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Why should I do against ranged classes ? (Destroyer)


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Well it seem everyday people get better while me don't get better at all

or else their classes just helping alot, Anyway what should I do against Summoner, FM and Warlock ?

I just getting rekt easily by their summoner or freeze lock that lock my spin 

And the target system getting messed with their summoner special the shitty warlock -.-


What should I do ?

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You need to spec into the C that ignores block approaches (2 pts) first of all. This makes it a perfect gap closer, granted they hit you during it to proc. Other method would be to SS an attack and use "C" to gap close as well. Otherwise you'll just have to get up close range via Leap, Charge, Z, etc etc. For summoners I usually jump at them (granted they don't start off with a dandelion) and most ppl SS immediately after then I'll charge stun OR sweep them and see if they'll blow CD's and move on from there. FM's are more difficult imo than summoner to destroyer's. They either start off with their ice blast stun into ripping your block approaches (this is where you want to start off with "C") and if they are good, they'll immediately put an ice buff to prepare you coming in, which will nullify your advances. Just experience more and you'll figure out ways. (This is 2000+ rating play btw in my experience).

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14 minutes ago, Reyax said:

You need to spec into the C that ignores block approaches (2 pts) first of all. This makes it a perfect gap closer, granted they hit you during it to proc. Other method would be to SS an attack and use "C" to gap close as well. Otherwise you'll just have to get up close range via Leap, Charge, Z, etc etc. For summoners I usually jump at them (granted they don't start off with a dandelion) and most ppl SS immediately after then I'll charge stun OR sweep them and see if they'll blow CD's and move on from there. FM's are more difficult imo than summoner to destroyer's. They either start off with their ice blast stun into ripping your block approaches (this is where you want to start off with "C") and if they are good, they'll immediately put an ice buff to prepare you coming in, which will nullify your advances. Just experience more and you'll figure out ways. (This is 2000+ rating play btw in my experience).

I'm at your rank anyway 2000+ aswell, But for C part it just getting useless every second when a *cricket*ing shity warlock or summoner hide behind their summoned thing -.-


And for Force master, They all learn how to shit your tab and skills some even don't spam their skills to gave you C to approach them


I do feel like I really getting bad with the game or else peopple are just improving way faster than me, I having trouble with Blade master now even

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29 minutes ago, Valiant said:

I'm at your rank anyway 2000+ aswell, But for C part it just getting useless every second when a *cricket*ing shity warlock or summoner hide behind their summoned thing -.-


And for Force master, They all learn how to shit your tab and skills some even don't spam their skills to gave you C to approach them


I do feel like I really getting bad with the game or else peopple are just improving way faster than me, I having trouble with Blade master now even

Dont worry im an fm and sin is my worst matchup


45 minutes ago, Reyax said:

You need to spec into the C that ignores block approaches (2 pts) first of all. This makes it a perfect gap closer, granted they hit you during it to proc. Other method would be to SS an attack and use "C" to gap close as well. Otherwise you'll just have to get up close range via Leap, Charge, Z, etc etc. For summoners I usually jump at them (granted they don't start off with a dandelion) and most ppl SS immediately after then I'll charge stun OR sweep them and see if they'll blow CD's and move on from there. FM's are more difficult imo than summoner to destroyer's. They either start off with their ice blast stun into ripping your block approaches (this is where you want to start off with "C") and if they are good, they'll immediately put an ice buff to prepare you coming in, which will nullify your advances. Just experience more and you'll figure out ways. (This is 2000+ rating play btw in my experience).

2000 rated play right now means ur just outside the league of bots u actually still might see a few lel

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I'm (barely) a Diamond Destroyer, and I rather rarely lose to FMs -- in fact, yesterday, I lost my first match to one in a month (FM was named Carzen). I do not have BSH Emberstomp, so that won't be mentioned, and I'm HM3 for reference. It's probably 400-500 hours of PvP grind to get to HM5 on PvP, and I don't really PvE, so yeah, lol Korean grind.


