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Blade cancer nerf?


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Open with RB+Z,then ice C...usually they use range attack protection something,something and remove the slow...be prepared to ice V...they throw that thing(which is ther main focus regen)at you every 9 sec...just resist it at any cost and soon enough they are hopless...then just freeze ther ass and burn,burn the little buggers.

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FM is the strongest class agaisnt BD together with Warlock due to tons of CC and high dmg.

Your snare automaticly locks out all his approach skills meaning he cant use his 2 skills that stuns and knocks you up into the air.

When you see those swords flying around him, that means hes using his LONG cooldown immunity skill, just go into ice until its gone, then repeat your freeze kite.

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2 hours ago, 900834_1452550662 said:

FM is the strongest class agaisnt BD together with Warlock due to tons of CC and high dmg.

Your snare automaticly locks out all his approach skills meaning he cant use his 2 skills that stuns and knocks you up into the air.

When you see those swords flying around him, that means hes using his LONG cooldown immunity skill, just go into ice until its gone, then repeat your freeze kite.

Fm is strongest class against bd what a joke i read few of your replays and they just so so wrong or maybe they right at 1.6-rating ?? bd owns FM at higher ratings when ppl know  wtf to do 70/30 in favor of bd 

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