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Skill build help?!


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Since the new patch I dont understand how to work the new skill build. Before you could pick a recommended pve/pvp/dungeon build, now it seems like you pick between fire/ice/pvp.

Can someone explain what that means? I want the best pve build with high dps since I mostly pve but idk if I choose fire or ice or have a little of both? This is so confusing haha.
I also prefer solo playing too so if you can, can you point me towards a good force master guide where I can get the best pve build for dungeons.


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9 hours ago, Mirax said:

Since the new patch I dont understand how to work the new skill build. Before you could pick a recommended pve/pvp/dungeon build, now it seems like you pick between fire/ice/pvp.

Can someone explain what that means? I want the best pve build with high dps since I mostly pve but idk if I choose fire or ice or have a little of both? This is so confusing haha.
I also prefer solo playing too so if you can, can you point me towards a good force master guide where I can get the best pve build for dungeons.


if u want top dps, go for fire burn, u can probably find it in some other posts in this force master section, else medium-high dps, u can use ice.

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