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BD vs KFM pls help T_T


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Hey guys, first off this is NOT a complaint in any kind of way, I'm actually just asking for any and all help/tips I can get. Warning: wall of text incoming.


First off, I'm currently a plat BD, the class is actually really strong like everyone says. I really don't have problems with most classes and usually lose by people outskilling me if I do lose. The main issue for me at the moment is the wall of KFMs in plat. I have no idea how to fight the good ones at all and when I manage to get a win it feels like I pulled a miracle out of my ass. Any time I try to go for a CC of any kind it's evaded, resisted or blocked. If I don't blow tab I lose like 40% of my hp to one combo, if I do blow tab I die.


I usually try to open with my grab, after which they ice. After that we play the Q/E game and if I get lucky I can get a stun or daze into an aerial. After the aerial I go for either a second aerial or a blade draw. At that point the kfm will usually blow tab (good for me right?). I can't follow up afterwards b/c they Iframe like crazy or block. Then I either go for a kd, pop some resists, and/or run. After a while they manage to catch me with either the flying kick or they just wait for me to engage and block/Iframe me. Then they manage to get off a combo and chunk my hp like crazy. It seems like all the kfms in plat have perfect tech chases so there's like no escape. If I manage to get a grab then good for me I might be able to get something off after my chi drain, usually not the case though since they I-frame it 75% of the time it seems. After that I either get off one more small combo or mess up and get forced to blow tab. After that it's death.


TBH I have watched kfm pvp vids and all and I still have no idea how to fight the class.


I've asked around and people tell me just don't hit them for like a second after they q/e and don't tab until they stomp, but tbh that isn't nearly enough. Can someone go more in depth or even better if you want to learn BD maybe a KFM can spar me over and over in a voicechat?

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best piece of advice I can give you is most unblockable ccs they have are ones that they need to get far from you. don't give them distance and spin their ass off, while constantly trying to catch them off guard iwth your V and 2

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Only gold KFM here so maybe not much help, but I tend to win against BDs so I hear you.

Try to phantom grip regularly, the ice escape has a _very_ long 60 seconds cooldown, and if you can get a sword into their back the KFM might die on the next air combo if done right. That's the only situation I can remember where I would lose, at least.

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1 hour ago, Huan said:

best piece of advice I can give you is most unblockable ccs they have are ones that they need to get far from you. don't give them distance and spin their ass off, while constantly trying to catch them off guard iwth your V and 2

Spinning into a KFM is a sure fire way to get triple kicked and stunlocked when they Q/E.


I don't play BD much, I generally main my BM or KFM, but rule of thumb for a BD against a KFM would be:


Stay away, or keep them grounded as much as possible while stalling for CD's, use maelstrom for the upgraded movement speed on spin and use the immunity for tiger pounce (flying kick) deflect is useless against this so go maelstrom and when you see them SS you can assume it's coming and pop it although SS is on 8 sec CD meaning they could use it while maelstrom is down so if you can make sure you punish them for using it.) It's either that or smite, either way maelstrom works well for it and you also have Z for added immunity.


Spamming Q/E when you're anticipating a charge (mainly when you're in slam range, it will dodge the charge due to how they work in the game (if you're ping is low enough)


Blitz blade can be useful against them but the block window is small.

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Thanks Jamein, I always run maelstorm except on FM fights anyway so good for me I guess. That flying kick is on a 8 sec CD, wtf...... and yeah I assume it's coming when they ss so I either try to pop a barrier or ss myself. And I usually try to blitzblade into one of my gap closers but the window is small as you said. 

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1 minute ago, Hinnyuu said:

Thanks Jamein, I always run maelstorm except on FM fights anyway so good for me I guess. That flying kick is on a 8 sec CD, wtf...... and yeah I assume it's coming when they ss so I either try to pop a barrier or ss myself. And I usually try to blitzblade into one of my gap closers but the window is small as you said. 

Backstep is on 8 seconds, tiger pounce is on 6 but it's only available after backstep so yeah 8 seconds between being able to use it. 


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