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Blade Master Boring Early Game?


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I just made a blade master alt and I find the class super slow and boring so far.  The attacks do paltry damage and seem to take forever.  My assassin main on the other hand is a blast.  Super fast burst damage, and lots of mobility and tricks.  My question is, does the blade master get a lot more fun late game when I unlock more skills?  Or should I just reroll a new alt?

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8 minutes ago, Doxide said:

I just made a blade master alt and I find the class super slow and boring so far.  The attacks do paltry damage and seem to take forever.  My assassin main on the other hand is a blast.  Super fast burst damage, and lots of mobility and tricks.  My question is, does the blade master get a lot more fun late game when I unlock more skills?  Or should I just reroll a new alt?

Hey I just started a BM too, the early damage output seems to mostly come from your draw stance 4+1/f or a quick Pierce spam after block.

At level 20 though you get a bunch of really fancy skills and all kinds of fun stuff that looks kickass and does good damage. Plus you're able to spec your skills which adds to their DPS output greatly.

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You have two options for dps while leveling. At level 22, I think, when you get ascend (LMB), you can do the aerial combo with tier 2 stage 2 block. You can also do block stage 2 tier 2, cyclone stage 1 tier 2, and use side step/evade > honed slash (plus canceling with flicker if you don't mind breaking your wrist).


Earlier than that yeah BM is slightly slower. But those levels go by pretty fast already.


BM has great AoE though.

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