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Please stop ruining the potential of this great game.


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As it is right now, i am so close to just wanting to give up all the time i spent on this game and quit, as it is currently unplayable in arena. The amount of desync is completely unreal, people teleporting around, grabs being unbreakable, people not being even remotely close to where they are on your screen making all your abilities miss. I'm usually the guy who never gets mad at games, but this shit almost has me smashing my keyboard in frustration as half the games i have no control over. There is nothing worse than being grabbed by a blade dancer, seeing the obvious incoming soul stab and pressing 2 to counter it.. only for nothing to happen and losing the game due to that, not to mention hitting air with abilities that clearly are aimed at where the targetshould be. I had an assassin run straight at me today on my screen in stealth, and 3 times impact didn't hit him. Not due to evade, it jsut didn't even connect with him.


I don't even have much delay on my abilities, it rather just feels like im playing 1-2 seconds behind everyone else. I often get cc'd out of my own air combos by the guy that's supposed to be in mid air, but instead he's on the ground cc'ing me, and it would also explain why i can't use grab counters until a few seconds into the grab, as it doesn't register me as being grabbed until then.


Please NCSOFT, you got a really great game here and i really want to like it, but i can't see myself continuing for very long if this doesn't get fixed. So far all i've seen is pretty much you guys just putting the blame on the internet providers rather than facing that the issue is solely around blade and soul, there are a lot of us who can play most other games online just fine without issue, and yet this is so horrible, not to mention the fact that it's only in certain parts of the game. The rest of my guild already gave up on trying to pvp until it gets fixed, and I'm the only one stupid enough to continue, but a big part of the reason we started playing blade and soul was the pvp, and so it's likely that any of us will stick around if it doesn't get fixed, quite a few people already quit due to it.

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Not very experienced in arena yet, but I notice the same problem on boss fights that have large AoE circles. On my screen I am well clear of the damage zone yet still I get pulverised. Not sure if it's ping related or just that the circles are very inaccurate in their pictured size vs their actual range of effect.

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The problem you guys are facing has to do with the natural flow of packets. It's not either your ping or their servers that are at fault, it's both. The packets all take time to get sent to you and back to the servers. This happens on all MMOs regardless of how low your ping is. It's the same as saying "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear." You or no one else is exactly in the same spot you're seeing them. They will always be either closer or further away from you depending on how things are moving. This has to do with packets (lag) having to travel from your client to their servers. Unless they can travel at the speed of light (which is impossible even by electricity standards) then lag will always persist.


For the record, your bad games could be due to other people's ISP being bad. It may not be NCSoft's issue. So please take that into consideration.

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7 hours ago, Nikun said:

As it is right now, i am so close to just wanting to give up all the time i spent on this game and quit, as it is currently unplayable in arena. The amount of desync is completely unreal, people teleporting around, grabs being unbreakable, people not being even remotely close to where they are on your screen making all your abilities miss. I'm usually the guy who never gets mad at games, but this shit almost has me smashing my keyboard in frustration as half the games i have no control over. There is nothing worse than being grabbed by a blade dancer, seeing the obvious incoming soul stab and pressing 2 to counter it.. only for nothing to happen and losing the game due to that, not to mention hitting air with abilities that clearly are aimed at where the targetshould be. I had an assassin run straight at me today on my screen in stealth, and 3 times impact didn't hit him. Not due to evade, it jsut didn't even connect with him.


I don't even have much delay on my abilities, it rather just feels like im playing 1-2 seconds behind everyone else. I often get cc'd out of my own air combos by the guy that's supposed to be in mid air, but instead he's on the ground cc'ing me, and it would also explain why i can't use grab counters until a few seconds into the grab, as it doesn't register me as being grabbed until then.


Please NCSOFT, you got a really great game here and i really want to like it, but i can't see myself continuing for very long if this doesn't get fixed. So far all i've seen is pretty much you guys just putting the blame on the internet providers rather than facing that the issue is solely around blade and soul, there are a lot of us who can play most other games online just fine without issue, and yet this is so horrible, not to mention the fact that it's only in certain parts of the game. The rest of my guild already gave up on trying to pvp until it gets fixed, and I'm the only one stupid enough to continue, but a big part of the reason we started playing blade and soul was the pvp, and so it's likely that any of us will stick around if it doesn't get fixed, quite a few people already quit due to it.

Well if you ask me, ignore who ever say it your ISP or game server side fault.


