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Can someone plz explain this game s mechanics ?


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I played a fair amount of matches in pvp and i yet i still dont understand alot of things . I was aiming for plat on my kfm and here are the issues i faced . Played another kfm and he was imune to my triple kick ( a stun that pierces blocks ) he wasnt even in an i frame . My question is how can a kfm get immune to stun without iframe ? i play one and the only way i see is on succesfull block if you spec for it . Did i miss something ?

Played against the same fm 4 times in a row . He got out of almost every stun . I iframe tripple kick he tabs the stun . I chasse him right away and daze him he escapes the daze ( till now i get it but what comes after is something else ) i tech chasse him with a daze and he escapes again the daze ( woot ? ) i i frame again tripple kick and he tabs AGAIN ! then i charge and use rising tiger ( a stun) and he essapes again ... My question ... what is the cd of a force master s escapes ?

I played agaisnt a destroyer . He spins i ss then use my launcher ... he s immune . Isnt the spin supposed to be vulnerable to launchers and knockdowns ? if i sued my launcher too soon i should have been stuned but i wasnt . My question is ... did i miss something about how the spin works ?

I was at 1875 before those games and now i m at 1770 ... and its getting frustrating ... i played 400 games and i still dont get it .

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For the KFM, there's this Max Agility buff when you dodge 3 hits that gives you 100% evade, other than that, maybe some skills if specced can give you immune state? 
For FM, Second Wind is 36s CD, Retreat (F when dazed, KD) is 12s and they can spec SS to allow them to be used when stunned, dazed, or KDed but this put SS on a 36s CD.

This is if the player is playing in a legit way. It seems there are some cheats / bots allowing no CD on skills, infinite focus, etc.

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 If you throw a CC, here's how the priority of status effect work:
1) Is opponent in an IFrame state?  (nothing get pass this)
2) Is opponent in a deflect/counter state? (Pierce parry will not get deflected, pierce defense will over power enemy's deflect/counter state)
3) Is opponent in a specific status resist state? (If you use a pierce defense skill but enemy is resisting knock down, a pierce defense knockdown skill will get resisted)

Understand this mechanic well and design your pattern!

(Note vs KFM: that kfm probably spec their counter to T2, column 1, which will resist stun/daze for 2 second on successful counter, either that or you hit him before his QE duration ended, it last pretty long I tell ya)

(Note vs FM: FM has 2 escape against stun/daze/knockdown skill, and the tech catch you did probably is just FM's retreat, not the other escape skill (SS 12 m away + freeze)

(Note vs Destro: Deflect > launcher > spinning destro, if he dint deflect, I assume that he's using fury (red aura, invul to CC 3 sec) or persistence (blue aura,invul to CC 5 sec))

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4 hours ago, Kanosaki said:


 If you throw a CC, here's how the priority of status effect work:
1) Is opponent in an IFrame state?  (nothing get pass this)
2) Is opponent in a deflect/counter state? (Pierce parry will not get deflected, pierce defense will over power enemy's deflect/counter state)
3) Is opponent in a specific status resist state? (If you use a pierce defense skill but enemy is resisting knock down, a pierce defense knockdown skill will get resisted)

Understand this mechanic well and design your pattern!

(Note vs KFM: that kfm probably spec their counter to T2, column 1, which will resist stun/daze for 2 second on successful counter, either that or you hit him before his QE duration ended, it last pretty long I tell ya)

(Note vs FM: FM has 2 escape against stun/daze/knockdown skill, and the tech catch you did probably is just FM's retreat, not the other escape skill (SS 12 m away + freeze)

(Note vs Destro: Deflect > launcher > spinning destro, if he dint deflect, I assume that he's using fury (red aura, invul to CC 3 sec) or persistence (blue aura,invul to CC 5 sec))


The kfm didnt counter .. i run that counter too vs kfm ... and he wasnt in an iframe  (there is a psecific sound when you hit an iframe )


The destro had no aura .

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5 minutes ago, Kanosaki said:


Did your triple kick even hit him? Latency can cause a target skill to miss.

Destro wise, did you launcher when he spin then switch to other skill or what.

