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FM needs help vs Assassin.


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So, I was 1690 yesterday, and today I ran into a streak of assassins, 6 in a row to be precise. Now I'm about to lose gold.


Fights usually go like, I start off by using Q or E, since I know they'll jump on me. Then they stealth behind me, and I try to AOE hit them, usually deflected or resisted. Then I get kicked up in the air, strung up and take 30-40% health damage, the assassin retreats to the other end of the arena in stealth and waits for his combo CD to come back. I fire my 1 in his direction, but rarely hit, and the few times I do, it just says "resisted". It's a nightmarre to fight against.


I need some help here. Anyone have some advice? I've tried speccing dragonwhorl to AOE, so I can kick them out of stealth with it, but it costs 3 focus to use, and if I miss it 1 or 2 times, I'm usually out of focus by then, with no way to recover since I can't shoot at him when he's in stealth.

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From the Assassin point of view:

You should have more range than assassin so if your ping is fine you should be able to either get the opener by running back a bit then jump n glide and hit the assassin with something or the assassin will just use instant stealth by blowing the 1min cooldown.

I dont know how fm do it, but usally my dash is disabled  so i cant body swap and stealth this leaves only a few options for me to get in stealth.

Either i blow a 1.30min cd on stealth which you cant prevent.

You hit the black anmation when the assassin circle its hands which has only a 6seconds cooldown will put me to stealth give me focus and teleport me straigt behind you.

You let me get in meele range and i can hook kick you which has an 18seconds cooldown and you need to be poisned.

Its hard for you, but try to bait the black circle and then nuke while its on cooldown and dont let the assassin go meele.


Some of the fm is met did a good job freezing me stunning me and push me around which does a *cricket*hole lot of dmg.

Also they have an animation it looks like a firestream which they shoot without a target. Some manage to get me out of stealth with it.

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I don't remember what's in it anymore so I dunno what to add. As for breaking stealth with 1, try to get in mid-range and maybe shoot a little bit in the direction they're going. My ping fluctuates a ton so it's a pain for me.

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Im on high plat near Diamond on my Sin. let me tell you that a good FM will make Sin a living hell. Sin doesn't have E ability yet not to mention we didnt get the shadowflip break through freeze update so atm FM has more of an advantage against Sins.


Sins who starts the opener with teleport against FM is like suicide. it will only work against Fms who arent familiar with Sins. a good FM will wrecks a Sin hard and theres almost no counter play due to amount of freeze and we're not getting the get out of freeze update from 1 / f.

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4 hours ago, Gratus said:

I don't remember what's in it anymore so I dunno what to add. As for breaking stealth with 1, try to get in mid-range and maybe shoot a little bit in the direction they're going. My ping fluctuates a ton so it's a pain for me.


That video is pure awesome. Thank you very much!

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