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How does dandalion work?


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@Vexe Dandelion (Seed Shroud) can be spec'd to heal the user in two ways:

1) 2 points into Seed Shroud gives access to Enhanced Seed Shroud, a second dandelion can cast during the 2 second counter window of the first. On counter, provides 4% healing, immunity to one attack while stealthed, and immunity to Stun/Knockdown/Daze while stealthed. Enhanced has a 36 second cooldown.

2) 3 points (Form 1 Tier 4) gives 4% healing as well on a successful counter and 50% reduced damage while stealthed.


Either way, it's not a huge heal, and as a Summoner I tend to go for Form 2 Tier 4. Gives a shield effect worth 25% of my health for 3 seconds if no attack is countered. Enhanced Seed Shroud doesn't proc this effect, though.


The only other thing Seed Shroud heals is 4 Focus on successful counter, though True Friend, Doom 'n' Bloom and sometimes Tier 4 Crouching Tiger (if you have the points to spare) are better for that sorta thing if we're not being focused.


@Masqava 8 second cooldown, which starts counting down on cast rather than on counter, meaning that by the end of that counter window we've only got 6 second to wait.

If counter is successful, we've got a maximum of 6 seconds stealth time. That's a 2 second window you have to DPS us down before we can put Seed Shroud up again. This is why it's important to CC us *before* going into DPS mode. If you can't CC, but have a skill that penetrates counter, keep in mind that Seed Shroud will lower incoming damage of those attacks by 50% (requires 1 skill point, the same one that puts the counter time from 1.5 sec to 2. Expect all Summoners to have it).


If mistakes were made, Summoner has gone stealthed and isn't protecting their cat? Fine, go PvE on the cat. Their fault for not protecting it.

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