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Assassins and Stealth


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Like, seriously....

I've played other games with an assassin class, and in all of them they can go into stealth. 

But add a damn cooldown! When you're constantly getting beat up just because you cant see your target, like wth? Add a cooldown or make it so that when you're in combat you can't use it. It's over powered as hell.

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9 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

the real problem are the iframes, it's not a invisibility its more like god mode, they can evade and resist your aoes, and when they get out of stealth and you going to attack them, they are at the *cricket*ing iframes resisting your attacks again

Kinda dont have that problem and its usually end ups whit assasin enjoying free flight to sky. But I guess thats because I play blade cancer... 

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19 minutes ago, Justsomeone said:

the real problem are the iframes, it's not a invisibility its more like god mode, they can evade and resist your aoes, and when they get out of stealth and you going to attack them, they are at the *cricket*ing iframes resisting your attacks again


wth we can't evade AoEs. people pop me out of stealth all the time with crap if I rush them too hard.


However, I think we do evade like every ranged attack.

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26 minutes ago, KittenSpirit said:

Like, seriously....

I've played other games with an assassin class, and in all of them they can go into stealth. 

But add a damn cooldown! When you're constantly getting beat up just because you cant see your target, like wth? Add a cooldown or make it so that when you're in combat you can't use it. It's over powered as hell.


There is a cooldown on every single ability that grants stealth, next time, read up on the skills before complaining.

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1 hour ago, Naab said:


There is a cooldown on every single ability that grants stealth, next time, read up on the skills before complaining.

The cooldown isn't long enough then. It's like an FM when they freeze you. When they go into stealth and just evade you forever, go out of stealth, attack, go back to stealth, when the hell do you have a chance to attack? And I've gotten an assassin out of stealth immediately after they go into it only for them to stealth again 3 seconds later. 

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8 minutes ago, KittenSpirit said:

The cooldown isn't long enough then. It's like an FM when they freeze you. When they go into stealth and just evade you forever, go out of stealth, attack, go back to stealth, when the hell do you have a chance to attack? And I've gotten an assassin out of stealth immediately after they go into it only for them to stealth again 3 seconds later. 


Excluding out of combat skills, the Sin has only one skill that grants stealth without any requirements (T3 Smoke Bomb, 1m30sec cooldown = usable once per round). Every other stealth skill has counterplay.


Try not to attack into Decoy(his counter)/Shadow Dance(his i-frame Q) and clear poison stacks to stop Hook Kick (grants stealth if used on poisoned target).

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27 minutes ago, Naab said:

Try not to attack into Decoy(his counter)/Shadow Dance(his i-frame Q) and clear poison stacks to stop Hook Kick (grants stealth if used on poisoned target).

Are you aware of a KFM skill that removes the poison stacks?  I need to reduce the assassin stealth duration from 75% of the match to more like 25% of the match.  At this point, I can't figure out how to keep them from constantly getting back into stealth other than use a counter break skill when they're countering.


The match usually goes with them somehow getting into stealth while I'm wind-gliding (charge into me and vanish).  Then they try to lure TAB with a stun, but stay in stealth.  Next they do a real stun, and kick me into the air (+ web + bomb + moth breath) while backing away slowly to vanish into stealth.  Then they use a lighting blade attack while in stealth that I cannot counter, Q, or E (presumably because the moth's disable my counter) and can only SS away from.  Followed by a change places stun that puts them back into stealth.  While stunned they'll then stab me a few times in the kidney before using the throat slice mechanic, followed by a counter hoping to bait me into putting them back into stealth.  I stopped getting baited here, but don't seem to have any method of countering any of the previous stuff and my HP is around 40-50% by this point.


So, all they have to do is play defensively and they win the match.  I've had so many matches with assassins end with a timer running out because they just set me up, and then keep distance / bait counters back into stealth for the rest of the match.

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I thought stunning targets on the ground disabled their counters after this patch. However, fighting sins showed that it didn't affect them at all. I lift them up, and just before they fall use stun and follow with a combo. Result = free stealth. Also, who's the genius who thought that 50% evade in stealth and complete blindness for 5s after using trinket is balanced?

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22 minutes ago, Hurk said:

These types of topics are hilarious and 100% pointless. We are getting skill patches as KR sees it fit. Go back to wow where complaining X is OP because you can't beat it with Y because you are bad is heard.

Please, mr whiteknight, duel a decent sin on a kfm and tell me how it went. I'm really curious. Besides, we got KR balance patch when they had lvl 50+15 when we have 45+5. This is simply hillarious balancing.

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10 minutes ago, Kaal said:

Please, mr whiteknight, duel a decent sin on a kfm and tell me how it went. I'm really curious. Besides, we got KR balance patch when they had lvl 50+15 when we have 45+5. This is simply hillarious balancing.

My post means complaining won't do you any good. We are getting the same patches Korea has. Currently paper rock scissors exists for a lot of classes not just KFM vs Sin. For example you think Destroyers don't complain about KFM lol its ridiculous to attack a class at 45 when we don't have lv50 patch.

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4 minutes ago, Hurk said:

My post means complaining won't do you any good. We are getting the same patches Korea has. Currently paper rock scissors exists for a lot of classes not just KFM vs Sin. For example you think Destroyers don't complain about KFM lol its ridiculous to attack a class at 45 when we don't have lv50 patch.

Fair enough, I'll give you that. However, complaints might make NCS release caps sooner, so I wouldn't completely disregard that.

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