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Posts posted by PetPuggi

  1. 10 hours ago, Gman said:

    This is just a pure rip-off to any player that pays money to try to win something. RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG and then you still have to pay for the item.


    This should be forbidden in any country (Belgium is the first) hope all follow soon



    Tbh if NA or other countries in EU bans gambling simulators, BNS will shut down instantly, cause that's the only thing keeping this game alive as the devs can't be bothered to actually make this game play like an actual frickin MMO. The game's combat ran out of flair ages ago and it has pretty much nothing to compete against any other MMO released in recent times, with its complete lack of anything outside of combat. BNS = 6/12 players fighting bosses + gambling simulator, what else is there?

  2. 3 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Or you could just do the 50 runs of each normal mode and have 20-25 AP....

    11 AP is basically no difference in anything.

    Oh yes that sounds totally fun, running like 200 (or was it 250) dungeons PER ALT cause the stupid achievements aren't shared across your account. Yeah totally easy to do right? We know you have no life and love to argue against something just for the sake of it as this post isn't even remotely criticizing NCW, but just out of curiosity how long did you think it would take to do about 1000-1250 dungeon runs, since on average I'm assuming people have about 5 alts? 2 weeks? Compared to a request to easily get a 11 AP achievement so alts can use it.



  3. Why spend the effort and time to coming up with actual content or QoL improvements, when you can just press that big red button to recycle content, recycle events, increases costs, and generate new gambling simulations, then watch the profit roll in? They could literally program a bot to release content for this game, because that's how little creativity that went into everything released in this game since like 2 years ago.

    • Like 1
  4. They're not catering to people who actually stop and use their brain to calculate percentages and prices, and compare them with previous scamboxes. They're catering to the braindead whales who contribute to probably 75% of this game's revenue who don't have the time to afford the luxury of being rational. Even if you double the price of keys in trove the braindead whales will still buy in, cause price is irrelevant. For every person who is getting sick of these bullshit gambling simulators, there's another 3 people who are waiting eagerly to get violated.


    And if anyone didn't realize, instead of 1 free open per day per character (for 99.99999% of the time trash anyways), now it's 1 free open per day per account only after waiting 2 hours. Even trove is getting nerfed cause apparently getting 2 fortune potions per day per account was too much for NCW to afford, gotta make that 1 fortune potion instead.


    This game is basically turning into a casino + dressup simulator (though with pathetic amount of customization) with some combat side elements.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Xzard said:

    Grind? doing one dungeon each day is griding? 

    Is this garbage?

    3 x Harvest Dinner

    1 x Roast Turkey

    1 x Strawberry Shortcake

    1 x Homemade Cookie

    1 x Golden Nebula Stone

    4 x Soulstone Crystal 

    1x Moonstone Crystal 

    4 x Sacred Crystal 

    1 x Elysian Crystal 

    We getting 54 tokens per week, 216 for 4 weeks, 6 oils per character.

    If your standards are so high then I see why you call this trash. No way to reason with a person like you, cya.


    Yeah it's a waste of time arguing with people like you who will eat ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ like this consider them great rewards. Maybe you should learn to read, or possibly count beyond 2.


    1. You have to grind MT AND do the daily dungeon, so it's not "one dungeon". Also MT is getting significantly buffed so it will take almost the same time as a regular dungeon. 1+1=2, in case they didn't teach you that in school. You find it to take the same effort to grind 1 dungeon for a box with same garbage rewards, versus 2 dungeons? Well all the players would love to be you
    2. 1 MS crystal and 1 ely crystal for running two dungeons is great rewards to you? LOL. You do realize the rest of that garbage is, garbage right? Are you playing BnS?
    3. You can only get 5 oils per account per week, maybe you should learn to read first. Also who the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ is gonna waste time grinding every single day on every single char?
    4. In case you didn't realize, it has always been "grind your daily crap to get currency to get oils" since this game's existence


    Learn a few tricks from Grimoir before whiteknighting next time.

  6. 17 hours ago, Xzard said:

    So the event is trash because is different from other events... 

    First event was broken, it will never come back, people had many trash characters to abuse it. get over it.

    And unless Mushin 1-8 becomes too hard for new players, this even sounds good, you get 2 keys from 1 dungeon each day, and 1 bag from Mushin, with 3 tokens, so 6 tokens from Mushin each day. It all depends how fast Mushin can be killed.

    You think it's actually a good thing you have to now grind keys to open regular event chests, when they drop absolute garbage to start with? LOL. We went from free wheel spins... to having to grind another place to even have the privilege to get event currency and wheel spins gated behind cash shop. If you think that's absolutely fine then you have some insanely low standards and is the exact type of player NCW/NCS is catering to.

