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What's causing poor latency?


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I live in NY and am connecting to the NA data center in Dallas, Texas. 


I recently downloaded and tested WTFast and it brought my Ping from around 100ms to 30ms.  That was way more significant an improvement than I was expecting, so I'm curious what exactly is at fault for the crappy connection.  It could be my ISP's routing, but when I ping to Dallas outside of the game I get around 50ms.  Clearly my ISP is contributing some to the problem, but this indicates to me that NCSofts servers are MOST of the problem.


So, I'm a little bothered that I have to pay for a VPN to contend with NCs crappy servers, but maybe I'm missing something.  Could something else besides NC be causing my latency to be nearly triple what WTFast is capable of? 

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23 hours ago, Goji said:

Clearly my ISP is contributing some to the problem, but this indicates to me that NCSofts servers are MOST of the problem.


Check the MSConfig link in my sig, try it and see if that changes anything.


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Thanks, that's actually pretty useful.  Didn't consider the possibility that gameguard, in all it's useless glory, could be hanging/conflicting with even minor services running in the background.  I guess incorrectly banning people isn't all GG is good for. 


I have a pretty minimalist setup already since I don't like clutter, but I do have an AV running and probably some other stuff that accumulated through random updates.  I'll see if shutting off everything but MS services in config helps. 

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Windows OS is one of the main culprits for ping. The way it sends your data is what can cause it to be high. WTFast gets around this by using the LEAST amount of "contact" points between you and your destination. I.E windows can send my data through 8 contact points where as WTFast can send it through 2-3. This is why it reduces your ping by a noticeable amount. IIRC this was on the advertisement banner for WTF when I used it for Titan Extreme on FFXIV to dodge the damn landslides. 

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A thing which i can't confirm is whether other players poor network can cause issue for everyone. Because our game client calculates everyone's data if a few sent data packets that are delayed by their reasons in theory could cause a boss fight event on other player's clients being time warped, causing some time to resynchronize the actual event timing, this has somewhat happened me but i can't confirm but can explain why i get lag with around certain players. Another OP suggested is some ISP might have too many node hops to NC server could cause delay even the routes all shows are low ping while this is a theory but seem quite valid.


NC servers is not out of problems because is an international open server,  i can easily imagine the stress it's getting.

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