I really need a video of what happens to see if it's a hack or just latency :/

 The kfm was standing still and for the destro my character did the full animation of the launcher .

Dont have a video and i cant tell if it s latency because i still land my full 3rf combo ...i dont think i would be able to hit those with high latency .

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2 minutes ago, Kanosaki said:

Kay, I think I have to call this case unresolved because of insufficient information.

If I'm thinking in the hacker's standpoint, why would I turn on full-resist hack mid fight instead of full fight.


Yup i dont think it was an hack  i ve been thinking that maybe somekind of glitch like when a destro red spins but you dont see him spinning only the flames around him .

But this is more annoying because that makes me waste cooldowns or even kill myself by jumping on an immune target.

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On 3/4/2016 at 4:10 AM, zibouyah said:

I played a fair amount of matches in pvp and i yet i still dont understand alot of things . I was aiming for plat on my kfm and here are the issues i faced . Played another kfm and he was imune to my triple kick ( a stun that pierces blocks ) he wasnt even in an i frame . My question is how can a kfm get immune to stun without iframe ? i play one and the only way i see is on succesfull block if you spec for it . Did i miss something ?

Played against the same fm 4 times in a row . He got out of almost every stun . I iframe tripple kick he tabs the stun . I chasse him right away and daze him he escapes the daze ( till now i get it but what comes after is something else ) i tech chasse him with a daze and he escapes again the daze ( woot ? ) i i frame again tripple kick and he tabs AGAIN ! then i charge and use rising tiger ( a stun) and he essapes again ... My question ... what is the cd of a force master s escapes ?

I played agaisnt a destroyer . He spins i ss then use my launcher ... he s immune . Isnt the spin supposed to be vulnerable to launchers and knockdowns ? if i sued my launcher too soon i should have been stuned but i wasnt . My question is ... did i miss something about how the spin works ?

I was at 1875 before those games and now i m at 1770 ... and its getting frustrating ... i played 400 games and i still dont get it .


If your Triple Kick is late in any way, it will not stun. This also applies to opponents who are moving away from you at the time, causing your attack to essentially miss, or opponents who drop their defense. For example, Destroyer uses Knee to break a Blade Master's block, but the Blade Master releases the Block early by moving, the Destroyer will charge but not daze the target, and Knee will go on cooldown. I think this is the most likely cause of your problem. Obviously, the other user was also correct that Agility (even one stack provides 5% evade) or stage 2 counter could be in effect.


Re: the FM, they have 2 direct stun escapes in tab and SS, plus F roll, plus counter on knockdown, plus freeze (tab) and freeze counter (v), then the ability to detonate ember stacks to cause knockback and escape from grab, then Q and E for iframes. For a contrived but useful example, let's say you hit a Daze every 6 seconds. You get his froll first, then tab/ss, then froll, then tab/ss, then froll a third time before you finally have to break into other defenses (that's 5 times in 24 seconds). A freeze will last 10 seconds, then immunity for about 1 more, so he'd almost certainly have froll again, then tab/ss up again after 36 seconds, so you'd hit roll ss roll tab roll freeze roll ss roll tab roll counter -- at least 1 minute and 8 seconds of being hit with a flurry of CC before you finally get him to stop bouncing out of it. No, you don't have that many CC, obviously, and they won't be conveniently timed for him, but that should give you an idea of how many ways an opponent can get away from you even as you deliver repeated CC hits. FMs have a lot of defense.


As for the Destroyer, white spin (Hurricane) is vulnerable to knockdown, knockup, and pull after the first 0.5s. Red spin stage 2 (Typhoon) is not vulnerable to any CC except freeze -- even Phantom Grip is prevented. Targets in Fury (red aura) are also vulnerable to knockdown and knockup, but targets in stage 3 Persistence (blue aura) are resistant to all damage and CC for 5 hits or 5 seconds. As with Triple Kick, you can just flat-out miss the attack if your opponent is moving away, and Hurricane provides +60% movement speed. Smite is particularly vulnerable do this problem due to its mediocre 9m range, but any charge attack can end up doing nothing at all when used at the maximum range against a retreating target.

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