    • First thanksgiving event: run your daily rotation to craft lootboxes to open up for some awesome RNG loot, which has a chance to drop a key to spin the prize wheel
    • Previous thanksgiving event: run your daily rotation to craft lootboxes to open up for some significantly nerfed, but still slightly-better-than-your-average-trash RNG loot, still has a chance to drop a key to spin the prize wheel
    • This thanksgiving event: run your daily rotation to get absolutely nothing other than event currency (don't tell me event boxes drop anything but event currency, cause they haven't dropped anything since about a year now), while your "prize wheel spins" are now moved to cash shop only


    Great trend you've got going here.


    • Next thanksgiving event, if servers are even alive which is highly questionable: run your daily rotation to get locked boxes, which can only be opened by keys bought in cash shop, with a 50% chance to break the key on each open attempt. Inside the locked box is an RNG chance to drop another locked box, which takes another cash shop key to open, containing a key to spin prize wheel, which has yet another RNG chance to drop another lockbox, taking another cash shop key to open, containing a prize


    Of course, you've also got a crappy reskin costume, the usual slew of trash event prizes, and of course, for the 5,358th time, running dailies to get some currency.


    • Like 1
  7. Basically no credible information as usual. They went to Korea to have some BBQ, that's about it. It's pathetic that RU servers have more info regarding NA/EU servers, than NCW's own staff.


    1. Zero info about UE4 (wtf does "2020" mean, Dec 2020? After NA/EU already shut down?)
    2. Zero info about what's gonna happen to current servers
    3. Zero info about any upcoming classes or new specs
    4. Zero info about any major balance changes or cost "increases" (cause I refuse to use "cost reductions" in this game's context ever again)
    5. Zero info about any upcoming "content" - or right but NCW considers more RNG scamboxes "new content", that's why he put "excited to see this in Dec"
    6. Zero info about any other thing players actually give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about


    @All the whales still putting money in this dying game, there's your money put to use, some plane tickets, hotel charges and some local BBQ.


    I've got an idea. Why don't you introduce a "BNS 1st subscription" on top of the premium? For only another $100 a year you get the actual privilege of playing in UE4 once it releases.

  8. 4 hours ago, Xzard said:

    The fact that you are an antisocial person, doesnt mean that others can't enjoy streams like this, IGNORE them if you don't like them.


    Interested in knowing which universe you come from where dislike of irrelevant, pointless, inaccurate and complete waste of time streams = antisocial, or actually equating the useless garbage they spew out with a "stream". Have you actually seen a proper MMO stream before? Are you the type of person who spends 2 hours a day watching "2hr nonstop loop of spongebob giggling" on youtube and get your entertainment value from that? Cause that has about the same entertainment value as NCW's streams, objectively speaking. Maybe it's a lightbulb moment for you but most people actually want to see streams that aren't a complete waste of time, and at least has a 50% credibility in what they're blabbing about, something that NCW's streams can only dream to achieve once their credibility goes above zero.

  9. 5 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Players. they are the only supply and demand in the game. Not the publisher and not the devs.

    Are you serious? That is the stupidest ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ I have ever heard from you, which is saying a lot considering you pretty much camp here 24/7 defending absolutely everything this company does, putting even FO76 white knights to shame. Players are to blame for mat prices skyrocketing when NCS/NCW are the ones controlling upgrade costs AND drop rates?


    So you're saying drivers control the supply of gasoline in a country that doesn't depends on importing from another country? So if that exporting country suddenly stops providing gasoline and gas price skyrockets, it's the drivers' fault for causing prices to skyrocket right? Totally not the fault of the exporting country? If NCW/NCS one day decides to decrease all mat drops to ZERO, put them all in cash shop, and increase costs to upgrade weapon by 500%, essentially creating zero supply but infinite demand, it's still players' fault for driving a moonstone to 50g in F5 right? Cause players are greedy a-holes for "wanting upgrade materials to upgrade their gear"?


    Did you leave your common sense out the door today?

    • Like 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Galeon81 said:

    Assuming all the prices above are from f5, I don't think it's right to blame NCS/NCW. It's the community who decide the prices of those items, and as @Grimoir pointed out, more demand results in higher prices. That's basic economy. As the weapons & accessories progresses, players will need more & more mats to upgrade their gears.


    Should the dev team start create ceiling price for each items on the market in order to manage the economy? Most likely they will recommend you buying from f10 instead.   

    You clearly didn't get the point of this post if you think it's about setting a ceiling price.

