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Posts posted by PetPuggi

  1. OP sounds like the type of sour grape who probably got banned in another game for botting, and now feels hostile towards anyone else who does it even when it gives the botter nearly ZERO advantage. Fishing in this game is the most pointless thing I've ever seen in a game. First of all I wonder why people even do it when it gives nearly ZERO rewards and is probably the lamest, most boring thing you could put into a MMO. It's pathetic even freemium MOBILE games have better fishing "mini-games" that requires some degree of reflexes. Second of all even if they do bot it, what advantage are they getting and how does it affect OP's gameplay in any way? Oh wow they didn't sit in front of a screen pressing F once every 15sec with brains turned off, they're totally getting an unfair advantage over other players eh? Are you the type of person who also reports people for using the in-game auto-run key as well, since technically that is "botting" as well as you're not holding a key down? Or reporting people for using macros as that technically gives you WAY more advantages over other players than fishing?


    And no I don't do this pointless "fishing botting", because I don't even find it worth my ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing electricity bills to do this crap even if botting.

  2. Solving performance issues doesn't bring in $$$, because the most of the max gear whales, aka the people who actually care about steamrolling through new content on release day, don't have performance issues, or they do have performance issues but they've already spent too much $$$ to afford the luxury of quitting the game. Hence why we got ZERO performance improvements since launch day, but new content and new pay2win schemes released almost every month that 95% of the player base really don't give a crap about.

  3. 3 hours ago, Noobis said:

    To be 100% honest this post is what is wrong with NA/EU. in KR they get special titles for being top 10. we get a title for just killing it in the allowed time.

    Everyone should have had enough time to do upgrades with the Nerfs to cost of gear and Nerfs to Raids to get gear. not only that but w/ Trove being out and over all making TT wep mats and Soul cost cut. If you missed your chance to upgrade then. why are you here now crying that you cant do the DPS needed?

    I really wish NCWest would just give us what KR got, and only top 10 players got a title. because what is the point of being end game player and having the same stuff as everyone eles? there is only 1 thing in BNS that truly locks you out of titles and that is CM. because if you are bad at CM. you will never get a title.

    but that is not the point.  the point is you need to take advantage of the reductions that NCwest works hard to get for you and upgrade. Stop sitting on gold, stop coming on to forums and crying about this or that., go play the game. go farm mats, GO UPGRADE, go do more dps

    Your post is what's wrong with NA/EU.

    Use your common sense. Do you think every single player here played since the start? You think everyone can get GC9/max soul just because they spend a lot of effort? You think the little nerfs here and there NCW showers on us in these events is enough to get people to do frickin 2mil dps? LOL.

    Want to beat this event but you didn't start playing since 2 years ago? You open up your wallet, period.

    • Like 1
  4. Unless NCW decides to actually properly modify the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ enrage timer to NA/EU gear levels this time, which I very very very highly doubt, the upcoming "hae mujin" event is just going to be a clone of the infamously bad turtle/DT boss event we had recently where it's just a blatant wallet check and nothing else, except with even HIGHER dps requirements. You're looking at AT LEAST 2mil/sec considering this boss doesn't stand there and let you whack it like a training dummy and it has over three times more HP than the turtle.


    I can already feel the excitement of 99% of the player base finding another opportunity to take a break from this game for 5 weeks.


    [Insert X number of "oh but it's not pay2win since you don't need to participate in this event" or "players who can't do 2mil dps don't deserve to get GC steels/wings or a cool costume as prizes" type of white-knighting comments below ↓↓↓]

    • Like 1
  5. I like how in the infamously bad "turtle" event (where you had to kill that 250m hp turtle in 4min) NCW's idea of "endgame/whale" tier rewards are TT SS 1-3 and GC steel. It just proves how clueless they are at their own game (which has been proven dozens of times through their embarrassing livestreams). I wouldn't be surprised if they still think whales with 2k AP need HQ hearts and silver scales.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm sure most people will actually do some basic math before deciding to buy this scam of an item but the fact that it barely saves you ANY mats/gold is some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ design to start with.


