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PSA: If you don't change specs based on class you are facing, it's why you are losing...


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I know some will say its OP this or OP that, but often those same people don't even consider having more than one build and swapping based on melee or ranged or summoner or destroyer, etc.


You can even have multiple builds prebuilt in your book (up to 4 right now) though you have to get that store training book item.

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And remember folks, you don't have to do 100% ultra-fine tuning for every class.  Pick a few things that you find are useful against one class but not another (for example Tab breaking out of Grip, or an ability that can be spec'd to break Defensive abilities or Offensive-Defensive abilities, but not both at once), and switch between those first.  Get a feel for it, then expand slowly.  No need to eat the whole cake in one bite, Booster style.


If anyone even gets that reference, I'll give you a standing ovation in my apartment.

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PSA Do summoners have to respect based on who they fight?


PSA do summoners even need skill points to compete.


PSA I don't have enough skill points to kill summoners when I spec into the defensive skills I need to stay alive.


PSA if you don't respect in round 2 after a loss or even a win, if you saw a unique style of play for your enemy then well. GG.


PSA. I stopped respeccing when I realized the only thing the matters is having my Tab up and not getting hit with a lucky crit for all my hp.


PSA My tab doesn't even work against summoners even if I fully spec it to heal 5% hp when grappled, I still cant use it while grappled.



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1 minute ago, AyeAye said:

PSA Do summoners have to respect based on who they fight?


PSA do summoners even need skill points to compete.


PSA I don't have enough skill points to kill summoners when I spec into the defensive skills I need to stay alive.


PSA if you don't respect in round 2 after a loss or even a win, if you saw a unique style of play for your enemy then well. GG.


PSA. I stopped respeccing when I realized the only thing the matters is having my Tab up and not getting hit with a lucky crit for all my hp.


PSA My tab doesn't even work against summoners.

When did summoner even come into the subject? go talk shit in the summoner Forum and watch everyone tell you how to beat them.

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The only reason I brought up summoner is because the OP has been making summoner post all day.


11 minutes ago, Cuddlemachine said:

How to beat a summoner... DON'T FOCUS THE BLOODY CAT!...


You don't choose your target when fighting summoners, the summoner chooses who you hit.



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You should definitely switch your build depending on what class you're fighting.  If you're really good, you could even switch your build after the first fight to counter their playstyle.  From watching Jaesung play his Destroyer and Kung Fu Master on the NA servers you will see just how much a pro switches skills.  (You'll also see a highly skilled player with close to 150ms latency beat summoners. :)  



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1 hour ago, AyeAye said:


PSA I don't have enough skill points to kill summoners when I spec into the defensive skills I need to stay alive.




The playstyle against summoner is kill them before they kill you, defensive isn't going to help they are just going to heal through it.

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