    Greatly increase demand + greatly decreased supply, what do you think will happen to the price? You think players are just being ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ purposely agreeing to all set price higher than normal? Basic supply and demand you learn in like first year of high school. And who do you think causes the increase in demand and decrease in supply? If you know the answer to that question then you'll know what I'm talking about in OP.

  11. Just wanna throw this out here. Costs of mats in NA:


    1. Transformation stone: 21g. 100% increase from old price of 10g just a few weeks ago
    2. Moonstone: 9-10g. Almost 100% increase from old price of 5-6g
    3. Sacred orb: 2.1g. 50% increase from ~1.5g
    4. Elysian orb: 8g. 50% increase from ~5.5g
    5. Soulstone: 80s. I don't remember exactly how much it was before but I'm pretty sure it increased by at least 25%
    6. Evolved stone: 20g. I'm guessing it's probably at least 30% increase compared to before this patch
    7. PTS: ~430g. About a 10% increase, which I'm surprised, would've expected it to hit 500g by now
    8. Oil: 475g. I'm guessing at least a 25% increase


    Getting your dailies done on a low gear alt, i.e. doing 2-4 easy dungeons, yields maybe enough gold to buy ONE transformation stone and enough mats to craft a HALF (thanks to NCW gating tradeable moonstones behind your wallet aka 6v6 epeen contest). How generous. Yeah one stage of a raven 3 weapon will only take a week of dailies. :giggle:


    Most if not all gold and mats have been nerfed in every place in this game (including how crafting transformation stones has the same cost as before but yields 33% less which is the single biggest FU in this patch) while costs have actually increased thanks to this current joke of a patch. Now factor in new players have a truckload of different gear to upgrade, and all of them pretty much have a million stages to reach costing exponentially more mats (remember the good times when it was literally just 2 tiers, purple and legendary? If you had true scorpio you were "nearly endgame"), while NCW/NCS finding excuses to nerf drops literally every other patch, I'm surprised why newcomers don't instantly uninstall once they even take a 2sec look at the upgrade tree and calculate all the costs.


    And for all the white knights saying "go farm your mats", where do you think mats came from 2 months ago, out of my ass? People still farm them the same way since the game's launch. Common sense tells you higher demand + lower supply due to nerfed drops creates a higher price point. Go take a look on wiki before spewing some "players are too lazy to farm now which is why prices are higher" bullshit.

  12. The differences:


    1. There are no GMs in NA/EU (which is honestly a first I've heard in any MMO)
    2. CM's don't play the game, they probably play black desert or games from other competitors :giggle:
    3. CM's really don't give a crap about anything in this game or its players. They're just a copy/paste messenger for whatever lies and scams NCS feeds them. You could probably program a bot that auto-posts to forum/website/twitter and it'll do the exact same thing

    That's why it looks like streams are done by someone who just heard of BnS a day before the stream. It would be like me hosting a stream about Fallout 76 when I haven't even played it, and just going in with info I googled.

  13. Yes it's common knowledge this game has probably some of the worst optimization in the entire gaming industry, but what kind of black magic ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ery results in the lowest possible settings (everything on 1 or unchecked + optimize for low end PCs) having the exact same fps and stuttering as near-max settings?? I have a low-mid end machine so I usually play on medium settings (shadows off, texture at max, most effects at 2-3), so I tried setting everything to max (except shadows, those are still off), and I'm getting the exact same poor performance as pre-2000-level graphics of lowest settings + optimize for low end PCs. This defies any logic.

  14. Why even bother writing patch notes, or anything in news section, when you pretty much have ZERO confidence on their accuracy, and ZERO credibility for players at this point? Getting two major events in a row completely ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed up, getting all 3-4 streamers (like literally the only people in NA/EU who still gives a crap about this game on social media) angry at you, then right after that, ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ up your mini-event rewards as well. Like who in the world would trust anything you write in the patch notes now? You might as well just put patch notes in an RNG box and call it a day because whatever we get in all future patches, will likely be random. It's like you're trying your hardest to compete with Bethesda/EA at your relationship with the player base.


    By the way, for the people who think the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤up with the "speed run event" aka swiping/whoever-has-the-fastest-SSD contest is not really significant, some people got 400 moonstone/elysian crystals as the reward while the rest of us got complete trash. That amount is enough to cover like 2 alts all the way to aransu 9 with a basic set of soul/heart, and will take the average player at least a MONTH of grinding to get. Yeah totally fair.

  15. 9 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    the "old" merchant of wonders as you call it, was a event that happened from time to time. So if they go back to that you wont be getting the merchant spawning everytime, only during the event period.

