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Wasted over 30 minutes of my life in Soul plains


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Finally decided to do the new crismon soulplain pvp missions today. Went into the field and try attacking one of those big monsters but got killed by it easily. Figure it's not suppose to be soloable so i just attacked the elite cerulum guards which i could easily take on. Now thats one pvp daily done, joined a party and switched to their channel. Saw the 22 minutes mining timing at the top and see that one of the dailies requires me to defend the mining operations. Also another dally that requires me to kill some giant boar named Grimthron or something like that so i decide to stay for the whole 22 minutes.


Tried my hardest and best, going up and down between the drills alongside the other crismon players even tho the lag was huge. Near the end, me and the other also manage to kill the boar before the mining operation ended. After the mining ended. Found out non of the two quests got completed. Grimthron was dead and i helped going back and forth defending the drill points and somehow neither quest was completed. And i know for a fact that i did enough damage to every pig boss and grimthron that was assaulting the drills because i got prestiage points from it and i know i did enough damage. So what the heck is this? making people waste 22 minutes of their time in soul plains? This is the first and last time im going to be in soulplains thats for sure.


I have never complained about the game in any posts, every negative thing, i tried to ignore and just stay positive about the game but this one is just too much.

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you however need to do enough damage to have the kill count and the loot box drop. not to mention the other issues with soul plains....the bosses going invisible, getting dc'd the second the final boss goes down, etc. that last one just happened to me a few minutes ago. great job ncsoft.

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