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Posts posted by EasleyRR

  1. 9 hours ago, KzE said:

    It still very rare. Even the MSP 4-6 parties are rare. Only the same 4-5 ppl spamming the 1.8-2k parties over and over again.

    Seems like u're from EU.

    I think here on NA u can find more teams that carry low gear/new players...

    Also, if u don't see many shouts of MSP 4-6 is be cause most parties have static members.. currently my pt has 9 static ppl that are always there every weekend.

  2. 1 hour ago, Rysa said:



    Where is the spreadsheet with the new costs? I like how it states "adjusted". Not even "reduced", but "adjusted". What's it gonna be this time, you removed Sacred Vials and put PTS instead?

    At RU stream, same update patch, costs where reduced by half almost or so... Lets see how Ncwest will handle it.

  3. 1 hour ago, pingal1ty said:

    Not everybody plays in NA server, we need to get em at a decent time in Europe so we can plan for maintenance changes, thank you.

    Seems like they completely forget about it.

    Now we don't even get patch notes 24hours before update arrive...


  4. 23 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    They said already on multiple occasions there are no plans to open any new servers anywhere .-.

    I support it. As a player from BR, i don't see any good company here to manage a game like BnS.

    Not to mention our terrible connection.

  5. On 16/02/2020 at 2:06 PM, moveZneedle said:

    Why are people still hoping we will get Frontier?

    Only the regions responsible for the development of the game will get it which are Korea and China.


    and Nico confirmed months ago, we will NOT get Frontier, RU wont either, no one will basically outside of those 2 regions.


    Fight for it all you want, but its a test server that wont come here.

    RU stream today was said they will get Frontier, they're just waiting kr devs with date.

  6. On 15/02/2020 at 1:01 PM, Parzival1423 said:

    Actually it’s 5 weeks not 4. Even worse! :P Thank you though for getting the idea. Only the hardcore can play the event because they have the money for that Much fish bait, but even if you want to, that means leaving your PC on constantly, and missing out on spending that money elsewhere directly.  

    can anyone tell me if ANY event in the past made you pay gold for the event currency not just time grinding?

    I don't remember an event like this before, not during the time i was very active(i just back to play again 5 months ago).

    Best thing u do is skip this event, just do the casual weekly and dailies on main character, don't fish, it will be waste of gold, cause u'll use like 500g per week and that amount u wont get a oil, better +100g to it and get oil from market.

  7. 8 hours ago, pingal1ty said:



    Well you both got a point there, I think CB does drop already evos but the rate is very slow by farming timed bosses every 20ish mins. MSP is best way to do it, during weekends with double drop. Anything you ask them is going to go to trashbin because our opinion doesn't matter, just the income from cash shop is what they care so if you want to take the advice, I make decent amount of evos from MSP.

    Thats about it.

    I also farm alot of evolved stones from MSP

    Another thing they could do is nerf sacred orbs from 3 to 2 per key or make stage 6 chest uses only 1 key per box cause evolved drop from it nerfed. I opened 76 chests and got only 38 evolved.

  8. There isn't any cost reduction coming... Max u can expect is some "rebalance/adjustment" to make it worse, like what they did with Heart, replaced a few oils for PTS(which are RNG based) making it harder to upgrade, same goes to Talisman with Transformations stones(those at leats has 100% success chance to craft).

  9. 18 hours ago, KzE said:

    I wouldnt say this.


    There are BT carry, VT carry, TOO carry. Lower pleb raid carry. DST need some burst, but lower is easy LFP. BC can be carried either. The 3 upper still need some mechs and dps.

    The only place, where older players dont help is the MSP 4-6. And this is the part, what should be reworked the most, because TT is still a roadblock and MSP 4-6 is gated by players itself.

    There still have some PTs that help new/low geared players in MSP 4-6.

    The PT i farm every week, we always get 4-5 players randomly with any gear... friday for example, we took one warlock that didnt even had the 1st gen legendary acc and him farmed most TT soulshield there.

    The only thing we ask them is to play "web hole" while we do miniboss + dps turtle.

    But, there has some  new/low geared players that doesn't want to do the web, and ppl end up kicking them from pt or don't even accept them.

  10. Well, basically most people do this to get oils... if we use all that gold to "fish" and "buy event currency", from 4 weeks of event, 49x4 = 196 = 2 oils -> better save the gold and buy 4-5 oils from market.

    i'll skip this event for real... even for premium members it's a must to fish in order to have enough to buy oils(main reward from it to me), imagine for players whose don't have premium annd r casual...

