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KFM Swooping Crane pvp..


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Seems swooping crane does nothing in pvp..? Ive had it fail way more times than it succeeded. The flying kick animation works but does not knock down player characters all the time. Not sure if its a resist? Shouldnt resist on players 7 levels lower than i (they attacked first :p )

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swooping crane is a approaching skill and should only be utilized when you use your evade combos to get your stuns and 3rf combos off, after you use your swooping crane and evades, use your SS and initiate your tiger pounce with your stun lock combo

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29 minutes ago, Tich said:

swooping crane is a approaching skill and should only be utilized when you use your evade combos to get your stuns and 3rf combos off, after you use your swooping crane and evades, use your SS and initiate your tiger pounce with your stun lock combo

I like to open with swooping crane followed by a grapple and 3 lmb clicks followed by key 2 for triple punch (forget the name of the skill, at work atm) on unsuspecting targets, granted they dont escape lol. Problem is.. swooping crane either gets resisted 90% of the time in pvp or its broken in pvp

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15 minutes ago, Zeiken said:

I like to open with swooping crane followed by a grapple and 3 lmb clicks followed by key 2 for triple punch (forget the name of the skill, at work atm) on unsuspecting targets, granted they dont escape lol. Problem is.. swooping crane either gets resisted 90% of the time in pvp or its broken in pvp

if it gets resisted and youre quick enough you can recover by using your Q or E with triple kick to stun them and grapple them, granted they attack you after you use your Q or E and then SS to tiger pounce them to bait out there escape and after that use your Q C V stun combo, after that your SS would still be up to bait out there escape again


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41 minutes ago, Tich said:

if it gets resisted and youre quick enough you can recover by using your Q or E with triple kick to stun them and grapple them, granted they attack you after you use your Q or E and then SS to tiger pounce them to bait out there escape and after that use your Q C V stun combo, after that your SS would still be up to bait out there escape again


Ive done what you are saying but it seems Q and E are somewhat unreliable when you need them most. I have good ping (42) but they just dont seem to go off when i press them instantly

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usually it works best for me (but i have 5ms on my ping) but ive practiced with my clan for days in spars perfecting my combinations, i would suggest getting someone you know is good and sparring with them to learn your combos and the best ways to get down different classes

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10 minutes ago, Tich said:

usually it works best for me (but i have 5ms on my ping) but ive practiced with my clan for days in spars perfecting my combinations, i would suggest getting someone you know is good and sparring with them to learn your combos and the best ways to get down different classes

Yeah my best move was watching every class pvp vids on youtube. I watch all kfm vs other classes but the best are watching other classes vs kfm in their perspective. I like to see what they do so i can learn counter meausres.

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  • 1 month later...

Swoopin Crane is a classic arena opener for me and it has never failed me for unknown reasons - everytime it failed it was visibly blocked or iframed or I was interrupted.

That said, remember that in open world opponents profit from auto-evade and auto-block which can be noticeable if they are higher level or distinctly outgear you.

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