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Can't purchase NCoin


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I have been trying to purchase NCoin all day and have gotten only errors. If I try to use pay-pal it says error 5300 something has gone wrong on our end. And if I try to use a credit card it just says payment authorization failed. 


I have tried using multiple browsers, the in game client, different cards and different computers.

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Hey everyone, please make sure to put in Support Tickets for these issues. For those that are getting issues purchasing NCoin we sometimes have hangups with fraud attempts that could be on your IP or mistaken by our system. For those that purchased NCoins and have not be delivered, please contact us via the Support Ticket so that we can make sure you get your NCoin as quickly as possible.


Thanks for your patience!

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Thanks for the reply Yaviey. yah I put in a ticket already. This happen a couple times when I played Wildstar too. I had an issue with Wildstar a couple of months ago where I got billed when I shouldnt have. I had them remove my card. Maybe since BNS uses the same account they are making sure that I am me since Im using the same card. Still though. It is odd that they take the money out of your account before checking. Wouldn't it make more sense to hold off on that ? Idk. I am glad to see some sort of reply though. I know launch can be hectic. I have seen better and worse launches lol 

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4 hours ago, Solica7 said:

I have a worse problem. I purchased NcCoin. The charge went through and the money came out of my bank, but I havnt seen any coin after almost 20 hours.

I feel you. I have the same problem. NCsoft should fix this quick! these are real money we are talking about!

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11 hours ago, Solica7 said:

I have a worse problem. I purchased NcCoin. The charge went through and the money came out of my bank, but I havnt seen any coin after almost 20 hours.

Same problem here. Bank says it is charged yet I have no NCoin. Sent a ticket and 1 hour later still no reply! ><

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10 hours ago, LaVera said:

Having the same problem while purchasing using Paypal. I've already sent a ticket hours ago but still no reply. I hope this gets resolved soon.


I was just going to update people and say that I did get a purchase through using paypal. My attempted credit card purchase they said did not go though and the transaction is just waiting to clear through the bank but I should get my money back. The credit card transactions window wouldnt even load for me, but PayPal went through just fine for me.

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Just gonna say for those of you who purchased and have not seen it yet, I did the exact same thing and somehow it goit put on an old aion email account, and I had to make blade n soul character on that account  and have him send the NCCoin  purchase as a gift to my main on another email account.


Its monday and I get a sad face page or a continual loading when I try to buy and in game credit card always says fsail. Ive always had to click the external website tab in game ..lol

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