Versus FMs, I take T2S2 Knee and T2S1 Scorching Strike, plus Fury and T4S2 Ram. T2S2 Knee breaks charge disable and can be used after Typhoon resist or after a critical hit. Against really good players, I may have to use Typhoon defensively, but it's rare. The range is 8m and not the usual 16m, so get used to that. Make sure you SS, Typhoon, or Scorching Strike out of Frost Tornado. I also take T3S1 Gust to escape Meteor Shower doom if they still attempt that. Don't be stingy with Fury. FMs have no defense against knockdown and no counter from the ground, so once you quick slam and they're out of escapes, you can pretty much 100-0 them from there without Fury. You need to use Fury to break out of charge escapes, then close with Ram (which can't be intercepted due to iframes, yay) -- don't wait, because Fury doesn't prevent charge disable, just breaks it once. Don't make the mistake of being stingy here; they have a ton of escapes and defenses and you need to wear through them. Once you do, finishing the job is comparatively trivial.


FM attacks all have travel time, force choke excepted, so you can even react to a lot of them and intentionally deflect them if you're too far. In theory, if there were a Jaesung-level player somewhere, I might have to spec T2S2 or T3S1 Hurricane and just tank the hits, but yeah, I never see it. Their basic LMB and RMB cannot penetrate Deflect, so they're going to get smacked by that a lot. You can usually bait out their defenses pretty deliberately -- Typhoon is a good way to push them into blowing their freeze. When they freeze, you can look at their facing and wait at about 7m away to their rear and to the side (so you can see them and see 15m behind them). When they release, you can get off your Blitz before their next attack reaches you, regardless of whether they remain in place or drop back. You're going to get nailed with charge disable almost immediately after everything, so don't hold onto your CC. Also, remember that they will blast you if you do ANYTHING after Grab. Pick up and quick slam immediately, no waiting, nothing, ever. Don't entertain the notion that you'll get away with a Wedge or two; you won't. Also, in keeping with the don't-hold-onto-your-CC shtick, freely use Drag when their Divine Veil isn't up, because it will be up soon enough and you don't want to be sitting on a Daze you can't use. At the start of the fight, I usually close quickly and predictively use Searing Strike. If they throw their Barrage, I start with a knockup and chase (usually with Axe Sweep, since the charges are disabled almost immediately). If they don't bite, I grab them with Drag. A guy used Divine Veil once; hit immediately with Ram.


I'd be interested to see if anyone has found any really good use for Persistence against FMs, but to me, the inability to break charge disable has kept me from using it.


Versus Warlocks, I spend most of my fight trying to position myself not to get blown up by the pet. You can't CC it or kill it, so the 15-second window without it is hugely important. Probably worth speccing T2S2 Hurricane here, or T3S1 if you can afford it, since they can make every single attack except LMB penetrate deflect. Not dying to their burst means you can close and win. T3S1 Hurricane will also penetrate defenses and avoid proccing Repulse while your Knee is on cooldown. Note that Sanctum does not prevent pull, knockback or knockup -- you can pull with Drag, clear out with T3S2 Typhoon (I don't, though), or just knock up and Piledriver for some damage and Quell disable. I really wish I had like HM10 so I could get Axe Sweep penetration and HM Emberstomp and Scorching Strike break all, but bleh. It's not a very nice matchup, but it could be worse. Just know that you'll need to avoid or tank a lot of hits.

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18 minutes ago, HUnewearl said:

I'm (barely) a Diamond Destroyer, and I rather rarely lose to FMs -- in fact, yesterday, I lost my first match to one in a month (FM was named Carzen). I do not have BSH Emberstomp, so that won't be mentioned, and I'm HM3 for reference. It's probably 400-500 hours of PvP grind to get to HM5 on PvP, and I don't really PvE, so yeah, lol Korean grind.


Versus FMs, I take T2S2 Knee and T2S1 Scorching Strike, plus Fury and T4S2 Ram. T2S2 Knee breaks charge disable and can be used after Typhoon resist or after a critical hit. Against really good players, I may have to use Typhoon defensively, but it's rare. The range is 8m and not the usual 16m, so get used to that. Make sure you SS, Typhoon, or Scorching Strike out of Frost Tornado. I also take T3S1 Gust to escape Meteor Shower doom if they still attempt that. Don't be stingy with Fury. FMs have no defense against knockdown and no counter from the ground, so once you quick slam and they're out of escapes, you can pretty much 100-0 them from there without Fury. You need to use Fury to break out of charge escapes, then close with Ram (which can't be intercepted due to iframes, yay) -- don't wait, because Fury doesn't prevent charge disable, just breaks it once. Don't make the mistake of being stingy here; they have a ton of escapes and defenses and you need to wear through them. Once you do, finishing the job is comparatively trivial.