    I'd rather have it NOT SPAWN at all, than spawn with absolute trash. In other words I'd rather have zero expectations with a game like this, than repeated disappointment. Why is it even called "merchant of wonders" when 99.9% of the time the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ he sells is worse than regular NPCs or even F10?

  16. 19 hours ago, Hellfeather said:



    Overall, a very good event, a few mishaps here and there with the categories and grouping which have obviously been highlighted. 
    Yeah the rewards were definitely incorrectly applied. Everyone got a bunch, of rewards, even for a casual player like me (I am able to clear the hardmode stuff) who logs in for dailies was able to achieve what would have been 40x soulstones 40x sacred crystals (instead it was 20x bundles so I got 800 of each).


    No complaints here, for the minimal effort and time one put in, even with the proposed CORRECT rewards, it still would have been really nice. 

    You do realize ss/sacred crystals are COMPLETELY useless for like 50%+ of players right? When we have like 10k of each and no endgame gear requires them or require them in minuscule amounts? I'd rather take my CORRECT rewards of just 20 moonstone/elysian crystals than this ss/sacred crystal trash. You also realize there are people who actually put in effort in the event? Claiming that the event gave you free stuff for not putting in any effort therefore it must be good, despite giving completely wrong rewards, is a complete bogus argument.

  17. 1 hour ago, ElectricPotato said:

    I encourage you to reread the thread.  The specific line of mine you quoted is a response to Cyans specific questions, and references the screen capture of my item claim directly above it. 


    I'm not saying we should have gotten the ss/sacred, I'm saying thats what plopped into my claim instead.


    The tier description text I put together from players sharing their claim screen images with me which are included in above post.


    • (EM) Mid Tier Top xx% --Category 1
    • (EM) Top Tier Top xx% -- Category 2
    • (HM) Top Tier Top xx% -- Category 3
    • Premium bonuses include the same text but with the word "Premium" in it

    Participation rewards look different

    • Easy mode participation reward (Category 1 OR 2)
    • Hardmode  participation reward (Category 3)

    If you did not receive Category 2 rewards, perhaps you placed higher in 1 or 3, disqualifying you from C2 rewards.  If you like, post a screen of  your item claim and I can assist you with puzzling over which reward category you were in and such. 


    In response to your concern about moonstone crystals, a major purpose of the thread is to demonstrate a problem with the below  circled box ,unknown.pngunknown.png

    trying to demonstrate that ss/sacred crystals were given out in reality instead of the listed MS/Elysian.

    If your post was responding to NCW then yeah that makes sense, grammar is funny sometimes, I thought you were indicating that ss/sacred crystals are the CORRECT reward. In my reward box I got exact same one as your screenshot, "(EM) top tier top 50%" which I assume should be category 2, the ms/elysian crystals, NOT the ss/sacred crystals that we got. So now we're on the same page.


    NCW, explanation?

  18. How is it even remotely fair that the timer starts when the first person enters the dungeon when every player has different loading times?? I mean who came up with this? Defies common sense. Does your 100 meter sprint starts when the athlete leaves his/her home? Or does it start when every person is actually ready? Shouldn't the timer start when the first enemy is engaged, or even better, when the first boss is engaged (cause that's all it matters when it comes to dps anyways, clear as day this is a contest for whoever swipes more)? You could end up with a very whale party, but a few people load a bit slower than others, and there goes your ranking. In fact I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me cause my DST party was whale to the core and killed each boss in like 10sec yet failed to even make top 50%, makes zero sense.


    I guess the only explanation I can think of is implementing a timer that makes sense is too complex. :giggle:

    • Like 2
  19. 26 minutes ago, ElectricPotato said:

    Please note that the (EM) Top-Teir Top 50% award is soulstone crystals and sacred crystals rather than the ms/elysian (crystaled, you mentioned.

    And where are you getting this information from? Nowhere on the event page does it mention wtf "EM top tier" means. Unless they're going by some cryptic English, isn't "top tier" supposed to be more difficult/better than "mid tier"? So wouldn't that correspond to "category 2" which is BC/DST/WC/CC?


    I ran DST with a group of ET-geared whales, how in the world did I not even make top 50% for "category 2" unless NCW is using some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ed up timer? Instead I got a bunch of ss/sacred crystals which are complete trash. Only point of even bothering with this are the moonstone crystals.

  20. 7 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Today from doing only the 6 daily dungeons:


    Congrats, you got maybe 10% of a SINGLE Raven/Aransu tier weapon upgrade, or maybe 2% of a GC/ET tier weapon upgrade. in 2 hours of grinding, Yes totally fine.

    If you want to defend NCW at least make an effort to fabricate your data a little. /4head

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