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Free Transfers Needed.


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Hi guys,


Just jumping on to say my current que is 1k at 11 A.M on a work day post 4 new servers.


Adding more servers was needed, but it isn't going to solver the problem.


Likely anyone with a character 20+ is not just going to start all over on a new server.....so the servers will stay just as clogged as they are already.


This is not only bad for the players, but bad for any potential new players. 


I had 3 people dl B&S last night and try and jump on Old Man Cho with me. They all were somewhere over 3k in que and instantly uninstalled.


They don't want to wait in an 8 hour que just to try a game. And they want to play with their friends, (me)....so their only option is jump back on GW2 where we can all play together......


I really do like this game, but getting my group into is proving impossible with these ques. Why should I have to abandon my 30 and start all over because of ques?


Allow free transfers between servers, even if only for a week. The populations will balance themselves out due to que times.

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None of you read News and Updates do you!?

Free character transfers have been offered since the full release of the game. Due to there not being a stable in-place system, they have to do them all manually. But my character got transferred two days ago.


Please read the Dev updates and news before wasting your time, and more importantly other people's time trying to educate you.

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46 minutes ago, Radian said:

It is standard for MMOs these days to have free server transfers from high population servers to low population ones. I don't see why not have it here as well.


Because you dont need a server transfer.  just reroll like everyone else  or stay on your high pop server que.   the new servers are an awesome way for the just starting player to come into the game and play even.   dont want a lvl 45 char comming over to a server with a bunch of lvl 20 somethings and just pking all day.

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I would probably have moved to one of the new servers but as I already gave up characters upon Mushin to move to Jiwan, I am not going to once again delete my character to start over again.  Not to mention apparently there would be a seven day "pending deletion" period I would have to wait through just to get my name back because I am over level 15...  It would be nice to see the server transfer open again for the heavily populated servers at least until things start to balance out a bit more.

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