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Mushin's Tower Floor 7 Junghado Stun Strategy - Force Master


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I'm aware there are at least more than one video on this already, but since I've already spent the time to make a video for my friends, I'd like to share this with anyone who could use it as a reference as well. Another perspective would be nice too wouldn't it? The way it is done here takes far less effort and pretty much no skill or gear involved, so hopefully it can help a lot more people finish it if they could not already. Excuse the pretty sloppy game play thank you ;D

Read video description for more info.


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24 minutes ago, Succubus Lilith said:


I guess I still need to upgrade more.

Let me clarify, by not needing much gear means you don't need weapons upgraded. The only thing you do need is decent crit to proc Frost Fury and Dragonfrost. From when I finish, I had at least 2 mins left on the timer and even if I dropped down to Awaken Profane or something I'd still be able to finish in time. So I'll recommend you raising crit for this if you do not have at least 40% already. I don't think that's too difficult to do on an FM

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14 minutes ago, Starbo said:

Let me clarify, by not needing much gear means you don't need weapons upgraded. The only thing you do need is decent crit to proc Frost Fury and Dragonfrost. From when I finish, I had at least 2 mins left on the timer and even if I dropped down to Awaken Profane or something I'd still be able to finish in time. So I'll recommend you raising crit for this if you do not have at least 40% already. I don't think that's too difficult to do on an FM


46% crit.


But to compare our results, you would hit 8k~ from a dragonfrost crit, more than likely same with Dragonfire.


I hit 6k with a crit on the same move. Far less.


While some people say true profane is enough, gems are never mentioned.

Before, I could barely get him to 25% hp, but after replacing my diamond with a more effective one, I got my current results.

My "upgrading" is for the most part just getting better gems.


I'll try again after I replace my other two gems with better versions.

Should be much better results.


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48 minutes ago, Succubus Lilith said:


46% crit.


But to compare our results, you would hit 8k~ from a dragonfrost crit, more than likely same with Dragonfire.


I hit 6k with a crit on the same move. Far less.


While some people say true profane is enough, gems are never mentioned.

Before, I could barely get him to 25% hp, but after replacing my diamond with a more effective one, I got my current results.

My "upgrading" is for the most part just getting better gems.


I'll try again after I replace my other two gems with better versions.

Should be much better results.


What's your attack power at? 

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Well I really wonder why they made this stupid boss this way. I have no issue whatsoever in entire game, can solo basically anything I think of, whole F1-6 tower I can do not even looking at the screen and then bam, this boss, no matter what I do is just unkillable. I tried almost any combination of skills, I got even so desperate that I'm now following guides and tips like in this topic, still not doable. Effing BS this boss if you ask me. Just a stupid waste of money on durability.

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58 minutes ago, Civic26 said:

Well I really wonder why they made this stupid boss this way. I have no issue whatsoever in entire game, can solo basically anything I think of, whole F1-6 tower I can do not even looking at the screen and then bam, this boss, no matter what I do is just unkillable. I tried almost any combination of skills, I got even so desperate that I'm now following guides and tips like in this topic, still not doable. Effing BS this boss if you ask me. Just a stupid waste of money on durability.


I have a forum post with my stats and spec as well as my kill video I did on the 11th. Killed it the first time less than an hour after server came up from patch. Thought it was going to be really hard based on what the devs were saying in livestream so didn't record that one just in case I needed to dodge real quick and the lower FPS during recording might of messed up. If you have any questions about the spec let me know. 


Spec: https://bnstree.com/FM?build=4501000256322653325021380311063425123235332661124132263112494223932237322432141012



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1 minute ago, Civic26 said:

I have seen that already, believe me I tried multiple things and got inspiration from multiple videos here already posted. Just doesn't work for me for reasons stated above.

Do you have any latency issues during the fight or anything? What's the main thing getting you on the fight? 

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As in every dungeon or arena in this game, I have "stable" 160ms (bellow 60ms in outer world and bellow 30ms in any other game there is on the internet - like wildstar in the same datacenter). I always knew this was an issue for me as I saw it way too often that I was already away from hit zones (telegraphs) but still got hit or that the npcs are hitting air behind me and doing dmg to me. I was specced into extreme dmg and life drain so I didn't really care, I considered it a minor inconvenience but on this boss it's just too much. Another example is that I can't do arenas for the very same reason. When the game offers me F for retreat (it is there for like 200ms so I would need rattlesnake reflexes anyway) and even if I manage to hit the button in time, the button flashes as used on the screen but because of the latency will be overridden by next moves of the enemy anyway. So that's why in pvp I'm just usually looking at permastunlock for entire fights unable to do shyt. This boss is just like that, I try to block, he charges and interrupts that block anyway. Then I'm just a doll that he rapes and punches around. Unfortunately end of my story.