    It costs a whopping 55 event currency to buy this garbage, and it only saves you:


    • You save 1 PTS but have to pay 25 regular trans stones instead, which comes out to the EXACT SAME COST (really NCW?)
    • 5 ms crystal
    • 5 ely crystal
    • 180 ss crystal
    • 180 sacred crystal
    • 50g


    Now the mats are pretty much worthless since they're such tiny amounts and no one with an A9 weapon has a shortage of ss/sacred crystals, so the only thing you're saving is 50g. You can buy a vial with 45 event currency, who in their right mind would trade 55 currency for 50g??


    Why does this item even exist?


    And no I didn't accidentally buy this scam, where the only purpose is obviously to screw around with careless people or people terribly bad at math. I was looking at which oil gives the best discounts and noticed this.

  7. On 23/06/2019 at 10:03 AM, Grimoir said:

    it literally was always 5g ever since the beginning....that's 15g cheaper than dragon express, so the price is stil lreally good, plus at least I got a lot of 3x jewels and 20x jewels.

    It's 5g + 1 sacred crystal + 1 elysian crystal in DE. Sacred crystals are completely worthless, so essentially you're saving ONE elysian crystal. Wow such a good "deal". There's NO excuse for still keeping it as 5g in trove, the only reason it's 5g is because the devs are too ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing lazy to change it after they reduced the price in DE from 20g to 5g.


    Maybe you should learn to read or remember stuff before white knighting as usual.


  8. 44 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    And whos to say you have to it NOW? If you didnt bother to upgrade your current accessories i doubt you would have done anything for the 3rd spec.


    it requires 5 emblems, not 50, which isnt a pain to grind.

    Do you actually think before you post?


    If I don't upgrade my accessories to stage 10 within the next 3 weeks it means I'll never upgrade it? LOL. Did you read the part where I said the jewels expire in 3 weeks? Obviously not. What if they're alts? I'm half expecting some usual bullshit like "alts don't deserve to have accessories higher than stage 1".


    Also it IS 50 fragments. You think CoS mobs drop the whole emblems? Or do they drop fragments? And yes it IS a pain to grind because it requires running the damn place at least 20 times. Or are you admitting to playing a private server where they drop whole emblems and only take you like 2 runs?


    Might want to learn to read, or use your brain, before white knighting around as usual.

    1 hour ago, Nivalias said:

    Don't have to think hard on this one. Last event was last event, and the new spec is new event. And given that you can't collect of the event materials now to upgrade any of them accessoires, what in blazes made you think you could use them on the new spec to begin with?

    Uh, getting the new spec to 10 costs just as much, I don't see your point there. 100 Jewels are about enough to get at least one piece of equipment to Stage 10.

    Still waiting for that to happen to the demon spirit stones and black rose feathers. But that's only wishful thinking.

    New spec is an event? Lolwut.


    What made me think I can use them on accessories. How about because they're the SAME DAMN ACCESSORIES? Did it say ANYWHERE in the patch notes that dragon jewels "only work on old specs"? So according to your logic if we get a discount on the soul or a new tier is released, existing vials shouldn't work? Because according to you these would be considered "new events".


    Did you read the part where I said I'm not in a hurry to get them to 10 and the only reason that's even an issue is because the dragon jewels expire in 3 weeks?




    I swear this forum is like reddit at 2am where the only posts you'll see are shitposts or white knights who are lobbying to make this game 10x as grindy.

  9. This makes absolutely NO sense.


    First of all, rarely anyone reads every single post on the forum. If it's not posted in patch notes, why are players expected to know what's gonna happen?


    Second of all, why can't we use it to upgrade the exact same accessories?? How were we supposed to know this when grinding the last event EVEN if we scoured the forum when the post by that mod was written only a week ago? I wasted all that time for absolutely nothing? The whole point of even doing all that stuff was so I save like ~500g + countless mats on my BM's third spec. This is like saying it costs 5 tranquility emblems to go from fire bracelet to lightning bracelet, but 10 emblems to go from fire/lightning to 3rd spec. Wtf?


