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Force Master vs Mushin Tower


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I've seen a few styles for FM videos vs him. Here is my own style. I beat him within an hour on the patch release he wasn't too hard didn't record that one though because was under the assumption he was going to be impossibly hard from what the devs had said in the live stream. So didn't want my frames dropping some due to recording to where I might of missed a dodge. I didn't do a second run on Wednesday to record one so this is my one from Thursday morning using the same set up and stats as the Wednesday kill. I will post videos of the kills from yesterday of the other floors to see how I fight them as well for anyone that has issues once I finish uploading. 


Build: https://bnstree.com/FM?build=4501000256322653325021380311063425123235332661124132263112494223932237322432141012

Weapon: Awakened Siren Stage 10
Soul Shield: Moonwater Arena Soul Shield infused with Crit. 
Total Attack Power: 374
Total Crit Rate: 1780
Total Crit Damage: 660




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4 minutes ago, Aradyn said:

Yo, i have and off topic question, how do i get there? haha

You should have a quest in your log to talk to Chungsil at the entrance of Hogshead Hamlet in Moonwater Plains. After you talk to him he'll tell you to Windstride to Mushin's Tower. Then you should have the windstride for there available on the map in South West of Hogshead Pastures of Moonwater Plains. 


Here's a SS of where he's at. 


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4 minutes ago, Daehawk said:

You should have a quest in your log to talk to Chungsil at the entrance of Hogshead Hamlet in Moonwater Plains. After you talk to him he'll tell you to Windstride to Mushin's Tower. Then you should have the windstride for there available on the map in South West of Hogshead Pastures of Moonwater Plains. 

Thanks <3

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3 minutes ago, Zerecas said:

Nice, so you're mainly using ice build or?

Slight mix, I use mainly Ice build but I have Instant cast Inferno, higher dot for Short Fuse, and Meteor Shower. Normally around the time that they are coming off cooldown since both Inferno and Meteor have 45sec cooldowns I will do a LMB or Blazing Beam to swap over to Fire Stance and then pop each of those off and then switch back to Ice Stance to go back to normal usage of RMB, Frost Fury, and Dragonfrost with rotating in Ice Coil and Snowball when off cooldown. 

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Floor 2



Floor 2 you will fight the Silver Deva, if you stay close to him typically he won't do his jump smash that creates fire patches. After this just keep staying out of his projected attacks and can even circle strafe him in order to avoid his normal melee attacks as well.


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Floor 3



In Mushin Tower Floor 3 you will have four different bosses you fight one after another with some adds in the room. If you leave the side adds up till the end when you fight Bomani they will all attack you. So the best way to deal with this is to kill the Boss that's up at the time and then his adds that came with him will leave and you can whittle down the side adds while you wait for the next boss to come upstairs. Then just finish off the few adds that remain when you are fighting Bomani.

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Floor 4



In this video vs the Pale Stalker I tried it with the Dark Stalker as my companion. I didn't like him too much, lately I've been using the Blade Master that is available to help you on the front left. He seems to work out well. Essentially use your AoEs to whittle down the adds while you focus on the Pale Stalker if he does spawn some adds. You can use Glacial Beam and stuns when he is doing the Roar that summons adds to prevent him from summoning any adds as well, this is not in this video but is something I have done in later attempts.


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Floor 5




The Hulking Augurite is a fight where there are 4 buffs that you can get throughout it. After you pick up a buff you cannot pick that one up again. You can pick up the next buff 45 seconds after the one you just picked up. If you are too far away from him he will roll at you as seen in the beginning of this video where I didn't dodge fast enough and got smashed. In later attempts I tend to just stay close to him and circle kite him like in my Silver Deva video while dashing out of his giant red circle he will sometimes cast.

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Floor 6


VS Monkey King



This fight has no changes essentially from the dungeon fight. Only difference is that you don't have to deal with the add that appears the shadow version of him. Just dodge everything and you're good.


VS Hogdonny


Similar to the fight at the end of Pigsty you can fight Hogdonny on Floor 6. When you're in melee range he will do series of melee slams and whirlwinds. When you are at range he will do a series of missile shots and charge attacks. The charge attacks will knock you down so be sure to use your Tab or 1 to get back up.



