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So id like to ask for Warlock how to properly use Dragon Helix, i see people spam it but i dont seem to generate the orbs for it except for on leech.

And another thing ive seen vids of warlocks heal up epicly during battles and id love to know what skill combo / perks make that possible

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Each hit of your V generates 3 orbs. And you can reset cooldown of V by your leech and 3 and cast it normally. I believe you can also reduce cooldown (v) with one of the RMB specs. 


The healing you see in videos was nerfed. Not it only heals on crits. In low levels you can get tons of hp regen from your 2 (left spec afaik) and later on a few skills can be specced to give hp based on the damage dealt. Your rmb can be specced into aoe and 10% hp regen, your v can be specced into 25% on crit and 25% again on crit on branded targets. Which was not based on crit before and lead to huge op healing. At least as far as i know. 


Generally when playind a new class you should read all skills, of course including all paths. Basically everything that say that it gives you hp back is the answer to your second question^^

Edit: And also for your first question.. if you dont generate enough orbs, maybe read skills. It's written in there how you generate them :P

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