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Conflicted. BD and BM


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K so im planning on either playing BD or BM and I cant seem to make up my mind I've watched gameplays from both sides and both look amazing.

BD is great because of its AoE at early levels plus evasion and crit. But the fact that its restricted just to lyn is pretty annoying plus you cant block.

BM has a block and can be played with almost all of the classes but you get an aoe later on which makes clears at early level pretty annoying.


Can't seem to make up my mind... what do you guys think?

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1 hour ago, BestCatGirl said:

if the  aoe clear is what you want take blade master

Wait did I confuse classes? I thought Blade master gets AoE later on in the game and Lyn Blade dancer gets that spin ability early on? 

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What do you want to do come end game? Here's a tip:


BM are effectively tanks, they do high damage and have threat devices to do so. No, they are not the best (that goes to kfm) but they can certainly do it. In a group, you'll be doing major dps and tanking at once. Keep in mind, however, they sorely lack group tools to help party members.


BD are not tanks, but can evade like no other class. They have so many iframe and parry moves it should be a crime. additionally, they have incredible attack speed. But like the BM, they lack significant group tools. Yes, they do have phantom grip, but the destroyers grab is vastly superior.


You seem to be disgusted by the fact that only lyn can play BD so I strongly recommend you go with BM, they get a spammable aoe at lvl 4 or so and it doesn't take long to unlock skill points at which point you can transform your lmb rmb abilities into aoes, making them similar to BD.

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Blade Dancers sacrifice the block skill, defense, and hp for lots of evasion. They focus more on bleeds and want to avoid attacks when possible.

Blade Masters usually can block an attack unless it's marked with red, which gives them extra bonuses. They also have higher defenses if they mess up.

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BM can only be played with two classes...that's not almost all of them, and it's only 1 more than BD. Quite honestly, it's up to personal preference. If you don't want to play as a Lyn, then you're probably not going to find the most enjoyment out of BD. For early levels, AoE clearing isn't that big of a deal since the enemies are typically much weaker. Plus, it's easier to single them out in the early game. However, whenever you play a MMO, you should probably focus on how the class plays endgame. If you like how BM plays in the higher levels more than BD, then choose BM. As for PvP, both classes are good. Blade Dancer is probably easier, and people are usually annoyed fighting BDs. BM requires a bit more skill (t's actually one of the hardest classes to use efficiently in PvP), but if you can use it right, you'll dominate.

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Thank you everyone for all the replys it seems I did a little mix up between the classes abilities :P I'm going to go with BM as for pvp well that wont come until probably level 45 so by then I'll have learned the class not perfectly but hopefully enough to hold my own, and yeah :P really dont like the lyn race haha.

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2 minutes ago, Amzz said:

Thank you everyone for all the replys it seems I did a little mix up between the classes abilities :P I'm going to go with BM as for pvp well that wont come until probably level 45 so by then I'll have learned the class not perfectly but hopefully enough to hold my own, and yeah :P really dont like the lyn race haha.

No, you didn't mix up the classes. Both get the Tab AoE skill. BD is faster and probably more effective though.

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