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Stats equalisation, but not HP?


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Alright, you equalise stats from items so that everyone can fight on the "same level", but lets be honest, me Assassin 27k life VS Assassin 43k Life. A mistep from me is death as mistep from him is nothing to worry about. I lost many duels not to skills but to HUGE HP difference. Oh it's fair as an assassin with 27k life to fight a destroyer with 50k life that drain 20% of my life per hit. It's already hard to fight destroyers as assassins and I understand you need tricks too win but damn Just a mistake on my part and it's like being nuked. And on the other hand if I don't make mistakes and do a full combo it does 30% health Dmg at most before he uses an escape and spintowin.

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Humm not sure no in arena people use the arena soul shield for more life, I didn't have 50k life for sure. And no it's not the easiest matchup for assassin in my opinion because the spin get you out of stealth and their damage is insane once the pin you down. I once got shot down in 4 seconds in a 3v3 by a destroyer who made a INTERFERENCE. He appeared, killed me , disappeared like he just crushed a fly ! Me and my friend where speechless !

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3 hours ago, PrincePipi said:

Humm not sure no in arena people use the arena soul shield for more life, I didn't have 50k life for sure. And no it's not the easiest matchup for assassin in my opinion because the spin get you out of stealth and their damage is insane once the pin you down. I once got shot down in 4 seconds in a 3v3 by a destroyer who made a INTERFERENCE. He appeared, killed me , disappeared like he just crushed a fly ! Me and my friend where speechless !


You have the same hp as any other Assassin in the arena. Don't compare your hp with other classes.


In 1v1, Assassin vs Destroyer match-up is, without a doubt, in favor of the Assassin. In 3v3 there are too many variables to consider, if you lose your escapes and someone comes in to kill you, one of your teammates has to counter them etc. You just weren't helped when you needed it in that specific situation.


The only thing that is not equalized in arena is skills/skill points. If you don't have a skill unlocked, you won't have it in the arena. If you have X skill points, you'll still have X points in the arena. Other than that, you can get a 1 atk weapon and play naked.


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2 hours ago, Brainy said:


You have the same hp as any other Assassin in the arena. Don't compare your hp with other classes.


In 1v1, Assassin vs Destroyer match-up is, without a doubt, in favor of the Assassin. In 3v3 there are too many variables to consider, if you lose your escapes and someone comes in to kill you, one of your teammates has to counter them etc. You just weren't helped when you needed it in that specific situation.


The only thing that is not equalized in arena is skills/skill points. If you don't have a skill unlocked, you won't have it in the arena. If you have X skill points, you'll still have X points in the arena. Other than that, you can get a 1 atk weapon and play naked.



IMO if you have burned your escapes in 3v3 you need to tag out. 

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Then why do I get destroyers with 43k life and other ones with 50k life and such? And hell, as I said, I got killed full health in 4 sec and I didn't know the shortcut to tag out without using alt + mouse. Is animation cancel a thing in BnS or am I imagining things? I don't understand why must I work so hard to dmg my opponent while on his hand he just need to slam me 5-6 times with his axe to desintegrate me from the universe.

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