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When HM legendary finally come out... how to get?


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Would I be forced to PvE a ton just to have a chance for RNGesus to *cricket* at me?


My luck is always on the shitty side, so if I am forced to farm pve for RNG... this would really make me consider switching to a class that doesn't need to farm important skill (which class is that btw?)

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Sorry, what I meant is the future patch's legenedary HM skills. (like blade call or soaring falcon etc)


Would I need to pay out of my kidney, arms, and legs to pay for it?

Would BM be THE class that remain terribly bad in pvp UNLESS you pay out of your ass or get extremely lucky?


Currently the lightning draw is 500 gold on my server. In comparison, blade dancer's is only 200 gold. Even after paying 500g, bm will still be at disadvantage against equally skilled BD currently. IMO, that's just getting to the masochistic level. Now if future HM legendary skill are like this too, I don't have the f-ing time to grind to just get to even level playing field without sacrificing real life duty.


Like wtf, it is not punishing enough that we are currently a weak class, but we have to pay our kidney to improve our class? Every other class's recipe is far cheaper.

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4 minutes ago, Ghobe said:

We can't exactly predict what the economy will do.

do you know any sample from other version of BnS?


I read that some of the server's other skill also require alot of effort just to craft, but I don't know if those skills are heavily needed for PvP. (like assassin LB tier 5) http://forum.mmosite.com/thread/2/316/20140317/Guild_Workshop_Unlocking_Level_5_Skills-532762c840cc2c313-1.html


If every required legendary HM for BM is big effort of grind, then I am probably done with BM.

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