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  1. I can confirm this is the case for many (on NA at least). This is especially weird because this period of login rewards is listed as applying for "2023-12-18 through 2024-4-24" so there's no reason for a discontinuity even with a patch extension. It seems like they aren't even programming the effective dates to match the listed dates anymore. If they did it would allow them to miss deadlines, but they aren't even putting in place the standard failsafes to allow for missing deadlines anymore. (Was there even a notice anywhere about this patch extension?) Maybe they think it's much more important for them to spam post about Neo while not communicating at all about everything wrong with the base game.
  2. Interesting note on this: Korea's market reforms that we would have gotten back in November had they just copy-pasted them made it so that the market only charged 5% as long as you were selling for less than a million gold at a time, 100 or fewer items at a time, and for less than 10 million gold total per day. The likely reason our market reforms were slightly delayed is because they decided not to copy-paste them, and the result we got is that they intentionally changed them to be worse, we're paying 10% even if we sell a single item for 10k gold. The market was about to become usable if they just let it, but they said "nah" for no discernible reason.
  3. They're too busy making "Neo" so players have to rebuy all the cosmetics they already bought to care whether the game works or not. You may ask "what happens when Neo doesn't work either for the same reasons?" and in response I'm hear to announce the exciting new Blade & Soul game "Neo Neo".
  4. Just what the title says, the cosmetics that are an optional reward for Fortune's Favor Tokens, Wild Flower, Wild Flower Earrings, and Wild Flower Illusion Sword, all cannot be stored in the Showroom, and there's no warning on these items indicating as much.
  5. I didn't know there was a problem with this, just opened a Balrok's Glyph, and upon trying to move it to Relic Management it completely disappeared/deleted. Why is there no in-game notice? Why, if you aren't going to fix this in the first patch, would you not simply disallow Relic Management from opening? Like, I'm not even sure what to do here, I have no way to prove it got deleted because there's not even a system message that appears, only one when you open it.
  6. I can confirm that that spot is bugged. On May 31st I landed on it while rolling a 5 and having Premium active, and no reward was given (again said "Surprise Prize" which is always supposed to be a Burning Devotion Chest). I was lucky to take a screenshot that showed "Surprise Prize" on the screen so they can't play dumb. That being said, my "inquiry" still has received no response of any sort.
  7. I'll also report that no one in another discord with ~40 active BnS players has seen the event activate, either. It seems either staff is counting Dragon Express redeems or only players with a modified game are able to access the event (all we're lacking is the link in the Esc menu, which could be modded in after knowing how it worked for previous such events).
  8. There are lots of weird names this patch (especially in the patch notes), but one that actually hurts gameplay is items having different names on the marketplace than in-game, so no one knows how to buy them.
  9. Oh, yes, Parxx is right, they are listed as Premium rewards through Login Rewards, but aren't actually provided, as aren't the one per day for non-Premium players.
  10. We are given Enchanted tickets every day (including as part of Premium rewards), on which it says they are used to "open Hongsil's Treasure Draw", and the current event offers rewards only in exchange for Enchanted Essence which is obtained from Hongsil's Treasure Draw, but Hongsil's Treasure Draw is never available. According the the posted news article, it should be active right now, but it wasn't active yesterday and it's still not active today. Without it activating, we cannot claim the first week's rewards for this event, which will no longer be claimable after next maintenance. (As a side note, the limited time chosen for it is very strange, it's not convenient for most in NA or EU, and it makes it impossible to use the rewards we earn on the last day of the event, since it is timed to occur only after maintenance.)
  11. I don't remember 100%, but I think that's the purple quest in the unlabeled cave on the map of Dragonscale (east edge on the south side). I think it unlocks from completing the Solak act of the story.
  12. This is especially bad because rewards relevant to this event (before the next maintenance specifically) were supposed to be given with ranks. Unless remedied before next maintenance, this failure will ruin the event for people who actually participated in it as it's designed. People will miss hitting diamond rank because of this mistake if it's not fixed in time, and the value of its rewards over 5 weeks is very high (reflecting how much of a commitment players had to put in to get it).
  13. I have no clue if this is the problem you're having as I do not remember the specific quest you are doing, but while leveling a character myself, I've noticed that all of the extra stats given by the exploration journal, unity levels, and portrait collections has made my leveling character able to kill NPCs that you're only supposed to be able to weaken and then they turn invincible and you talk to them. In these cases I have to completely reload the area and then next time I get to that NPC just use skills that aren't intended for damage but do deal a little, like approach skills and CC skills. If this isn't relevant to your problem, then please tell us which Act this Chapter 16 is in so we can figure it out more precisely.
  14. This doesn't really make complete sense. If they're heading toward deleting the game's economy entirely, there would be no reason to tune it one way or the other. Making gold cheaper might even make a few players on the edge of buying gold through the official exchange spend a few extra dollars.
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