    Can a mod clarify WHY they purposely made it so 3rd spec is "special" and don't deserve to have the same discounts as other specs on the EXACT SAME accessories?


    It's frustrating and pure BS that I have to now discard the 100+ jewels I actually worked hard for in the last event for no reason. At least let us exchange them for regular jewels then? I don't care if it's at 2:1 rate even, better than nothing?


    (Please don't tell me "oh just get all 4 accessories to stage 10 then swap". It costs an insane amount of mats and gold to get them to 10, what if I don't have enough resources to get BT ring + ear + VT neck + bracelet all to 10 right now? Not to mention bracelet costs 50 tranquility fragments to exchange which is a complete pain to grind. Also, event jewel expires in 3 weeks.)

  10. 32 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    the main point of the current event was accessory upgrade, everything else is a little extra.

    So is the main point of every event 1-2 years ago, yet they easily dropped oils/pet packs/hearts/RK souls which were all valuable at the time. This was on top of the NPC that trades event currency.


    A nerf is a nerf no matter how you look at it, especially one this blatantly huge. Also this is not even considering events used to take way less effort and probably 2x quicker, and gear required barely half the mats to upgrade.

  11. ~150 chests opened:


    • 1 GC steel
    • 0 pet packs
    • 0 vials
    • 0 PTS
    • 5 HQ hearts (lmao why is this rare?)


    There's a saying if you have zero expectations you can't be disappointed. Well I had zero expectations of this game's events since probably a year ago, but I'm still disappointed because the drop rates is even MORE atrocious than last event (which I also created a post with 0 PTS/vials). At least last time I had like 3-4 GC steels and iirc a few pet packs.


    NCWest, at this rate, you should be careful that your automatically-diminishing drop rates of these chests, which is obviously VERY close to zero right now, don't hit a negative number and end up deleting our existing PTS/vials/pet packs/steels.


    Here is another player's video with similar results: 



    What a joke. I mean you might as well remove them from the loot table and it wouldn't make a difference? In fact it would be better, because then at least NCW will be considered honest instead of deceitful. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, KlausFlouride said:

    Let me break it down so you can understand how everyone of these RNG type boxes works: anything nice (eg. PTS, oils, pet pods, etc.) that has a percentage symbol next to it has less than 1% drop rate. There was a post where some of the boxes had the rates, instead of the %, next to them and the rates were roughly <1%. Look on the sub-Reddit for this game; every time one of these RNG/Trove type of events happens someone buys crazy amounts of the boxes and opens them (see above rates). I have opened enough boxes/Trove keys to know that above 100% true. Trove is a bit of a different animal in that it seems the closer to the end of the event the worse the rates get; the rates seem to drop off a cliff after the first week.

    Did you bother reading past the first sentence?

    1. I know what the % means, I've played this game for 2 years, not 2 days, otherwise why would I compare against previous events?
    2. Good items are ALWAYS locked behind the "%". But in previous events the "%" did NOT mean <1%, they were more like 5%+ because each one of my alts got AT LEAST one good item (PTS, oil, DGS, wheel spin ticket, etc). In other words the drop rate was fair. The earlier we go the less scammy these events were
    3. They're clearly <1% NOW because NCW relentlessly nerfs drop rate EVERY single patch, as stated, a completely ridiculous drop rate. Assuming they halve the drop rate with every event, by the time we're in May 2019 I assume the drop rate to be <0.5%


  13. 5 characters, total of 150+ pouches, here are my results:

    • 0 PTS
    • 0 pet pod
    • 0 vials
    • 1-2 GC steel

    But did get a bunch of SUPER useful things like gem hammers, blackstones and raven feathers. Yeah I'm sure we need raven feathers in 2019, or gem hammers when they're nearly free to craft.


    What's the drop rate this time, half of last event, i.e. 0.01%? If you keep this automatic nerfing of event pouches going, soon they'll be 0% (tbh they might as well be 0% right now and it wouldn't make a difference). Last year or the year before that you could easily get a few DGS/vials from event pouches PER character, ON TOP of the stuff you trade with farmed currency. I highly doubt the drop rate right now is even 1/5 of the drop rate of last year's.


