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Posts posted by Azaethal

  1. It's become a commonly known fact that reentering the Demonize stance in the Scarlet Empress encounter does not work shortly after Demonize has expired. What's interesting is that there's an unused icon in UPK file 00052219 (file Buff_Debuff_Icon_12_result) on row 4, column 8, that I've yet to see during any part of the boss fight.


    Either there's meant to be a debuff effect that does not show up after Demonize has expired to show when you can reenter the stance, or it can just be a simple bug. Regardless, it would be nice to know whether not being able to reenter Demonize is intended or not. There's an example of the issue in KFM Alisa's YouTube video of their boss clear at around 09:08 that demonstrates the issue.


    I'd be happy to explain the issue further if need be. :)

  2. It would definitely be nice with some additional QA for the localisations. It feels weird to expect the community to report issues for every patch instead of putting in that effort yourselves. It's fine if a mistake or two slips through, of course, but there are constantly issues with every new update; many of which are blatantly obvious issues. This list is soon to turn into three pages and I've unfortunately seen no improvements from the publishers since the thread was created back in early 2019.


    • Halcyon Hills
      • Around the time of the Resonance Strike, the spawned puddles inflicting the Stuck effect are missing attack names.
      • When Jaechun emits Jelly Orbs, the first Split Elasticity Orbs are (probably) meant to be called Elasticity Orbs. The Split ones are created after attacking the orbs, splitting them into two.
      • The "mites" spawned from hitting the Split Elasticity Orbs does not have any name on the tooltip.
      • The abilities of the target that turns into the Jelly Drop (happens when "Jaechun covers someone with Slime") does not have any descriptions on the tooltips.
      • The shockwave from Elasticity Orbs are incorrectly called Mucus Monster in the attack names.
    • Force Master, Way of the Lightning
      • Vantage Soul Badge's first sentence is scuffed.
      • Accolade Soul Badge has some weird text. Might be intended, honestly not sure.

    Speaking of tooltips, it seems there's no stats anymore when you open the preview window. I scavenged through old screenshots for a comparison: https://i.vgy.me/Evo0y6.png. Is this intended or not?

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  3. Force Master's Lightning specalization is bugged when viewing the F2 menu. The talent order is incorrect where the 2nd row's It's Electric! talent is on the first row. On top of that, none of the skills' description shows up when pressing them, and as always, there is no class spec icon.


    Make it a routine to make sure F2 works before a patch, please!

  4. 7 hours ago, Rephiria said:

    PTS crystals instead of Premium Trans. Stone for VT necklace.  Btw 6 PTS for VT necklace yet only 3 for ET necklace, might wanna take care of in-game details if anything.

    Definitely. There's a fair amount of weird systems in place that just doesn't make sense, like how the Weekly Challenge rewards 1x Small Ancient Honing Oil Chests. I thought we were phasing those out.

    7 hours ago, Rephiria said:

    Remove purple stages on Soul, Pet, Talisman and Heart : waste of mats, waste of time.

    I'd actually prefer them doing what they did when retiring the Seraph/Baleful weapon paths for a while. Instead of removing the stages, just put an insignificant cost, like a few Naryu Tablets for each stage. I'm not a big fan of straight up removing some tiers. Just some free progress for players at the start without having to put in much or any work.

    7 hours ago, Rephiria said:

    More crafting guild stuff : Radiant Ring for gem powders, Earthseers for fabrics, just a few example.

    YES. We definitely need a proper supply of Gem Powders. Can't believe I forgot to mention that one.

    7 hours ago, Rephiria said:

    Can we please find a way for account shared achievements ? And by the way, we need more stuff to buy from achievement merchant Kiyeon.

    I would also love having account-wide Achievements. I'm soon rerolling from a character with 5k+ Achievement Points and it's a bit sentimental to drop all that progress just because I want to play another class.


    Also, we need another adjustment to the Hongmoon Level Experience curve, like we had back in the Theater of Mystery update. Here's the line from the patch notes:


    The Hongmoon Level Experience curve has been updated. Your total Hongmoon Experience will not be changed but the amount of Hongmoon Experience required for each level has been reduced.

    It's frustrating barely making any progress when completing quests.

  5. I don't think I can recall any meaningful changes to systems and items for B&S since the original NCWEST team left this game. As a larger update is being prepared for June, I'd love to see more major changes in that department. Here are some of my personal suggestions:


