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As a blademaster, i can't enjoy arena anymore.


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I have been an avid fan of blade and souls PvP ever since the start, i'm closing in on 2000 games now.

I finally managed to climb to 1750 facing a various amount of classes untill i legitimately hit a wall of summoners. Spending so much time building up my rating having extremely nice games got completely ruined by a streak of 7 summoners (all different ones).

I am trying my utter best to win, and very occasionally if i'm playing vs a retard, i do manage to snipe a win if i put in every amount of effort that i can. There are also summoners who i think downranked just to get beans that completely shat on me leaving the arena with 100% health 2 times.

Due to the fact that summoners are also very favoured against assassin's, i run into really good assassin's aswell making it almost impossible for me to climb unless i'm twice as good as who i am facing, but i'm not at that stage yet.

I understand that blademaster's have a kit that is extremely hard to master and i am still practicing my heart out, but playing against a dominant class that is so common who i have absolutely no chance against is just draining all the fun i have.

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I hear you xD There are some points that i agree and some points that i don't. I'm a new player in BnS and there are tons of things that i don't know. But as an assassin against a summoner, the main problem is the targeting system, not the class itself. I use my smoke bomb ( 10 seconds of stealth ) to kick the cat but everytime i get close to it, target moves from cat to summoner and i end up knocking the summoner up.

I see some assassins, in stealth, hit enemy while they move but i can't even stun them with my left click (Spinal Trap) , i just can't activate it even if i'm just right next to my target. I believe it's due to ping/lag because game doesn't register me in 3m range.

Other than that, summoners are not really overpowered. I usually disable the cat, do some damage to summoner and try to survive until the end of the round. The real overpowered class, for me, is blade dancers. 1 wrong move and you're dead in 10 seconds ^^

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IMO your mindset is making it harder on you. If you can find it in yourself to treat each match as a learning experience (win or lose) and not get so emotionally invested in needing to WIN in order to enjoy the match, things get a lot better. I still have more losses than wins on my BM but my record is slowly turning around... Each loss is "ok where did things go wrong and how could I have changed it, let's look at the Shadowplay footage..." instead of giving into frustration (omg wtf bbq OP imbalance, etc).


Did you catch Enoll's Summoner and Assassin tips? My win rate against gold rank summoners and assassins has gone up tremendously after following Enoll and Second's advice. I've also found that when I'm tired out from Arena, watching S_pvp or Enoll stream is a great learning experience as well. Those guys make BM look so elegant and effective it's scary. 





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