The sad truth is the game animation it's self bugged and happen in every region , So let me explain as for Blade dancer grab that you can't counter their soul stab it due to a little fact you may didn't notice.

Once A Blade dancer grab you, He move around making your counter kind like resting for some reason like if they were in cooldown and they keep reset(That called bug and used by Blade dance which suppose to terms they get banned) . 

 As for some skills that go miss on their or either your enemy just poof from air to find they laying on ground, It more like a bug happen as a glitch from fast casting to skills and their counter on the other side.


So yah game are full with bugs in arena right now and worst part people exploit them like Blade dancer and they should get banned for that.

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12 minutes ago, Seyd said:

The problem you guys are facing has to do with the natural flow of packets. It's not either your ping or their servers that are at fault, it's both. The packets all take time to get sent to you and back to the servers. This happens on all MMOs regardless of how low your ping is. It's the same as saying "Objects in mirror are closer than they appear." You or no one else is exactly in the same spot you're seeing them. They will always be either closer or further away from you depending on how things are moving. This has to do with packets (lag) having to travel from your client to their servers. Unless they can travel at the speed of light (which is impossible even by electricity standards) then lag will always persist.


For the record, your bad games could be due to other people's ISP being bad. It may not be NCSoft's issue. So please take that into consideration.


It has nothing to do with not being able to reach light speed (guess what? We get pretty freaking close, sometimes some signals travel faster than light). Your pseudo scientific explanation is full of holes so please, don't talk about things you clearly have little to no idea about, you are not as smart as you think you are. If you wrote 1/10th of this I would agree, but then you started writing more and more wrong things. Geez.

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4 minutes ago, Duniak said:


It has nothing to do with not being able to reach light speed (guess what? We get pretty freaking close, sometimes some signals travel faster than light). Your pseudo scientific explanation is full of holes so please, don't talk about things you clearly have little to no idea about, you are not as smart as you think you are. If you wrote 1/10th of this I would agree, but then you started writing more and more wrong things. Geez.

"Some signals travel faster than light."

What is this supposed to be exactly? Guess Einstein doesn't have shit on you, because last I checked nothing travels faster than light. But we'd be going on a tangent there. So I'll humor you and let you shitpost.

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2 minutes ago, Seyd said:

"Some signals travel faster than light."

was this supposed to be exactly? Guess Einstein doesn't have shit on you.

Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation,[a] is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium.


You can't go faster than speed of light in VACUUM... Traveling faster than light NOT in vacuum is not an issue for electrons...


Normal electric signals travel at 2*10^8 (2/3c). Lag exists because signal has to travel some distance. Reaching speed of light (IN VACUUM) would just make lag 2/3 of what it is now, it wouldn't make it go away...


@Edit: No problem, you don't need to post, you don't know anything about physics or electrical circuits anyway. Just read what I wrote, go to wikipedia and learn something. You clearly didn't put in enough work in school, but it's never too late.

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6 minutes ago, Duniak said:

Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation,[a] is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium.


You can't go faster than speed of light in VACUUM... Traveling faster than light NOT in vacuum is not an issue for electrons...


Normal electric signals travel at 2*10^8 (2/3c). Lag exists because signal has to travel some distance. Reaching speed of light (IN VACUUM) would just make lag 2/3 of what it is now, it wouldn't make it go away...


@Edit: No problem, you don't need to post, you don't know anything about physics or electrical circuits anyway. Just read what I wrote, go to wikipedia and learn something. You clearly didn't put in enough work in school, but it's never too late.

Ok professor, let's get back to reality here. Either way you proved my point that lag exists because the signal has to travel some distance, so I don't really know what your issue is. Did you have a bad day or something, or are you just really passionate about physics?

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10 minutes ago, Seyd said:

Ok professor, let's get back to reality here. Either way you proved my point that lag exists because the signal has to travel some distance, so I don't really know what your issue is. Did you have a bad day or something, or are you just really passionate about physics?

 As I said, I'd agree if not for lenghty explanation that are just wrong. Explanations such as


"Unless they can travel at the speed of light (which is impossible even by electricity standards) then lag will always persist."

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A packet is essentially electricity that runs on a conduit where that signal needs to be decoded, encoded, and re-transmitted in order to communicate with the client and server. Electricity is always met with resistance, and Ohm's Law helps to explain why that is the case. I was just using electricity as an example as to why lag persists, I wasn't trying to make that specifically the topic of this thread and your issue. So can we please put this behind us and move on?

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