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Posts posted by Shirafune

  1. Dungeons that have been removed from F8 give no loot at all. No Dreamsong Theater for Onyx Scales, no DD for Silver Scales either.


    @Amane Asking for Silver Scales might sound funny because they're so old, but yet they are used to upgrade Tiger Soul, Virtuous Heart and Alpha Pet from THIS event.

  2. I can't agree on that, there are always adjustments made to our patches we get in EU/NA. Such as they willingly decided to give us lower tier rewards than the korean players have from just finishing the story. They should have given us the "real" ue4 patch with soul pass but we didn't get it. We only got buffed dungeons and new scale boxes and gear that can't even be upgraded with missing onyx scales supply. This whole patch feels like a bad joke, UE4 could have been great but everything that could be screwed up they screwed up.

  3. These people don't play their own game, otherwise they wouldn't give us rewards like from current event and phase out the materials needed to upgrade them. This is ridiculous and sad at the same time. Everyone who returned is now stuck with upgrades.

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  4. This can't be intended though. Are you aware that hundreds of scales are needed for the upgrades? And this is even middle tier gear, still very relevant for most of the playerbase. Same tier or even one ABOVE the current C2A event rewards.

  5. Please do something about onyx scale supply. We need ridiculous amounts of them to upgrade Brightwill Soul, Champion's Heart, Omega Pet and Thunder Talisman. All still relevant gear, escpecially for people who just finished C2A event and want to upgrade their stuff. @Hime

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