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Posts posted by PetPuggi

  1. 14 hours ago, Kitsune Takahashi said:

    Really I can understand your pain but hear me out. You basically said you waited to see if they reduced the amount of materials needed to craft the oils in hopes of making even more oils to either use yourself or as a source of income in-game to help fund your character. Are you really mad at them or yourself since again "you waited". Sure I watched the stream but as they say things don't always go according to plan or in this case updates. Now onto why they offer the reset and the orb. You get 1 orb which lets you run Heaven's Mandate everyday well at least for a week and the same amount of resets which so happen also reset Cold Storage. One could argue not to reset Heaven's Mandate since unless you are doing Boss 2 in Cold Storage it doesn't require the orb, thus giving you a 2nd free run of it everyday for more frozen feathers, lesser demon spirit stones, merchant of wonder chance if I'm not mistaken. But *shrug* Have fun.

    Here we have the 2nd white knight in this forum that pretty much defends everything NCW does no matter how trashy it is. Not gonna even bother arguing the lack of common sense displayed here since that'll be like discussing theory of relativity with a mongoose.

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