    More and more troves and RNG boxes + continuous nerfs to every useful drop in this game + gear being exponentially more expensive to upgrade with each tier, gee I wonder what that implies.


    • Like 3
  14. 16 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Because you should earn your gear through raids not get it as freebies. Main source of soulshields are the raids, everything else: msp, wings etc is just a extra.

    Main source of SS are from raids? Lmao.

    Is this your first day of playing this game? Raids drop like 1-2 pieces per boss shared between ELEVEN classes in a party of TWELVE. Do you honestly think people are depending on raid drops for their SS? It'll take people 2 years to get a full set that way. How many times can you run raids a week? ONE. The chances of you getting a usable piece is ~9%, and chances of getting non-garbage rolls on it is like <1%. You speak as if you can actually farm raids.

    1 hour ago, Grimoir said:

    If you really think this you are completely not understanding the meaning of raids. It makes perfect sense. you are not supposed to get the 3 set if you havent set foot in TT. Those shields shouldnt even be in MSP. the only reason they are is because of the lazyness of the players.

    Farming MSP is lazy? LOL.

    Spending 30-60 minutes for 3-4 purple stones when each soul shield costs like 40-50, yeah totally for "lazy" players. Only takes like 10 hours to get one piece, not counting the amount of time wasted recruiting people.

    Fact check. MSP is there because they realized TT SS drop rate is pure ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ in TT and they don't want 90% of the player base to be stuck in VT SS, not because people are "lazy". Do you honestly think people would farm that cancerous pile of rubbish aka MSP if there were better ways to acquire TT SS? Are you implying you never set foot in MSP and all 8 pieces of your TT SS came strictly from TT boss drops? If you farmed MSP, then you pretty much just admitted you're the lazy bum mentioned in your own comment.


    Next time think before whiteknighting

  15. On 10/04/2019 at 12:15 PM, Grimoir said:

    if the game was really dying everytime someone said its dying it would have died at least 100+ times....

    Once again the cringeworthy white knight strikes with a hilarious comment.

    What do you think a server merge means, population is increasing and game is doing great? Do you honestly think they'll keep a server up just for 100 whales when there are no f2p left? And do you honestly think whales will even stay when that happens? Oh yeah great game, a total of 100 players, will only take 2 hours to find a party, whales will totally dig that. Oh and did you forget 90% of the whale entertainment in this game is one-shotting casuals in 6v6?


  16. Pretty sure this is already mentioned but easily buried in the dozen other threads venting about this event, so here's just one glaring thing.

    NCW why in the world did you give us a copy/paste event from KR server when our gear is way behind compared to theirs, not to mention our gaming culture is also different?? In KR server literally every other person is a no-lifer or whale, whereas there are WAY MORE casuals in NA/EU server, so max TT gear for them is probably like max VT gear for us. This is pretty much the equivalent of releasing brood chamber or CoS when our endgame raid is BT, would that make any sense? Did you actually pay attention to our gear level in NA/EU server? This event is really questioning that. Yeah let's try to close the gap between NA/EU and the Asian servers by releasing identical events instead of actually giving significant boosts to gear.

  17. 13 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    Certain raid chests have a chance for powders, boxes you get from crit crafting have gem powders, considering to make an octa you only need 8 powders now thats like 100g to buy them from market.


    Do you actually think before constantly white knighting? Highly doubt it.


    1. Raid chests have a chance for powders? LOL. Yeah getting 1-2 powders every month from BT is definitely enough since their drop rate is probably <5%, or are you playing a private server where BT chests have a 100% chance to drop powders?

    2. Crit crafting? LOL. Yeah I'm sure people should also expect to get venture tokens from chests as their staple source of HM coin too

    3. Do you honestly think octa's are the only problem? You need 8 to make one octa, the costs just go up exponentially from there. There are ZERO sources of powders in this game outside of whaling, what do you think is going to happen to the powder prices? Does it even remotely make sense that everyone needs hundreds of powders, yet there are no ways to get it?