FM attacks all have travel time, force choke excepted, so you can even react to a lot of them and intentionally deflect them if you're too far. In theory, if there were a Jaesung-level player somewhere, I might have to spec T2S2 or T3S1 Hurricane and just tank the hits, but yeah, I never see it. Their basic LMB and RMB cannot penetrate Deflect, so they're going to get smacked by that a lot. You can usually bait out their defenses pretty deliberately -- Typhoon is a good way to push them into blowing their freeze. When they freeze, you can look at their facing and wait at about 7m away to their rear and to the side (so you can see them and see 15m behind them). When they release, you can get off your Blitz before their next attack reaches you, regardless of whether they remain in place or drop back. You're going to get nailed with charge disable almost immediately after everything, so don't hold onto your CC. Also, remember that they will blast you if you do ANYTHING after Grab. Pick up and quick slam immediately, no waiting, nothing, ever. Don't entertain the notion that you'll get away with a Wedge or two; you won't. Also, in keeping with the don't-hold-onto-your-CC shtick, freely use Drag when their Divine Veil isn't up, because it will be up soon enough and you don't want to be sitting on a Daze you can't use. At the start of the fight, I usually close quickly and predictively use Searing Strike. If they throw their Barrage, I start with a knockup and chase (usually with Axe Sweep, since the charges are disabled almost immediately). If they don't bite, I grab them with Drag. A guy used Divine Veil once; hit immediately with Ram.


I'd be interested to see if anyone has found any really good use for Persistence against FMs, but to me, the inability to break charge disable has kept me from using it.


Versus Warlocks, I spend most of my fight trying to position myself not to get blown up by the pet. You can't CC it or kill it, so the 15-second window without it is hugely important. Probably worth speccing T2S2 Hurricane here, or T3S1 if you can afford it, since they can make every single attack except LMB penetrate deflect. Not dying to their burst means you can close and win. T3S1 Hurricane will also penetrate defenses and avoid proccing Repulse while your Knee is on cooldown. Note that Sanctum does not prevent pull, knockback or knockup -- you can pull with Drag, clear out with T3S2 Typhoon (I don't, though), or just knock up and Piledriver for some damage and Quell disable. I really wish I had like HM10 so I could get Axe Sweep penetration and HM Emberstomp and Scorching Strike break all, but bleh. It's not a very nice matchup, but it could be worse. Just know that you'll need to avoid or tank a lot of hits.

Sadly I do play with same style but it feel so useless special against people like Bevv as FM, I do play on EU server btw


And from what I see and from what you wrote appear that destroyer need alot of skill point and hongmoon skills to keep on his toe against other classes.

Sad part that we are punished with older version of game with low skill point :/

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7 hours ago, Valiant said:

Well it seem everyday people get better while me don't get better at all

At least you're 2000+, i'm 1800, i play an OP class which is KFM and yet i feel like everybody in this game is better than me. I'm still 42 but i don't think that things will change any soon, feels bad :'(


Anyway, good luck dude

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5 hours ago, FinJen Shy said:

At least you're 2000+, i'm 1800, i play an OP class which is KFM and yet i feel like everybody in this game is better than me. I'm still 42 but i don't think that things will change any soon, feels bad :'(


Anyway, good luck dude

You 42 and 1800 ? Really ?Man you going to *cricket* people by this way once you reach level 45 with HM5

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1 hour ago, Valiant said:

You 42 and 1800 ? Really ?Man you going to *cricket* people by this way once you reach level 45 with HM5

I don't think so dude, at level 42 as a KFM you got all what you need to do the stunlock (Tremor, Rising dragon-4pts, Comet strike-3pts). I don't have access to the searing point yet but this won't change things a lot. Anyway, bad players must exist so good players shine :D


but yeah i got to 1800 at level 41.


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