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Posts posted by EasleyRR

  1. 4 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    You need to READ and understand what you are reading.

    I never said the chance on PTS is 50%. I said out of 10 attempts i made 5 stones which is 50% success rate based on the 10 tries.

    Actual PTS chance is around 30-40%.


    Also i never defended anyone i merely pointed out other factors to count in. Never have i said the rate is good and should stay as is.

    Next time please understand what you are reading before putting words in peoples mouths.

    Could you please show me where i wrote that "you said chance is 50%"?

    I mentioned the 50% because i see most ppl saying it's 50%.

    I didnt wrote you said it, if i had to do so, i would mention ur name.

    Have a nice day, boy.

  2. 19 hours ago, kibukimura said:

    Yes pvp players have 1 of 3 materials as dominant
    i dont know wich classes are your friends
    but most pvp players CANT survive only on pvp
    they need gears that you need the 100run achivement  and that my friend, is pve
    like belt or gloves, some classes need the necklease that you farm with Mao's currency
    other classes use CC bracellet because of set effect is better  (this is pve too btw)
    mystic badge? soul badge? what about those that need scales for the high levels of pet, talisman, soul and heart? those you cant get them from pvp and buy sealed is very expensive

    my point is that you said that moonstones is the most expensive that right now could be around 9gold each
    elysians are between 6 and 7
    soulstones like 70silver?
    sacreds are like 2-3 gold each

    you said that you need 50 moonstones for your empryrean stones

    but how many of the other 3 materials you need  for those? you are nor thinking that a full pvp player that want to craft that empyrean stones need the same stuff that you but he only get moonstones?

    some pvp players ((i cant say all in general))
    but most of them ended up doing a pvp gear and pve gear to be able to farm both sides
    but pve players dont have the same need

    moonstones are locked on pvp yes ((ignoring that you can get a couple in daily and weeklie reward))
    but isnt the other 3 locked on pve?

    Well, if they sell moonstone they will have enough to buy all 3 others materials... Elysians are bellow 6g on NA.

    basically with 1moonstone he can buy 1 elysian, 1 sacred, 1 soulstone.

  3. Dude, don't argue wiith grimoir, he is in every post making up excuses to deffend ncsoft...


    I doubt this rng on PTS is 50% success chance... because out of 22 try(just tried one more now) i just successful 2 times, then how is it 50%?


    If you want PTS u better farm 3x more, sell materials and buy it or wait for trove/rng box and throw in a few dollars, then u'll have PTS.

  4. 9 hours ago, kibukimura said:

    i mean.. where was the last time we got a pvp event? that actually give more benefit for pvp players?

    even if you say it has better rewards, you saw, is harder,
    the other as all the events of the year are good.

    the thing about moonstones, i dont thing only 1 mat give them all the total advantage

    because as someone said before
    pve players can never touch pvp and dont need it
    but pvp players need pve, they cant only survive by pvp.
    give them some benefit at least

    We do need moonstones, and from all 4(elysian, soulstone, sacred, moonstone), moonstone is the most expensive, i have 2 friends who do that 6v6 everyday, they get all the gold they need from selling moonstones, they dn't run dailies or events(except for HR cuz they've good clan) cause they really don't need it, since all they need is do 6v6 and get toons of gold from selling moonstones.

    PvE players also need moonstone, sealed or crystals.

    Right now i'm in need to craft 8 Empyrean Stones, and i'll need around 50 moonstones for, not to mention the 160 moonstones needed to craft transformation stones for GC upgrade.

    then please, don't say we, pve players don't need to touch pvp, because MOONSTONES are locked behind it.

  5. 2 hours ago, anjullina said:

    I was able to make 1 sacred vial at first attempt before the server maintenance on Tuesday.

    Today, I tried 7 times and all of them failed. Is it possible that something went wrong with sacred vial RNG after the maintenance or is it just my luck? Does anybody have the same problem as me?

    A friend tried 14 times(he has crystals to spent) and failed all of 'em.

  6. 2 hours ago, kibukimura said:

    maybe someone already said it but

    this month the 4rt aniversary got multiple stuff at the same fime

    1.- F10 rng boxes
    2.-Aniversay coins that you can get in particular quests
    3.- PVE EVENT about doing moon refuge and some particular dungeons daily and weekly
    4.- PVP event that is hunter refuge

    to players that hate the pvp fact in hunter refuge
    you know you have the other event too right? no one is forcing you to do something you dont like
    there is not a lot of pvp events, just let it be

    Now, get both so called "pve event" and "pvp event" and compare the rewards we get from each event... Which one would you look for?

    HR is the real event, with some different reawards, gold + sealed materials that u can sell or use it, including moonstone, that are locked behind battleground 6vs6, which whales have total advantage and completely control it.

  7. 8 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

    Well this Event is meant to be a farming event for PVP Players for once so of course they do PVE in Hunter Refugee whith their PVP Gear they need mats and gold aswell. Unfourtunetly Dungeons need PVE Gear so its great they have a farming spot for once. If you dont like PVP then dont join a PVP mode ! there is nothing expect for maybe the giant Zen bean which you cannot get from PVE while there is alot you cannot get from PVP.

    "farm HR with pvp gear"... All those pvp guys farm using pve gear, the ones using pvp gear there just stick around killing soloo players who manage to join the event.

    If it was trully mean to be pvp event, they would get event currency by killing others players, not doing pve.

  8. On 28/01/2020 at 5:13 AM, ImoutoMaster said:

     If this Event wants to be a succesful PVP Event we need to be able to PVP there 24/7. 


    And then while the event is on, the so called "pvp players" don't go after "pvp players"... some idiots just go around 1shot pve players while the "pvp players" do pve '-'

  9. 8 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:

    This exists since the release of the game, doesn't have to be Hunter's Refuge, you can bypass like this on any region in the game, nothing new. 

    We know it's been there forever... But it coudn't be possible to people inside the area to invite whoever is outside... they could prevent it but i doubt they will.

  10. 49 minutes ago, Heinzen said:

    Nothing is what I expect. Fix the amount of players entry back to 300 (so that instead of 10k per player we can get 500g per player) or nerf the rewards. This is the ONE TIME I am asking NCSoft to nerf something cool they make because honestly, this is on Private Ragnarok Online levels of BS

    They probably will fix/nerf gold from chests at last week of event, so, non whale players can go in and farm nothing, as usual.

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  11. 2 hours ago, LilyFU said:

    not a popular opinion but is time for NCS to ban BNSBuddy.

    i know ppl will start with the excuses of i need for performance. but that program only helps cheaters and makes NCS job of dealing with this problem more difficult.

    So NCS do your job fix the game and ban BNSBuddy or this fiesta it will never end

    None need buddy to edit xml.(maybe who isn't used to it, will find buddy easier to edit it)

    First time i used it, didnt really needed buddy, i started using buddy like 4 months ago.

    There has some interesting features that NCsoft could add to the client, fast opening box/transmute, see dps meter anywhere, the battleground fix(this one help alot of ppl who like pvp).

  12. 14 hours ago, krusader said:

    Well. simple as Hell : nobody goes there, only whale.
    NC  don't listen to player, but they watch statistic. if this is going dead event, they will learn from it, somehow ;)

    They will not learn from it.

    I heard from friends that there had a valentine event before, like this.

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  13. 11 minutes ago, Rysa said:

    BnS really is thrown into disarray ever since Jonathan Lien left. It's like no one up there has a clue on how this game works. It's absolutely mind-blowing that no official statement whatsoever was issued by NCWest at this point. What the hell is this company doing?

    I miss Jonathan.

    Those new guys in there can't even make a Stream preview or whatever.

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