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Summoners and balance


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Thought id take a moment now the servers are offline to post my findings on the summoner class as I've been hearing a lot of 'overpowered' complaints from just about every gold level player.


Ive now played a SMN and LBD to max level, and have an FM around level 20. Compared to the other classes the summoners kit starts with far more powerful abilities; self heals, ccs with no focus cost and what feels like much higher damage overall. On paper the summoner is miles ahead of the others and able to pvp competently from the get go, heading into the high gold ranks before even hitting level 20.


This is what most players notice, new low level players able to score well with a summoner without much practice and missing half their skill points... Every ability they have is incredibly strong sounding on its own, but aside from attempting the same grasping roots+nuke combo over and over, there are no proper cc chains... While my bd around level 40~ bloomed into something very different with many more ccs that pierce defense and 100-0 combos, basically a completely new approach to pvp... the smn was barely different at max level than when it started, barring a couple extra dots and some bonus healing / combo interrupts.


Smn is very overpowered and easy for low level and gold rank pvp, it gets everything it needs very early, but as things get to high level and platinum ranks they even out. People learn strategies to take you or your familiar out of the fight quickly and most other classes start to gain the ability to chain combos while the smn stays the same and has to play turtle, hiding inside his or her petal shell waiting for a small opening. At 45 in platinum the BD and SMN both felt like they required equal skill to play, both had advantages and disadvantages versus certain classes. 


(As a footnote though I will say that in solo pve the summoner is still on an entirely different level as those cc chains dont matter... Found it easy enough to solo every non purple dungeon up til 45 without even losing hp... doom n bloom is a crazy powerful skill and probably shouldnt drain health in an aoe)

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You're also supposed to use limited vocabulary, drool, and spit when you talk more. Also there's a distinct lack of sitting in a corner, kicking your feet up and down, and making flatulence noises with your mouth. You actually seem somewhat articulate. I find it hard to believe you're a summoner player at all... you're just not addled enough. 

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