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I'm stuck on Mushin 3rd floor.. need advice...


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Hi, fellow summoners. I'm currently stuck on Mushin tower 3rd floor. I just die too quick... I am using blackwyrm soulshields infused with elite crits. Gears are non siren except my belt. I feel shit... This is a solo dungeon... and there is no way I can get help from other players. I just need to get better but I don't know how. I want to clear entire mushin tower. Any tips guys??????????

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is that the crowd floor ones...?

clear the mobs first, after all clear, kill the boss... that's how i clear that floor...

first attack to mobs, not boss... if you attack the boss first, more mobs will spawn...



for now i'm stuck on 5th floor because of rage timer... 

need to upgrade my weapons, accessories, and soul shield... ~~

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3F is where you fight a large number of enemies, correct?


I had a lot of trouble on my Blade Dancer, so I scummed through it. I'm not sure if it works on the first wave, but during the third wave you can pull out groups of enemies, group by group, then run away, rest and return for the next group.


id est:

1. Go to the entrance and lure a wave outside.

2. The boss will probably run out first, either keep him busy with your cat or lure him out to reset. Kill all non-boss enemies.

3. If your hp gets critical or you die, crawl out and restore chi. The fight will reset, non-boss enemies will not revive.

4. After you're healed up, repeat until boss is alone.

5. Kill boss.

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 First times I ever did this fight was on a FM, since done it on BM and Summoner, this was on CN servers were it was far far harder,  best strat I came up with and stuck too, was, DONT pull boss,  Go down rights side, attack the first pack  of adds, boss will run over to you and NOT pull all the others, Kill the adds and Prio the cannon mobs, they hurt alot, so keep moving all the time. then pull over the 2nd pack of Adds, kill them, and keep doing that, if you accidentally kill the boss,  stay over that side of room and next boss which enters pull him over to you.


Ideally on first boss on floor 3 you want to kill all the adds before boss dies, then the other bosses that come you will have no big packs of adds to deal with.




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2 hours ago, TheArtOfWar said:

Use the cat to tank, that's all, I beat the 7F on my 1st run, and I'm using the True Profane Staff and awakened infernal itens.
If you can't pass the 3F, you are doing something wrong bro.

I let my cat attack them first yet they attack me instead of my cat. How else should I use my cat to tank?

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Use Crouching Tiger (Q) Maxed out so all Mobs are taunted and DPS the hell out of the bosses.


The rest of the time it's mostly using Shroud & True Friend whenever U can to neglect dmg.


Ur hardest fight would be at Floor 7, but if u use Crouching Tiger and True friend U'll be fine.

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4 minutes ago, ketone said:

what the hell is this? Im summoner


yes but it explains the fights and to be honest , I main summoner too, both here and on CN servers and Mushin tower is face roll on summoner,  3 points into Crouching tiger, keep it on the boss and On CD and its GG All the fights are about managing Crouching tiger

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2 minutes ago, Elvenmad said:


yes but it explains the fights and to be honest , I main summoner too, both here and on CN servers and Mushin tower is face roll on summoner,  3 points into Crouching tiger, keep it on the boss and On CD and its GG All the fights are about managing Crouching tiger

so when do I need to use crouching skill ? right away?

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