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Chanals in dungeons.


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Is it just me or was you freely able to change channels in 24man dungeons at one time? on top of that, how are you suppose to change channels to the one you want for a particular boss. such as MM for instance (mysteries man)? I here inviting people to a party helps but I got an invite and was still stuck on the same channel I was on. I am just confused on how the channel surfing works. any and all clarifications would help. Thank you.

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As an instance/channel of a 24-man gets full, another is made. To go to the same channel as the party you're in, you need to leave your instance and re-enter. You can't change channel while in the instance (which you can see by the channel number being greyed out).


Now, if you are looking for a specific boss, you can try asking for a party invite, then do the exit and re-eneter thing to land in the proper channel/instance.

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