VS Dokumo


The Dokumo fight is very similar to that of the one from the Skittering tunnels. He does the same abilities cept the going up and spawning additional eggs and I haven't seen him do the grab and then multiple slash. 

Remember to use your CC Breaks to get out of his web.


VS Azure Lord



Azure Lord is the Ice Boss from Brightstone Ruins. If you are far away from him he will hurl bolts at you that hit pretty hard so try to stay close to him. He does one thing different than in the dungeon which is he will slam his hands on the ground 5 times this causes a decent amount of damage and your best bets to avoid the damage is the immunity pot from Mushin Tower, Ice Armor, or Frost Sheath. Though with Frost Sheath you will get hit by the last one. It's better than taking all of them though.

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Im having trouble with that stupid golem stage o:< Its just floor 5 i can`t beat. The orb appears when hes about to enraged and wiped me in one shot. Any strategy for the golem stage? I can kite him just fine but cant seem to get past him on that floor.

Weapon:  Awakened Infernal Bangle stage 10 (still working on my stuff to True Infernal to stage 5 then to 10 when i have more gold)
Attack Power: 267
Bopae/soul shield : All moonwater arena infused with crits
Total Crit Rate: 1575
Total Crit damage: 915

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40 minutes ago, staahpxDD said:

Im having trouble with that stupid golem stage o:< Its just floor 5 i can`t beat. The orb appears when hes about to enraged and wiped me in one shot. Any strategy for the golem stage? I can kite him just fine but cant seem to get past him on that floor.

Weapon:  Awakened Infernal Bangle stage 10 (still working on my stuff to True Infernal to stage 5 then to 10 when i have more gold)
Attack Power: 267
Bopae/soul shield : All moonwater arena infused with crits
Total Crit Rate: 1575
Total Crit damage: 915


i do pve build for all lvls, and pvp for 7 ... so i advise u to go nuke pve build and i do glacial beam as Tier3 stage3, so i stun and metor, and just run around it in circle, u should worry about his stone throw skill which might be critical dmg on u, so i advise u to use the resist dmg pot for it or if u have no lag use divine veil :) if u cant do it with pve build ... then sry bud ur dps is low :X


to gain an ez dps try fuse ur soulshield with crit to boost it, and u can try mix between em to get max crit/accurecy ...

u can also do bloodshade for a day or two to boost ur gear, u will need the bracelet from there "siren bracelet needed to breakthrough 5-->6"

hope that help :)





@Daehawk, nice topic will help ppl alot for sure, keep it up

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2 hours ago, AeGamer said:



i do pve build for all lvls, and pvp for 7 ... so i advise u to go nuke pve build and i do glacial beam as Tier3 stage3, so i stun and metor, and just run around it in circle, u should worry about his stone throw skill which might be critical dmg on u, so i advise u to use the resist dmg pot for it or if u have no lag use divine veil :) if u cant do it with pve build ... then sry bud ur dps is low :X


to gain an ez dps try fuse ur soulshield with crit to boost it, and u can try mix between em to get max crit/accurecy ...

u can also do bloodshade for a day or two to boost ur gear, u will need the bracelet from there "siren bracelet needed to breakthrough 5-->6"

hope that help :)





@Daehawk, nice topic will help ppl alot for sure, keep it up

Awesome ty! I`ll keep that in mind :pp No need to be sorry i`ll figure out this fight on my own but i appreciate the info and help (: Cheers !

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5 minutes ago, Liecan said:

This boss is sooo easy as FM. I killed him 30minutes after patch released. Cant wait for mushin 8.

Well you have to suck pretty bad if this launch isnt your first time and you cant beat it.... it IS 3yr old content after all.

For some, its a 1 week content.

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3 minutes ago, LagunaL8 said:

Well you have to suck pretty bad if this launch isnt your first time and you cant beat it.... it IS 3yr old content after all.

For some, its a 1 week content.

 Dunno but i made a guide about it as  FM.

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Nice vids.  But watching Hogdonny, I can tell by your dps that you are way overgeared than what people searching for help will be geared.  And your music is really bad, IMO.


