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Gathering Samples


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Hello, I have a question about samples. 


When I aquire a sample do I need to do anything else to get it added to the list?

I found the sample site for Yulan Magnolia Sap around Songshu Isle, but it still tells me I need to aquire a sample. 

I went back to the same spot but now I can't harvest it anymore. 


So back to the question " do I need to do anything else to get it added to the list?" Or is it a bug? 




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As additional info. You can even 'gather' a sample when you dont have the level. 

When you haven't found a sample yet it will have a symbol on it (a white scroll or circle was it?) that shows it hasn't been found yet.

After you found it but cannot use it yet the symbol will turn into a small lock. 


I found the level 3 woodcutters items yesterday while my woodcutting is at 2. 

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1 hour ago, Toha said:

are these samples also tied to the horrible 2+ hour respawn nodes on the maps?


Thankfully not. The samples are basically tracked for each individual person so you don't need to fight other people for them. They're not like the quartz and wells at all, thankfully.

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