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Posts posted by Azaethal

  1. I'd like to suggest some improved rewards to the new Unity Store.


    Mainly, the Psyche items range from ones available between Irontech Forge to Drowning Deeps. These are very old Dungeons. The bare minimum Psyches we should expect would go all the way up to Dreamsong Theater's Mazuko Psyche. Perhaps not further since the Mazuko Psyche requires Hard Mode completion.


    I'd also like to see changes for the Brilliant Ascension/Radiance Stone Chests. The current rewards are of the Superior tier which barely help whatsoever. I'd much prefer see the Sparkling Ascension/Radiance Stone Chests in there, which is the Heroic tier.

    • Like 1
  2. Aye, it's been insanely good for improving framerates. Without going into specifics, there are ways to keep the most essential of text while removing the rest. I'm really hoping this can get looked into, it's not quite reasonable to have players strip the client down to the point of it barely being playable for the sake of decent framerates.

    • Way of the Grim Blade
      • Skill description for Grimreaver (Z) skill refers to the 'Grimreaver' as 'Thrall'.
      • Specialization description in the Martial Tome (K) has an unintended linebreak in the middle of a sentence.
      • Enforcer Soul Badge's third line is incorrectly written.
      • Character Info (F2), as usual, has a ??? for a spec name and a lock for the spec icon.
    • Party Finder (F7)
      • House of Idols lacks a name in the Party Finder.
    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, PhoenixMitra said:

    Greetings everybody,


    This is a great opportunity for us to confirm that violations of our Code of Conduct lead to moderation and possible suspensions of posting privileges. The rules are really clear and we encourage everybody to read over them every once in a while.


    As for reporting the behavior of other players, the correct route to take is to submit a report through the Support team, as they are the only ones who can investigate these reports.


    Thank you!



    Code of Conduct prohibits us from sharing links for cheats and targeting specific players that may or may not be breaking the game rules by using various exploits. Specific player reports should be handled by the Support team for investigation and secrecy purposes just as mentioned by you and the CoC, but we should still be free to discuss the overarching issue involving cheats without threats of account suspensions as long as said rules are followed, which they seem to be here.


    As far as I understand, since the Support team seem unable to forward suggestions for the game's development, the forums seem like the perfect place to discuss the issue in order for you to bring up the issue to those who are able to implement permanent fixes. If the idea is for the community to report all cheating players ourselves to the Support team, then I have to admit it feels like you got hold of the wrong end of the stick. The community is not solely responsible to report the players that violate game rules. It feels very strange that it's on us to make sure your playerbase follows your Rules of Conduct.


    Feel free to correct me if I've misunderstood something. Otherwise I'd love to see this thread continue with constructive criticism for how the issue can be dealt with.

  4. It seems like the DevTracker on the official bladeandsoul.com site isn't refreshing posts made by any of the NC staff since the forum migration. It would be great if it could be fixed, it's a really handy feature.

  5. Stealth Stance does not function properly after the legs of TPK 5000 in the Steelbreaker has broken down and you're standing by the boss's eye to DPS. It continuously puts you out of Stealth when you're meant to deal damage, meaning that you're left to only deal minimum amount of damage through Decoy Stance which is far from optimal.


    Here's a link with timestamp of what mechanic I'm referring to: https://youtu.be/dh7JDeVC9z4?t=283.


  6. On 11/2/2020 at 12:02 PM, Uldrum said:

    Jonathan wrote at the end of 2018 ”Beyond 2018 we will work to port the game into the UE4” I personally thought that meant within the next 5-10 years, Dono why the playerbase expected it within 1-2 years. 


    There is also the fact that a companies roadmaps & Priorities might change overtime and the thing they announced, Is just not on the table any more.

    Despite roadmaps and the like having to get approval from developers before being released, each publisher seems to get very different info on release dates. NCWEST got the info on "some time" 2020 (which is obviously not the plan anymore seeing as it's currently November), RU got Spring 2020, and KR themselves said "shortly" after the release of Frontier World in a now-deleted dev letter from February. We've had plenty of reason to at least expect it this year but as usual, info is neither accurate nor is it consistent with each other.

  7. The Steelbreaker, REV-A DEV-A

    • Attack after Flying Slam in phase start is missing an attack name.
    • Pop-up message An Anodic Piece creates a Magnetic Storm is missing a blank between "a" and "Magnetic Storm".
      • This also applies to the message A Cathodic Piece creates a Magnetic Storm.
    • Like 1
  8. What's likely my biggest pet peeve when using the Shadow (a.k.a Lightning) specialization is that Dynamic Kick is on the RMB key, the same key as Heart Stab. I often find myself accidentally flying past the boss with Dyanmic Kick after e.g a backstep when I'm actually trying to use Heart Stab, since Dynamic Kick is prioritized. It would make a lot more sense to move it to the [F] key to replace Lightning Pierce, seeing as that skill is a lot less valuable than Heart Stab.

  9. Hello @PhoenixMitra,


    The issue has been ongoing for several hours and a member of the Support Team confirmed as such in a ticket three hours ago. Going forward, it would be nice with any form of public confirmation from your end about such issues. You have several communication options available -- please use them!

  10. On 7/26/2020 at 6:20 PM, Hyunkel said:

    We've been removing links containing exploits and identifiable players as per our Code of Conduct. As said before, those types of reports must be directed to Support

    You're absolutely free to discuss any BnS related issue on the forums as long as you keep our CoC in mind. No warnings have been issued so far but we will unfortunately have to from now on.

    Hi Hyunkel! Thanks for pitching in.


    In light of the frustration in this thread, it would be good to receive word on how the issue is being discussed by your team. Has the issue been brought up internally? What has been said? What steps could be taken to deal with the issue? Do you have longterm plans to minimize similar issues in the future?

    Of course, we should aim specific player reports to the Support Team, but it's equally important you fulfill your job as publishers to keep us informed on your internal discussions. This is not an issue caused by one player, it's a whole game issue. Regardless of if feedback and thoughts are being taken into account, the  forum is where communication for this sort of thing should be discussed and responded to. As it stands, all the effort that the community puts in feels as if it falls on deaf ears. The game as a whole feels uncared for with the current lack of engagement from your side.

  11. On 7/14/2020 at 9:02 AM, Grimoir said:

    It is an intended raid mechanic:


    Entering the pool will give the status effect Injection.

    Injection immobilizes and kills the player after 10 seconds. By both players entering the pool, Injection will be removed. Be sure to have both Demonize players communicating through voice chat as to which Firefall they should enter.

    Having Injection removed will give you the status effect Demonize.

    Demonize lasts for 60 seconds. That means the raid is without any Demonize targets in between Firefalls.

    During Demonize, you’re immune to Crimson Energy - the damage over time status effect.

    During Demonize, you cannot benefit from Soulburn or Soul Flare effect.

    After Demonize expiraties, it’ll trigger instant death.

    Once both players enter the pool, a link will be connected between you. Breaking the link will grant access to the most notable damage skill. You break the link by moving very close to the other player in Demonize.


    Some things might have changed after the set of nerfs we got.

    I meant after Demonize has expired, the 60s demon stance. You can't enter again without being stuck for a while.


    By the way, thanks for referring to the guide. I wrote it.

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