But when we get overgeared, we now know what to do too.

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5 minutes ago, Airtaz said:

Nice vids.  But watching Hogdonny, I can tell by your dps that you are way overgeared than what people searching for help will be geared.  And your music is really bad, IMO.


But when we get overgeared, we now know what to do too.

Total Attack Power: 374
Total Crit Rate: 1780
Total Crit Damage: 660


he's not overgeared.

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BTW aside from the aweful spider boss if your luck is crap enough to land on him.

Pretty much every boss on the 6th floor you can fight (as FM) buy just a few 45degrees around from those frontal cones.

Some of the videos i see pple hopping around more than necessary or keeping a bogus distance. (same playstyle as the silver deva)


I just move 45 degrees or so and just STAND there shooting it. Sometimes there isnt even a need to move in a circle jerk :O

less stress for my fingers.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/21/2016 at 7:48 PM, Airtaz said:

Nice vids.  But watching Hogdonny, I can tell by your dps that you are way overgeared than what people searching for help will be geared.  And your music is really bad, IMO.


But when we get overgeared, we now know what to do too.

You don't like my music! lol, some of the music is just going along with the them. Like the Dokumo I put in a spider song =P. You can always mute these videos. For these for Blade and Soul I'm not doing voice over commentary and having in the description supply the information that a player might need to beat it. 


On 2/21/2016 at 2:28 AM, LagunaL8 said:

BTW aside from the aweful spider boss if your luck is crap enough to land on him.

Pretty much every boss on the 6th floor you can fight (as FM) buy just a few 45degrees around from those frontal cones.

Some of the videos i see pple hopping around more than necessary or keeping a bogus distance. (same playstyle as the silver deva)


I just move 45 degrees or so and just STAND there shooting it. Sometimes there isnt even a need to move in a circle jerk :O

less stress for my fingers.




Yeah I just like to keep moving. It's not that rough for me since with my mouse mostly all of my attacks are bound to just it so I'm free to keep moving with the other hand.(My mouse has 12 side buttons). For F8 Pain you don't need to move any at all. 


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Floor 8

New Stats that I've gained since my original videos:

Level: Hongmoon Lv 2

Weapon: Awakened Siren Bangle Stage 10

HP: 32,786

Attack Power: 379

Critical: 3,013

Critical Damage: 812

Accuracy: 708

Piercing: 418



Mushin's Pain


On Floor 8 you fight aspects of Mushin. The first fight is a DPS race against Mushin's Pain. You don't need much CC Breakers or saves. You can mainly just stand there and nuke him as fast as you can. You get 2minutes and 30 seconds to kill him. 


When he grabs you, you can use your 1 ability to hurt him in order to damage him some more or your 2 ability to attempt to break free. 


For the kill video I had forgotten to start recording till 42 seconds into the fight so cut in the first time I fought him which I got him to 10,000 HP left and he enraged on me killing me(that upset!). 


My spec is the same as the other videos cept for I removed the Second Wind and Backstep abilities points and put them into additional damage with Snowball to get high crits with it when he gets frozen. 


Use your Q and E to get out of the Ice patches on the ground he spawns if you get trapped in them. For all these fights the first attack he resists and you can't start damaging him till after the first grab. So just open with a LMB to start the fight and get grabbed. Ice Block will not save you from getting grabbed.  


When you get grabbed and break free spam F to do your backflip and get right back up away from him to keep doing damage. 

Mushin's Rage 



Character Build: https://bnstree.com/FM?build=4502000255112563226533250213803110634251232353326633241321103124932239322372241012

Enrage Timer: 4min 30 seconds

Like with Pain he will grab your with away so you lose a few seconds of combat when fighting him. Open with LMB since no damage can be done to him before this grab.


Like with Jung Hado I mostly just keep moving. To avoid his telegraphs and to stay out of his normal melee hits.


He will do a move where he jumps back to the middle and then fire ripples from the center in 3 different waves. You can continue hitting him during this. If you stay in the middle or right outside the middle fire wave you can continue attacking him to save time during this. Frost Sheath can be used for each of these as his ability has a long cooldown. Or if you want to rotate between Frost Armor and Frost Sheath to heal you can. 

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