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3 minutes ago, Civic26 said:

As in every dungeon or arena in this game, I have "stable" 160ms (bellow 60ms in outer world and bellow 30ms in any other game there on the internet - like wildstar in the same datacenter). I always knew this was an issue for me as I saw it way too often that I was already away from hit zones (telegraphs) but still got hit or that the npcs are hitting air behind me and doing dmg to me. I was specced into extreme dmg and life drain so I didn't really care, I considered it a minor inconvenience but on this boss it's just too much. Another example is that I can't do arenas for the very same reason. When the game offers me F for retreat (it is there for like 200ms so I would need rattlesnake reflexes anyway) and even if I manage to hit the button in time, the button flashes as used on the screen but because of the latency will be overridden by next moves of the enemy anyway. So that's why in pvp I'm just usually looking at permastunlock for entire fights unable to do shyt. This boss is just like that, I try to block, he charges and interrupts that block anyway. Then I'm just a doll that he rapes and punches around. End of story.


Ah yeah, that can be a pain. The only thing I can think of that would help vs him with latency issues is that if you use his speech telegraphs for some of the abilities. But he still has some other ones that have CC aspects that there aren't a slight pre-telegraph with a speech. 


Claw of the Tiger: he will jump back and then dash towards you and do 5 slashes. 

Breath of the Turtle : There will be random ice patches on the ground can't really predict where that will be at, but Q, E, and SS will break you out of it if you get frozen.

Wings of the Phoenix: Is the Lightning Field that Blade Masters do, he'll try to place it right where you are. 

Roar of the Dragon: he will do an aoe around himself and then do a high damage charge that can launch you. For this with your latency what I'd do is use the Frost Armor, Frost Sheath, or pop a Chungshil Premium Kaoliang Ju for the Damage Immunity. Since that ability imo hits the hardest of all his moves. It's a pain when he does this one back to back. I have had him do that to me before, but luckily had 2 of my Immunities up. 


I was having an issue with Latency this morning on my KFM and that's how I was able to avoid some things was to do it earlier than I normally would that way would register in time. 


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Update; I've tried with a Blackwyrm weapon, which is just any other heroic level 45 weapon in stats, and sitting at 297 attack power even though I still run 56% crit and 205% crit damage, I did it quite easily. I found myself stun locking him a lot more than being greedy with doing damage with fire skills. Just more Frost Fury>Dragonfrost spam and stunning. Still did it faster than my Blade Master

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For those that still cant kill Junghado using the stun strategy, here is a video of a slightly different variation of the tactic. Will take longer than other builds as I have not used any of the fire moves, but it pretty much keeps the boss stun locked, use potions if you get hit, put frost shields up when the boss does his combo.

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I have terrible latency (western australia 350ms) and this is what I do: Spec frost, every point in frost except firestorm, which is t3f2 for the 0.5 sec parry.


Chug away kiting him and mashing everything as usual, healing with Frost Fury.


When he does the flying swords that creates the electric circle on the floor use one left click because his gap closer is coming then hit Tab for firestorm, catch it with the parry.


When he stands still and makes a red circle around him use frost armor and sit in it... black dragon is the killer. If it is on CD use frost sheath, failing that use a 10 sec immunity pot or even firestorm.


When you get below 60% health force grip him and either sit there for cd's (6 sec) then throw him or just throw him.  In fact, force grip and throw (2) him every time he gets close to you.  This is a good time to use a health tonic.


When he uses Umber turtle whatever: the ice circles on the ground... stop everything and wait for them to appear then use (e) toiframe the freeze/break the freeze.


NEVER EVER TAKE YOUR EYES OFF HIM because you have to block EVERY black dragon (there are ususally 3).


You can put the 10 sec immunity pot (from the vendor on M6) on your hotbar and mash it... first kill I did... immunity is great even if it is poorly timed, you only need 14s worth for a good attempt: 5 mins fighting is only 10 pots.

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7 hours ago, RageX said:


For those that still cant kill Junghado using the stun strategy, here is a video of a slightly different variation of the tactic. Will take longer than other builds as I have not used any of the fire moves, but it pretty much keeps the boss stun locked, use potions if you get hit, put frost shields up when the boss does his combo.


Its great and all, but where is your skill tree?


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Well, I had another attempt at floor 7 after my upgrades.


First try failed, but with me close to victory.

I decided I would try again, change my strategy a little.

I had a feeling I could finally beat him.


Fight begins, all goes well.

Damage going smoothly, stopping him in his tracks whenever possible.

I felt great, this felt like what I was waiting for. I felt like I would win.

Until...when he had 80k hp left.

His AI decided I would not win today.

You know that move where he has the red AOE circle that makes him immune to damage, followed by a combo?

He decided to use that. Over and Over. Waiting no more than 2-3 seconds between each use.

For the final 90~ seconds of his enrage countdown, he just repeated that move, maybe using something else inbetween.

The amount of damage I could deal almost became zero. I couldn't deal enough to counter the enrage countdown.

Sometimes the solution to a boss is to get better.

Sometimes the boss' AI just hates you.


Guess I'll try again some other time.


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