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Much Needed Changes to be Made ASAP!!


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This game does some things so very right...ie combat, arena, storyline, but it also does some things incredibly, horrifically WRONG. How these things made it through western betas is beyond me. Overall the game is a bit too much of a cash grab. That may fly in eastern markets, but in the west we are a bit more eager to spend money on a game when we don't feel like every system put in place is there to fleece us. Here are a few suggestions that would greatly increase goodwill, at least by my estimation...


1) Account-wide wardrobe: Ugh, there is no reason why outfits shouldn't be account wide. Not having this and locking the wardrobe behind the paywall is pure greed.


2) Single use weapon skins?!: This is horrible. Make weapon skins unlockable for the account and store unlocked skins in the wardrobe. In a game where there are no traditional loot drops you need to be able to customize your look.


3) Premium cost/NCoin breakdowns: There needs to be an option to just flat out pay the premium cost directly OR change it to fit within a single Ncoin purchase instead of having to buy two separate Ncoin packages. Simplify the process and quit trying to nickel and dime your population!


4) Separate inventories: Soul shields, quest items, and crafting materials should all have their own seperate inventory tab that doesn't affect the main bag.


5) Shop prices in general: These need to be looked at again. Spending $15 for a single use outfit is just silly. Make it account-wide and it is a little more acceptable, but in general the current pricing for most things trends just a bit too high.

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All of these benefit the customer. But at what cost for the company/industry? They will track down how their profit does for the first few weeks since it is still new of a game. Depending on the results they will look into these features and consider what they should do and not.

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5 minutes ago, 864781_1452550329 said:



Alright, how about we go over this one at a time.


1. No version has this. Not even versions where the wardrobe is free. It is also very unlikely this will ever be a thing.


2. You can thank weapon skins being drops, along with the fact that most weapons used for upgrading/breakthroughs can also be used for skins.

This feature is very unlikely to change.


3. I don't really have much of a comment on this, honestly. Just feels like nitpicking.


4. Alright, now all of THOSE inventories require dragon trade pouches. Far more than what we need right now.

(Sometimes what may seem better is actually potentially far worse.)


5. Hongmoon coins. You know, the currency everyone forget exists?

Aside from that, let a company earn some money somewhere.

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1. I wouldn't mind wardrobe being open to all my characters however I do think the wardrobe storage needs to stay a perk of the membership it's one of the main perks and for me one of the only reasons I purchased it if everyone had wardrobe access available somehow in game I wouldn't have spent the money on it. 


2. can't comment on this yet because I haven't used skins 


3. I sub to ESO and the $150 for a full year isn't bad when you compare it.  (however yes it would be nice if there was a way to purchase the amount needed for it in one order)

$14.99/mo - 30 Day Membership - Charge me $14.99 every 30 days
$13.99/mo - 90 Day Membership - Charge me $41.97 every 90 days
$12.99/mo - 180 Day Membership - Charge me $77.94 every 180 days


4. I can get behind this especially since I love crafting. it's not something I have gotten into but I plan on it 


5. that pricing is pretty common amongst F2P games not defending it but I won't lose sleep if the price doesn't change  

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1. You don't need to have a wardrobe to play this game. Be glad they pick this, and not something you must have.

2. Everything in cash shop CAN be purchased with in game HM Coin that will get implemented later, so no real money spending necessary. 

3. NCoin is 400 for $5, same across all of NCS games, no matter how much you buy at once.

4. Stop saving all your items. Every item is recycled. If you aren't doing it, you are playing this game wrong.

5. ^^ #2

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1) Would be nice if at least the free costumes were account wide and the paid costumes not, and it should be free and not premium only.


They should also allow us to use the Founder Packs on all characters, it somehow really bugs me that i am unable to use my Masters Pack on all characters.

Kind of feels a little like a pure cash shop game where i will have to spend all my Ncoin on expensive dragon pouches to increase the inventory/bank slots on my characters.. or at least make the inventory/bank size account wide.


An account wide bank tab would be nice also.

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Pretty much look at guild wars 2 and copy everything they did in respect to costumes, inventory, crafting materials, and weapon skins. I don't care if no other version has it, the west needs it. And for all those sensitive souls out there losing sleep over whether or not a large international company will make money....of course they will, we just won't have to be nickel and dimed for everything under the sun.

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