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Sin counter to FM?


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2 minutes ago, Evers said:

but my question is how

every time i touch them i got frozen feetsies

Get close u may get frozen regardless cause of frost orbit (blue ball things spinning around em) Stun em then start comboing then they dead 

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well., the truth it was easy if u used sin. depend on ur react time to press key dummy skill. when u got freeze i am sure the opponent gonna try another attack that's ur change to used dummy skill and continue with ur deadly combo..

just tried to getting used that skill. u gonna be dangerous sin when u already mastered dummy skill correctly (none can touch u). good day~

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Sins should definitely be beating Fm, you need max level for sure, when you face your next FM check their level and tell me both your levels and the outcome of the match. As for tips, FM only has 3 defensive skills which are 2 tabs and one V, when a blue orb appears over their head don't attack them as it will freeze them giving them a chance to open on you. When they turn into an even bigger ice statue they are immune for 10 seconds, do not hit them! some FM skill into damage absorption meaning if you attack them whiles they're are frozen it will turn into 100% HP when they defrost.  Then that leaves Second wind which breaks any CC basically but these all have a 1 min CD I believe, without these the FM is yours.


LoS = Game over for FM, stay behind them at every opportunity possible. Not sure if this would work but the reason you get rooted so much is our Frost orbits, when we take damage it applies chill, at 3 stacks of chill (along with every other frost ability we have) it will freeze you. Could you wait for the frost orbits to disappear while stealth? that way if you open on them you won't be frozen in place, just a theory.

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1. Obtain max level.


2.Get smokebomb with 10% hp regen.


3.  Stay in stealth as much as possible so you can abuse smoke bomb healing more.


Make sure your not wasting talent points, put them in skills that re-start your stealth timer. This way you can rely more on smoke bomb if and when you get caught without your other defensive moves. Plus if he's having a hard time dpsing you your hp will ALWAYS be full if your abusing smokebomb and flower properly.


Now on to pro tips.


Make sure you don't waste your SS, and also make sure you spec into your Q. Q will allow you to get close and stealth or break away and stealth.


SS (backstep) will break the frost condition on you, WITHOUT breaking stealth so you can continue your assault if you get frozen after a good counter.


Against FM and LBM/Destroyer, when you counter MOVE AWAY FROM THEM ASAP. Go ahead and spam your RMB-F but also be running away from the enemy. This keeps you from getting froze or AoE'd out if they panic. Now you can freely assault them from stealth.




Now that I realize speccing in to it allows you to stay stealthed I realize its value in killing highly defensive classes. This is not -needed- vs FM, but anything to stun him while your CC'd helps, give you time to come out of the CC and attack while stealthed.


Final tips use your C button to gap close, and don't forget to use tab to go back into stealth.


A good defensive combination is C>X>Tab>Run away from aoe


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Hahah that's funny.


I kinda felt like they just had these AoEs they can spam to get me out of stealth that all cover their frontal direction without needing targeting so I wasn't sure how to deal with them.


But if we aren't supposed to get close to them cause of frost orbs, if we only have stars and kunai wat are our range options?


Maybe a better question, what are our stun + jump combo options?


As far as I know, I can only stun people by going into stealth and spinal tapping them?


Knock down doesn't let me kick them into the air for the combo move.


I've only just gotten to level 33 and unlocked highwire or w/e it's called and I haven't even tried it out yet though. I know higher levels have some sort of spider web thing or something.




This thread has some nice ideas. I slightly rebinded some stuff cause I have a razer naga and I'm waiting on synapse fix so I can bind things to my numpad keys.. I'll have to figure out what my C or X map too lol.


Actually my X is mapped to this game's useless autorun feature...

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Well for starters you don't need to air launch them for a combo. You can still web them while they are down, allowing you to use poison moths and then start attacking.


In that situation, lets say you knock down the FM, you should immediately web him and back up. (In my opinion.) I would then shoot moths at him, and wait for a second for them to get close, then use body swap and teleport back to him to proc stealth but don't attack.


I also run timebomb against some of these classes (one point for the daze) and occasionally I will speck to sneak attack for the daze as well. (But mainly to keep me moving to my enemy if he freezes my feet.)


While frozen, counter should still work. Also if you have dropped a flower this can be a big turning point in the fight.


Normally when a FM see's you frozen he starts to unload and he will also normally walk behind you. LoS means line of sight.


In Sin vs FM this really isn't that important. One because we can SS out of frost, and two because even while frozen we can still counter to move and teleport.


On to the flower portion, casting flower also breaks the snare on you. (using it to teleport) So if you get frozen, you can let the FM back up and start launching attacks, use the flower then immediately use counter. This will stealth you behind him and guess what your not frozen. Free dps for days, at this point the FM will panic and run in circles jumping most of the time. This is terrible for him because if your moving with him fluently he cant even defend propely once you pop out of stealth and you should easily do 10-20k worth of dmg and put him in a bad spot.


If he freezes himself BACK UP AS FAR AS YOU CAN, Cast moths, and repeat the body swap combo(MAKE SURE to use 1in stealth to reset poison.) AND MAKE SURE to initially back away from the FM, and save your SS for if/when you get froze in stealth. Press SS and then go to work.


Also clicking down on the middle mouse button allows you to move camera while frozen(Despite you can still counter the FM's attacks while not looking at him)


TLDR there is no stun+jump combo. And our web combo is pointless or really hard to pull off against certain classes. Your basically going to want to learn to remove that ice debuff from yourself and resort to your RMB+F combo.


I can beat FM's a lot, and when I'm swapping my skills around I often feel like I could beat them even missing 5-10 talent points.

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