I think I'll run into trouble, my frost fury is always set to heal on hit but other spells can give you boost too.

Gems with life drain can also help.

Basically my build will keep healing me through most fights minus high dmg bosses if I get the Agro but my health can generally stay high/full if I'm spec'd for it.

Is frost armour available to you now? Spec it and BOOM instant  heal and the more you get hit with it on the more you're healed.

I'm no expert but that works for me :)



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