  11. 7 hours ago, Cyan said:

    We're doing more than a normal Producer's Letter, that's why it's taking longer. Due to this, it's taking longer than expected, and we're sorry about that. 

    basically when NA/EU producer's letter arrive, will be same thing as we catch froom RU community.

  12. 1 hour ago, Amarthiel said:

    @SilverFoxR Oh boy. Do yourself a favour and stop typing. You have no idea what you are talking about. I can instantly destroy and debunk everything you just said.


    Hard modes do not exist for raids. I didn't mention dungeons.
    Max gear is around 2.6k +, Low gear is around 1.3- 1.4k. Therefore, 1.9 - 2k falls in the middle.
    I never asked to have the game cater to me, i made a SUGGESTION. Which is what these forums are for. I know white knights like yourself cannot understand that.
    Never said i could make a better game, i said i could balance it.

    Never said gw2 was better i said they are doing a balance patch soon and bns should too.

    Never refused suggestions because none were made.

    This dismissal you talk about is extremely minimal.

    And yeah i should have known not to post here because of people like you who don't like anything to change. 4 years of watching people white knight the game every time someone complains on these forums.. yeah i shouldn't have posted anything but it was hard to hold the frustration back.


    You have no argument here, you are making stuff up and putting words in my mouth. I never mentioned once that i was good at this game. All i have done is complain about bosses dying too fast. And i was talking about the weekly raids. YOU and others brought up dungeons. 


    LOL, you actually work there? Uh oh..


    "Just quit" 4Head

    Why hard mode for raids? Not everyone can run TT, ET... Imagine if these raids got "buffed"...

  13. 2 hours ago, Amarthiel said:

    This game is so unbalanced. Please do something to make this game fun again. Bosses are dying in under 5 seconds, its not fun at all. You may as well just put the rewards in my inventory without me doing anything because that is whats happening now anyway.


    PLEASE listen. Buff all bosses. Give them double or triple health to what they have now. Its not fair that only raiders get to have fun with their long fights. I wanna enjoy playing this game again but i can't because of the ridiculous power creep every patch. Please stop yourselves with this constant buffing of our characters. JUST STOP. If you insist on continuing with this, then atleast give the bosses more health.


    Honestly, i could balance this game better than the current devs and i dont have any experience... You should take a leaf out of Arenanet's book, they are doing a huge balance patch this month on gw2 and they are heavily nerfing all classes and its going to be glorious. You should do the same!

    I'm looking for Multi CC/H0, wanna carry me?

  14. 1 hour ago, RyVerseLy said:

    I don't get why people buy RNG boxes/trove keys and throw money at this company, just to complain afterwards. Its always like this in the forum and on reddit xD bad RNG in this game is nothing new, it's sad yes, but you don't see that they don't care/ won't change anything? And of course they make cosmetics this rare, because it's the main reason for many players to buy boxes/ trove keys. :D

    I bought 20 hm coin boxes and got the skin yay, but because of the bad performance of this game it kills my 10-20 fps even more, so it will be forever in f3.

    I agree that it's super bad that you can no longer exchange the tokens for oils. I mean that was the main reason I saved my hm coins for.


    But well what are you expecting from RNG and nc? 

    You mean 5 or 50? Because when you only buy 5 boxes you expect to get something really rare? And 4 oils out of 5 boxes would be extremely good :D

    50* boxes haha

    thx. i'll edit!

  15. i threw in a few dollars and bought 50 chests expecting to get some materials and that weapon skin that i loved, since most warlock weaps aren't that beautiful(i still using Warrior Razor as skin), but best i could get from it was 3 sacred vial + 1 sacred oil, and used the coins to get unity stones.


    It's just as many people said... It's not worth buy these rng box cuz they're really bad rng and u can't even exchange coins for some real good itens... and the cosmetics... they're hardest to get(no logic there imo). A friend(he is mega whale) bough up 1.3k chests, farmed all pentagonals and got a single weap skin.

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  16. 11 hours ago, kibukimura said:

    just to ask
    out of moonstone wich one is the other pvp mat?
    because tbh i got all other 3 in pve
    when i need soulstones only i go to skypetal plain there you can just kill mobs and get ton of those
    ely  and sacred mostly MSP and normal dungeons

    Well, the other pvp mat is exactly soulstone... since u have to farm it on arena or skypetal plains/faction area... And if say it's "pve" content, the same apply to HR, since the pvpers are doing there the same ppl do at skypetal plains, kill mobs and farm materials, except it's limited to what... 5-10% of playerbase?

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