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So it's obvious that this class requires 0 skill, anyone who disagrees probably plays summoner and thinks he's actually good at the game (lol). I understand that they made summoner with the idea of giving bad players a class to play and still be viable.


Anyway my question is, when will they get nerfed?

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They already were nerfed on release. 


They are fine, learn to fight them they honestly are not as bad as this community makes them out to be.  No I don't play one, and the only class that has rights to complain about SMN is BM.


Also once we hongmoon levels they will seem less strong because as the more levels everyone gets the less potent the summoner gets as they have most of their toolkit already.



TLDR: Summoner is fine, "get gud", and wait for 50+hongmoon levels and did we honestly need ANOTHER one of these threads?

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Probably when the patch that the game is actively balanced around is actually released to us? Until then, why not try what the normal people are doing and see it as a challenge to conquer?


Surely if you intend to do nothing but complain there are better means to do so other than by making a new thread, there's not exactly a shortage. 


<-- A shit LBM.

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9 minutes ago, rhehethtg said:

Why lie? you obviously play summoner which is fine with me, just making sure you know you suck ''get gud''


If by "obviously play a summoner" you mean its level 14, sure.


I play a BD. 


Can't wait for trolls and kids like these to leave the community with their obviously immense knowledge(and negativity that comes with it) on how to play the game and what is and whats not overpowered.  Good day to you sir.

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1 minute ago, Xhisors said:


If by "obviously play a summoner" you mean its level 14, sure.


I play a BD. 


Can't wait for trolls and kids like these to leave the community with their obviously immense knowledge(and negativity that comes with it) on how to play the game and what is and whats not overpowered.  Good day to you sir.

nice try summoner

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Just now, rhehethtg said:

nice try summoner


Wanna add me in game and I could show you?   But I bet you would deny blatant proof as well.


Can you even name one ability that's overpowered from Summoner?  Do you understand how the class works even and what the summoners goal is?

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1 minute ago, Xhisors said:


Wanna add me in game and I could show you?   But I bet you would deny blatant proof as well.


Can you even name one ability that's overpowered from Summoner?  Do you understand how the class works even and what the summoners goal is?

stop trying summmoner

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Any time I see a thread like this, I just really dont understand how they can get this judgement so early.  Yes, its easier for people to get an edge  at the start of playing with.  But, by simply learning  what whatever class youre playing, summoners arent unstoppable.


Not to mention, the class is going to be picked to part with strategists to kill it, leaving little room for surprise.

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summoner is shit lmao I play one and they are useless in 3v3, only good for assists and for prolonging the fight so ur team can surprise assist when your opponenet has skills on CD. 


If you are losing to a summoner, you are a noob. summoners are only good against new low ranked players. I get carried every game by my team as a summoner, I like being a summoner tho cuz i like having a pet but other then that summoners are shit and the guy above is right. Our hongmoon skills suck every more cuz they barely upgrade our current skills...summoner will become the worst class if it's already not the worst...PvP only. PvE summoners are good

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Basically, the only thing noobs complain about summoners is "OMG, it's 2v1, what can I do?". Meanwhile, the average/good player will stun, knockdown, focus the cat, or any other easy strategy to get rid of the 2v1 thing. 


When I play my Gold Summoner (with an attack cat) against a good player, I will frequently finish the fight 1v1, or even do the whole fight 1v1 (a cat, especially with the attack spec, can be killed in a few seconds if you know what you're doing). But I can still manage to win 1v1 after that, it's not all about the 2v1.


With my nooby Silver BM, I like to fight Summoners, to use the limited AI of the cat and skill of the player to kill it in an AOE (for example) and then stunlock the poor and alone Lyn. It's not about the class, it's about the player. If you knew anything about Summoner and the game, and if you weren't just a troll, you would know that everything you believe about them is false, and maybe you would begin to understand how to kill them easily. 

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