    • Unity is endlessly frustrating. Feedback has been nothing but negative on the Unity system. Adjusting the system to not have the RNG factor would be an amazing start.
    • Drop ratio of Evolved Stones needs severe adjustment. It's not OK for them to be as expensive as they are on the Marketplace. Yes, I know this has been an issue forever. No, I won't stop complaining about it. We were already upset with the average cost being ~20g and I don't think I need to tell you what they're at right now.
    • Adjustments to game economy to prevent the current gold inflation. Gold has zero value, which is mindblowing considering how much of a controlled game environment B&S has. It shouldn't be that hard to control the economy.
    • I challenge the B&S team to put 1000g on the Currency Exchange to see if it sells. This goes hand in hand with the inflation issue. F9 is not acceptable as Hongmoon Coins can only be acquired from Seasonal Ranking rewards and, if you're very lucky, from Venture Tokens.
    • Meaningful equipment cost reductions, not adjustments. With the tools available, NC can see where most players get stuck equipment-wise to make appropriate decisions for the cost reductions. This tool has either been forgotten or is being blatantly ignored. Also, bit of a personal request: decrease the Premium Transformation Stone cost for the Thornbreaker weapon for stages 3-9 please. I'm not in the mood to pay 30x PTS for the cost of around 20,000 gold.
    • Elder Scales are a joke. The most viable option to obtain Elder Scales is completing Cathedra Cliffs solo to take the Elder Scale Fragments for yourself. This is then done hundreds of times for all the equipment upgrades that require this item. Make Hangar 0, Stonescale Passage, and most importantly the next Heroic Dungeon (Peach Garden, as the community named it) drop at least a full scale from the main boss in Easy Mode. Maybe increase the Elder Scales acquired from the Dynamic Quests too while you're at it.


    Feel free to add more suggestions or disagree with my personal 'requests'. :HajoonCheer:

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  6. 2 hours ago, Hime said:

    Thank you all. Yesterday, we updated a few localization issues. There are still issues that need to be resolved (obviously). Our localization has been impacted with the current pandemic, but we will truck on.

    I'm glad to hear that, thanks for the response. Stay safe!

  7. 22 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:

    I'm pretty sure they are, it would be a miracle if they weren't, don't write them off like that, I am sure they are more aware then most players, but it is out of their control to do anything.

    It's hard to believe that considering cases of, for example, someone's character being stuck and a CM pointing them to Support rather than to use the ingame Escape feature.

  8. 15 hours ago, SayhaSeer said:

    at least 50% of population knew about this on the first day, I'm sure, Korean Devs know about it and doesn't have a fix for it either, I've seen a post on Korean forums, every time a new dungeon is about to come out in EU/NA you already know weaknesses of it, although I expected them to fix it before SP Challenge Mode, but I guess not, At this point, 99% of people using it.  as far as I know, SP has 4 types of bugs, 1) Stack Bug, 2) You can view someone else characters camera view or fly around map in camera preview without your character moving, 3) DPS meter bug on last hit in 2 mini bosses, 4. Faction Outfit Solo bug, (Which was fixed on 4/1/2020 I believe). so basically it's full of bugs. 

    I'm not active on the KR forums, and while the playerbase is aware of it, I'm guessing that our staff here in the west aren't. Figured it was good to let them know.

  9. Now that the cat is out of the bag, yeah, the effect Necro-Barrier is bugged. I'm not sure about the specifics, but generally, any stack amount between 1-4 increases damage output from players more compared to removing all stacks. It's very strange.

  10. Yes yes yes. As it stands, apart from the incredibly rare Venture Token drop, the only way to acquire Hongmoon Store items are from the Ranking (F11) rewards. In other words, only those into the PvP scene or the whales with high gear for Den of the Ancients rankings can gain HMC consistently. It's very scummy.

    • Dungeon In Progress has a completely wrong name for Stonescale Passage. This feature's dungeon and boss name being wrong been brought up by Viblo for many other dungeons, not sure how it's something that's not double-checked before patch release at this point.
    • Amasa's Soul Link breakss and sends her into a Berserk Rage in Amasa/Amayun encounter
    • Interactive Karmic Mirrors on the minimap are called Judgment Mirrors in Amasa/Amayun encounter
    • Calls the mechanic Spatial Isolation in the party member list, while it's called Soul Separation in the debuff in Amasa/Amayun encounter.
    • The Eidolon minibosses in Stonescale Passage has some really weird attack and mech names. Feels like it was a straight up Google Translate where you forgot to go back and fix it. Example in screenshot: https://i.vgy.me/H5GWUW.png

    Also, having gone through every single Soul Badge item and Soul Shield effect starting from Skybreak Spire and up, I'm amazed by the inconsistencies. It's such a shame considering how much I like the general naming schemes of item/dungeon/raid/system names. It seems like zero attention is paid to any of the nitty-gritty parts of the localization, even though that's probably what this playerbase cares most about. I'd love to point them all out but well, I'm not getting paid.


    Edit: one thing I will point out: you forgot to change Holy Fire Soul Badge descriptions from the Google Translate version. It's the Holy Fire effect, not Torch. Here's the Korean translation: https://i.vgy.me/jZ4BMJ.png. I hope Google is being paid for the decent work they do for this game :HajoonLaugh:


  11. To go on a bit of a tangent: not just Transformation Stone Crystals should be account bound, but almost everything. Items like Resurgence Tokens, Lesser Demon Spirit Stones, and different Consumables should all be tradable between characters. I put in the effort on one character to obtain said items; if I now want to reroll, I'll have to reaquire them all? Seriously? My hundreds of "food buffs" that I acquired on my main will all go to waste for no reason, just because I can't send them over to my new character. Obviously I have understanding for such items like Blood Roses and Silversteel Ore to be locked to the character you obtained them with, but this game is generally way too restrictive when it comes to being able to play and switch to one's alternative characters.

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