    Reading this guy's posts makes me cringe so bad every time. It's almost like he's NCW's official white knight bot or something, if you look at his post history (he has like what, 3000+ posts?), every single one is literally responding to comments that that remotely criticizes this game and defending them no matter how retarded it may sound.

  18. There is a difference between difficult and downright impossible due to gear check.

    Difficult = realmrift dungeon without soju (when we had it the first time), where people can actually participate and have a chance at clearing, where it was based mostly on skill

    Downright impossible = this current garbage

    Get your facts straight.

    • Like 2
  19. 12 hours ago, DFVWDSCX said:

    1.The purpose of the event is to make players stick to the game.


    2.The mech of free online game is: the longer the player stay online, the more willingness to spend money. 


    3.Everyone want a free lunch, therefore ppl who got orb shards would like to put on market rather than using it for few worthless items (well maybe not for the gem, but the drop rate is kind of low). So u see, even supply is plentiful, it still takes quite a lot time to finish these two dungeons due to quite a lot of player don't want to use a orb. This explains the price of the orb shards drop sharply due to oversupply, and the actual demand is not that big, since most of ppl wanna a free ride and sell it on the market. 


    4. True whales never bother the event, simply buy on market or Hongmoon store, divine grace stone is not cheap unless u can do vt.




    The logic of people in this forum is amusing sometimes.


    1. You think players will stick to this game when they can't even participate in the damn thing? Oh wow great event, too bad I can't even enter it but I'm supposed to enjoy it anyways? Lol


    2. You think the half an hour people waste doing this Jeopardy fast clicker simulation will encourage them to spend more money?


    3. Supply is plentiful? LOL. First of all if supply was plentiful do you honestly think the orb would cost a whopping 35-40g each? When have you heard of a dungeon that costs 35-40g to even enter? You realize the REASON it's so damn expensive is because supply is pretty much nonexistent? You think average joes in this game actually buy those orbs? The only people who buy those orbs are whales who want to farm this place for the merchant, or generous whales sharing the orb with their clan


    4. If you actually read my last sentence, I clearly said whales who want to farm this place AFTER the event. Obviously whales don't bother with the pathetic rewards in this event because it's the average players who actually need to benefit from these event prizes. Who in their right mind grinds these boring af borderline retarded event dungeons just for fun? If it wasn't for the event soul + costume I wouldn't even get anywhere within a 50-mile radius of those creepy demented fatsos voice acted by someone with severe autism

  20. Remove orb requirement for CS/HM for the duration of the event, because simple math tells us there are nowhere NEAR enough orbs floating around to be used. 


    People have already used up the "free orbs" you gave because it's been nearly a week now. Anyone can take one look at F8 and realize 95% of the parties for CS/HM now are "YOYL" or "need orb" or "daily only cause no orbs boo", does that sound right? Of course everyone wants the stupid orb removed permanently but we all know that's not gonna happen since NCS enjoys introducing strife among players. The purpose of an event is to, you know, actually participate in it? And to obtain items in a slightly easier way than regular grinding. I don't think anyone's gonna disagree being able to enter CS/HM just ONCE a day for ONE event currency and a small chance at spawning that merchant (which usually sells complete trash anyways) is reasonable for event rewards? Especially since the rate you earn event currency is one of the slowest we've ever seen? What's the point of this if players can't even participate??


    You can re-introduce the orb after the event is over so the whales who actually give a crap about farming the merchant actually has to spend some $$ to get those orbs, no one is going to mind that tbh.

    • Like 2
  21. Only 2-3 failed attempts at entering MOML? Heh I think the average number is more like 20-30+ before a successful attempt.


    NCW you proud of yourself right now? Turning your EVENT into a complete clicker-fest? See who can click the fastest to even participate while 90% of people can't enter cause you decided to limit the frickin entry ticket for no apparent reason?


    I'm gonna get some popcorn and wait to see the white knights galloping into here with some more retarded excuses for why "there's nothing wrong with this".

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