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A little guide in 1v1 Vs. Summoner.


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Now, I am in no way a professional. I have played Summoner exclusively and have had about 200 1v1 Matches since CBT. 


I see a lot of people complaining and/or asking how you beat a Summoner in a 1v1, so I decided to share a little insight.

Any input would be greatly appreciated, as well as any missing information.

Thanks for reading!


(And please leave any rude/nasty comments for a different post, I really don't want to hear that I'm taking the easy street or that I'm freelo.)


All Summoner skills and a little bit about them:


Rosethorn: It's just a left click... auto-lock on, restores our focus, No CD.

Rumblebees (if not glyphed for Sunflower): Auto-lock on, causes bleeding, can pierce counter/parry, decent high damage. Summoners tend to spam this, No CD.

Sunflower (if not glyhped for Rumblebees): Shoots straight, so easy to dodge. But highly deadly if knocked down, dazed, pinned or snared, No CD.

Entangle: Pierces defense and knocks down, 16 second CD.

Doom 'n' Bloom: Pierces all defenses, auto lock-on, AoE, Life drain/healing. Best bet is to create as much distance from the Summoner until the effect is over, 18 second CD.

Retreat: Escapes from KD, Daze and Unconscious, 12 second CD.

Flying Nettles/Briar Patch: AoE, can be used while in stealth, can be glyphed to not break stealth, decreases movement speed, DoT, pierces defenses, 18 second CD. Remove yourself from this AoE or take good amounts of damage.

Lunge: Familiar will charge towards you, dealing damage, 2 second CD.

Power Pounce: Can pin up to 5 seconds, can pierce through defenses, 18 second CD. Mostly used after Anklebiter or Entangle.

Grasping Roots (if not glyphed for Weed Whack): AoE, snares up to 10 seconds, decreases movement speed, pierces defense, 24 to 45 second CD. CD can be reset with successful Seed Shroud counter. A very deadly move if you have no escape, as a good Summoner will hit you with as much damage as they can, then KD you as the snare ends. Also leaves enough time for a Summoner to revive a KO'd familiar. I would advise to save an escape specifically for this ability. 

Weed Whack (if not glyphed for Grasping Roots): Poison DoT, snares for 8 seconds, 24 second CD. Same thing applies for Weed Whack, escape or take heavy damage. 

Tag Team: Escape from KD, 12 second CD. Summoner and Familiar switch position.

Second Wind: Moves back 10m, 9 second CD. Response to Grab, Grapple or Phantom Grip.

Thorn Strike: Can be glyphed to Daze for 2 seconds, Summoners can use this daze to combo with their Familiar.  (Uppercut < Playtime)

Backstep: Can escape from pretty much everything, 36 second CD, activates stealth.

Petal Storm: Immunity to projectiles, 18 second CD. Pink clouds and petals? Try again FM.

Seed Shroud: Counter, activates stealth when hit, recovers 4 focus, can be combo'd with Flying Nettles, lasts 6 seconds, 8 second CD. Biggest mistake I see people making is hitting a Summoner during this easily avoidable phase. If you see a Dandelion, just wait...

Huzzah!: Transfers HP to the familiar, no CD.

True Friend: Transfers up to 20% HP from Familiar to Summoner, can also be glyphed to activate an HP shield for 10 seconds, 24 second CD.

Headbutt: Familiar renders you unconscious, you must be grappled for this CC, 45 second CD.

Strike: Can be glyphed to restore 10% of Familiar's HP, 18 second CD.

Hammer Spin: Familiar escapes KD while dealing AoE damage, 12 second CD.

Anklebiter: Familiar KD's for 3 seconds, 18 second CD.

Uppercut: Familiar launches you into air, usually combo'd with Playtime, you must be stunned or dazed for this CC, 18 second CD. 

Playtime: Damage while airborne, keeps you airborne for about 4 seconds? No CD. 

Crouching Tiger: Familiar resists status effects and 90% damage for 5 seconds, can be glyphed to restore HP when hit, 9 second CD. Far too often I see people wailing on my Familiar while it's immune, giving me plenty of time to drain about half their HP. 

Beckon: Returns Familiar in range of Summoner, can remove certain status effects, 3 second CD.


I hope reading about these skills, what they do and what a lot of Summoners will do with them helps you in the Arena. 

If I missed anything please feel free to post it below and I will add it when I'm available. 

Please note this is all based on MY play style, and in no way reflects how every Summoner plays.


Have a great night, and keep battling! 



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I have a summoner too, as FM it's still near impossible to beat someone who can heal that much but do the same damage whiles having a cat on me 24/7, before you say sleep the cat I do, the summoner just stands near it so... pointless.

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On 2/11/2016 at 8:18 AM, NiiaZa said:

all i see here that u just wrote these skills what they do and their CD which i think its really pointless here.. Every class skills and what it does we can see all of them in this website https://bnstree.com/BD

if u give ur playstyle/ combo or something else is far better than just wrote those skills here

I will be adding my build, playstyle and most used combo's. This is still a work in progress, as I stated before. 

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On 2/11/2016 at 9:28 AM, Avalyn said:

Every time I try to hit the summoner they swap with the cat and  then when I figure out where they are they go invis and then swap again

It's such a headache

This is a skill that can be activated when knocked down, disabling this requires that the cat is disabled. 

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2 hours ago, Duckling said:

I will be adding my build, playstyle and most used combo's. This is still a work in progress, as I stated before. 


Press all the buttons and then spam sunflower. There ya go, I sorted it out for you. 

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2 hours ago, PatchKid said:

How many iframes does a summoner actually have because I just spend 15 seconds punching, kicking and screaming at a summoner to have them resist every single attack.


Summoners don't have the typical Q and E evade skills most other classes (all but Destroyer) have, but here's a list of iframes/escapes Summoners have:

- Evade (S+S): Basic iframe, no requirement, 12 second cooldown. Grants status-invulnerability to the Familiar as well.

- Second Wind (1): iframe on grab/grapple, user dashes backward. 9 second cooldown.

- Tag Team (1): Knockdown recovery that swaps Summoner with Familiar. 12 second cooldown.

- Backstep (2): Another knockdown recovery plus iframe, grants 3 second stealth after. 36 second cooldown. Can escape most other stuff if you invest skill points.

- Retreat (F): Pretty much identical to Evade, except as an escape from Daze and Knockdown.


One other note on Evade, a Summoner can invest points to make it inflict a 3 second snare. If you blow an escape on this, you may be opening yourself up to an 8 second snare via Grasping Roots if it's not on cooldown. Be mindful of that.

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On 2/13/2016 at 8:14 PM, Zooks said:


Press all the buttons and then spam sunflower. There ya go, I sorted it out for you. 

No... not really.


I don't know why people think we do that, at least the skilled ones don't.


And skilled opponents can dodge the straight shot Sunflower...

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