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Nerf Summoners FOR GOD SAKE!


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7 minutes ago, Mikleo said:

Not really.... xD

it is for sin. We are literally vulnerable to anything when we are out of stealth and summoners are able to cast a DoT sprout on us that reveal us for most of the time we tried to approach them and they just run around us, shoot beams and entangle us.


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Just now, Arcilius said:

One way to fix this imbalance pvp system is to Match us with our own classes Sin Vs Sin Summoners Vs Summoners until 1600 rating that's when we encounter different classes aside our own respective classes.

There would be no diversity and probably long waiting times for pvp. lol.

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6 hours ago, Drayos1992 said:

As far as i can speaking to most streamers the summoner is only faceroll easy during low brackets, and get harder against more skilled players, considering assassins can actually abuse their class to just win via having more hp when the timer runs out i dont think realistically you should complain 

Top 10, 5Summoners. Lowbracket?

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2 hours ago, TaehyungV said:

At OP ur barely gold and ur complaining about summoners? Lol ok, do u even stunlock, u know u can literally just kick the cat unconcious, swap spots with summoner, stealth and 100-0 the summoner...

Well, if you use the unconsious skill you loose stealth poke

You have to bait trinket first or summoner will just run to cat and sit on its face.

There is a lot which can go wrong till you pull this

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5 hours ago, Arcilius said:

great owned a destroyer and got a gold :D


Until you're getting to 1900+ rating, you really don't have a grasp of the PvP of the game yet. Although Summoner is doing well this patch it is by no means OP when it comes to the high ranked matches. Please do not complain about something when you barely understand the mechanics of the game.

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On 2/17/2016 at 1:17 PM, Arcilius said:

I am an assassin almost hitting gold in the 1v1 arena and the game matched me up with 5 friggin summoners in a row ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND ALL THEY DO IS JUST RUN AROUND AND SHOOT. PLEASE NERFFFFFFFFFFFFFF THEMMMMMMMMMMMMMM AND THE CAT TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


i was an assassin too, got to 1890 elo then got 5 summoner in a row

rerolled a summoner now im plat ALOT easier

i suggest every one do the same, summoner is easy and OP

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